Medieval Europe Benchmark Part 1

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1 point
Why did King John raise the taxes?
1 point
Who forced King John to sign the Magna Carta?
1 point
In return for an oath of loyalty to a king, a lord received a(n)
1 point
In order for a squire to become a knight, he first had to…
1 point
Why was Jerusalem so important?
1 point
As people began to specialize in products, they needed space to be able to trade. What were these centers of trade called?
1 point
In order to be a knight, men first had to be a...
1 point
The feudal system required vassals to pledge _________________ to their lords.
1 point
What was the benefit to joining the clergy for non-noble men?
1 point
Edward Farmer has been put in charge of the lord’s fields. Originally, the manor only had 2 fields. One grew the crops and the other was fallow. However, Edward does not think this is an effective way of farming. He decides to add one more field, for a total of 3 fields. Two fields grow crops and 1 will be fallow. This new 3-field farming method led to
1 point
The goal of the manor was to be
1 point
Medieval knights had to follow a code of
1 point
During the fall of Rome, trading decreased. It did not return to medieval society until
1 point
Which is not a member of the clergy?
1 point
Read the feudal contract below, then answer the question

I, Pippin Smith, promise by my faith that from this day forward, I will be faithful to my Lord Leopold. In return for the plot of land and hut that Lord Leopold has promised to provide me, I pledge half of the food my family grows, as well as provide the lord’s knights with new swords every year.

The feudal contract above is between
1 point
What is is called when members of the clergy suffer for te sake of others?
1 point
Why did so many people agree to go fight in the crusades?
1 point
Arthur Baker specializes in baking pastries. He works with a group of other pastry bakers, practicing and improving their craft. Other groups of peasants in his town specialize in different products, as well. What are these groups called?
1 point
A young man in the first stage of knighthood