lesson 5 Comprehension

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1 point
Which of these sentences from the passage in NOT an example of hyperbole?
1 point
How are the events in "Stormalong" SIMILAR to the events in "Hoderi the Fisherman"?
1 point
Read the sentence from the passage.

But all the time Stormy was watering, hoeing, picking, and planting, he knew he still had not found a home.

What does the sentence above reveal about the passage?
1 point
How does Stormy feel as a child growing up on Cape Cod?
1 point
Why is Stormy disappointed when he arrives in Boston?
1 point
Which text from the passage shows that Stormy loves the ocean?
1 point
When do the sailors on THE LADY OF THE SEA begin to accept Stormy?
1 point
Read this sentence from the passage.

A giant baby three fathoms tall---or eighteen feet!---was crawling across the sand, crying in a voice as loud as a foghorn.

Why is the sentence above an example of hyperbole.
1 point
How is "Stormalong" DIFFERENT from "Hoderi the Fisherman"?
1 point
How do the sailors show how much they care about Stormy?