
  1. All Questions are compulsory. 
  2. All questions carry equal marks.
  3. Enter all information in CAPITAL letter.
  4. Enter your Complete USER ID as mentioned in the Roll call list like For First Year 2020BMS0001, Second year 2019BBI0098, Third Year 2018BBI001.
  5. Enter Your Class like FYBSCIT or FYBBI or SYBBI in CAPITAL letter do not put space in between.
  6. The clock displayed has been set as per our server time. There is a countdown timer at the top right corner of the screen which will display the time within which you have to complete the exam.
  7. The exam will start at the exact time as notified in the examination time table.
     Click one answer from the options (radio buttons) to select your answer.
  8. If there is a power failure or network problem while you are attempting the exam, do not close the browser wait for some time, and then try again.
  9. After you start the examination it will end automatically after the stipulated time elapses provided you are logged in to the exam portal during the time elapses. 
  10. If you close the exam window without ending the test, your result will NOT be considered.
  11. Once the examination time is up, you will not be able to attempt it again.
  12. You need to complete the exam in the mentioned time only. Extension in time is not allowed. 
  13. The candidate should ensure that during the exam no other person is present. 
  14. The use of electronic devices, textual material, and Stationery items like Smart Watch, Pen Drives, Log Table, Electronic Pen/Scanner, etc. is not allowed. However, candidates can use a calculator, blank paper, and a pencil at the time of the exam for rough work.
  15. The use of telecommunication devices like Mobile Phone, Headphones, Bluetooth Earphones, Pager, Health Band, etc is not allowed.
  16. While attempting the examination, no other application or webpage should be opened except provided exam software.
  17. Switching, minimizing, or closing the exam window is not allowed during the exam.
  18. Availability of the hardware, software, Broadband Internet & power backup at the time of the exam is the sole responsibility of the candidate and the College will not be responsible for any delay in the exam due to failure of the above-mentioned resources at the candidate’s side. No time extension shall be given in any case and no such calls will be entertained. Hence candidate should ensure and plan accordingly the availability of the proper backup and alternate resources. 


The computer/mobile used by me is in proper working condition. I have read and understood all of the above instructions. I understand that I have to appear for this exam in a fair manner else my candidature will be canceled

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