  1. TEST-39 Dynamics of charged particles
  2. TEST-40 Scalar and vector potentials, gauge invariance, retarded potentials (opens 1725834600)
  3. TEST-41 Electromagnetic waves in free space (opens 1725921000)
  4. TEST-42 Poynting Vector (opens 1726007400)
  5. TEST-43 EM wave in Dielectrics, conductors & Plasma (opens 1726093800)
  6. TEST-44 Reflection, refraction & Polarization of EM wave (opens 1726180200)
  7. TEST-45 Wave Guides & Transmission lines (opens 1726266600)
  8. TEST-45A Radiation & Relativistic Electrodynamics (opens 1726353000)
  9. TEST-45B Reflection and refraction, Fresnel’s law, interference, coherence, and diffraction. (opens 1726439400)
  10. TEST-46 Wave-particle duality & Heisenberg uncertainty principle (opens 1726525800)
  11. TEST-47 OPERATOR (opens 1726612200)
  12. TEST-48 Commutators (opens 1726698600)
  13. TEST-49 Schrödinger equation (opens 1726785000)
  14. TEST-50 Dirac notation for state vectors. (opens 1726871400)
  15. TEST-51 Particle in a box (opens 1726957800)
  16. TEST-52 Finite potential well, potential step (opens 1727044200)
  17. TEST-53 Harmonic oscillator (opens 1727130600)
  18. TEST-54 Angular momentum (opens 1727217000)
  19. TEST-55 SPIN (opens 1727303400)
  20. TEST-56 Hydrogen atom (opens 1727389800)
  21. TEST-57 Identical particles (opens 1727476200)
  22. TEST-58 Perturbation Theory (opens 1727562600)
  23. TEST-59 WKB approximation & Variational method (opens 1727649000)