Geography chapter 20

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1 point
________ is a boundary between ocean/lake and dry land. _______ is an average position of the ocean shoreline. ______ consists of the general region of interaction between the land and the ocean or lake
1 point
Wave height IS measured from crest to crest.
1 point
Wave troughs are higher than wave crests
1 point
a _____ ______ is the measurement between crests
1 point
Tides are 4 long wavelength waves caused by interactions between Earth and the moon and the sun
1 point
What are long wavelength and wave period waves caused by sudden displacements of water associated with earthquakes, landslide, volcanic eruptions, or other impulsive events
1 point
____ Waves are local short period waves created by friction between wind and water surface
2 points
Tides: Gravitational pull ( _____ _____) of the moon and sun along with centrifugal force( ______ ______)
2 points
which describes a Neap tide?
2 points
2 high tides and 2 low tides in a tidal day; most common tidal pattern... this describes a
2 points
A Diurnal tide is 1 high tide and 1 low tide in a tidal day, common in seas and bays with restricted access to open ocean.
2 points
A Diurnal tide is 1 high tide and 1 low tide in a tidal day, common in seas and bays with restricted access to open ocean.
2 points
Displaced water travels outwards from origin as one or a series of waves; Travels ar great speeds in open ocean; Can go unnoticed in open ocean, but build in height as they move into shallower water. These characters describe:
2 points
Wave speed INCREASES as the Tsunami moves into shallower water
2 points
Ships are recommended to go into shallow water during a Tsunami
2 points
A majority of _____ _____ are created by a frictional drag of wind and pressure differences. Once developed, wind pushes on windward slope of waves. Energy is transferred from atmosphere, and _____ ______ travel long distances.
2 points
Wave ____ is related to their height; waves loose height as they move to friction
2 points
Weight height depends on
2 points
Waves traveling in water with a depth > or = half their wavelength describe....
2 points
Spilling breakers; wave rolls onto beach
2 points
Plunging breakers; waves tunnel collapses
2 points
Rip currents are WIDE, powerful currents running perpendicular and away from the shore; most commonly associated with a break in the sandbar
2 points
Semi-continuous offshore flow of water under incoming waves; steep sloped shoreline zone often have stronger undertow currents; weaker current than rip currents describes_______
2 points
Wave refraction is the BENDING of a wave as it approaches the shoreline at an angle; caused by part of a wave encountering the bottom before other parts
2 points
Waves impacting shorelines at an angle rather than parallel describes Incomplete wave Refraction
2 points
Horizontal flow of water parallel to the shoreline just inside the breaker zone; caused by incomplete refraction of waves describes....
2 points
Corrosion is the chemical erosion of rock matter by water; removal of ions from rock- forming minerals in water
2 points
Abrasion is erosion by particle suspended in water or air
2 points
Hydraulic action is erosion resulting from the force of moving water
2 points
Rates of _____ are determined by the interaction of wave energy and rock type
2 points
__ cliff is a steep slope of land eroded at its base by wave action
2 points
A NOTCH is a recess, relatively small in height, eroded by wave action along the base of a coastal cliff; often leads to mass wasting
2 points
______ beach is a cobble-sized sediment deposited by waves along the shoreline' often found at a base of sea cliffs where a well-defined notch exists.
2 points
Sea caves ARE NOT large wave-eroded opening formed near water level in coastal cliffs; common in jointed cliffs where weaknesses increase erosion vulnerability
2 points
___ Arches are a span of rock extending from a coastal cliff under which the ocean water freely moves; often form as 2 caves meet from opposite sides of a headland
2 points
Sea stack are resistant pillars or rocks protruding above water close to shore along an erosion-dominated coast; commonly formed as the top of an arch collapses or as a sea cliff erodes but resistant section remains
2 points
An Abrasion platform is
1. above water abrasion platforms, often lifted by tectonic activity
2. wave-cut bench of rock just below the water level; indicates the landward recession of a sea cliff.
2 points
Coastal Deposition occurs along coasts with low wave energy relative to the amount and size of sediment supplied.
2 points
Sources of sediment for coastal deposition are
Streams, Coastal cliff erosion, and offshore sources
2 points
A Beach, long shore bar, spit, Tombolo, and Barrier Beach of what kind of land forms
2 points
A barrier island is a barrier beach constructed parallel to the mainland, but not attached to it; separated from the mainland by a lagoon
2 points
____ is a strip of wave, and current deposited sediment connection the mainland to an island
2 points
A longshore bar is NOT a submerged feature of wave and current-deposited sediment lying close to and parallel with the shore; common in areas with longshore currents