Economics Unit 3 Global Economy Exam

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7 points
Comparative advantage : ______ :: absolute advantage : _____ .
7 points
_______ distribution of resources among nations leads countries to ______ in products that require the use of their available resources. Countries may then ______ with other countries for the products that they cannot produce.
7 points
Strong dollar : ______ imports :: weak dollar : _______ exports.
7 points
Japan has a 100% tariff on sports car imports from the United States. If a sports car costs $80,000.00 in the United States:
a) How much would it cost in Japan? and
b) Would this increase or decrease U.S. exports to Japan?
7 points
In the preceding example, the United States could do all of the following to enable the sale of more sports cars in Japan EXCEPT—
9 points
Evaluate the benefits of this free trade agreement; then, complete a paragraph about the benefits that have been experienced.
7 points
How does international trade impact economic growth within a trading nation?
7 points
How do fluctuations to the international exchange rate of a nation's currency affect its balance of trade?
7 points
Analyze the data in the charts above. Which impact will China's trade have on U. S. trade?
7 points
Between 1990 and 2003, the United States saw a decrease in its share of global high-technology exports. Using the data above, which trading partner experienced the greatest benefit while the market share of the United States decreased?
7 points
In which industry did the U.S. loss of the global market share cause an increased share for all of its trading partners?
7 points
Using the table above, which of the following would be Ivory Coast's diamond output available after trade?
7 points
Which economic concept does the table above illustrate?
7 points
Using the table above, what gain did the United States make by specializing in tractors?