Neuro 13: Learning, Memory, and Synaptic Plasticity

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1 point
A soldier comes home for R&R and tells his family he doesn't even notice all the explosions and gunfire anymore because he sees it every day.
After returning to Afghanistan, his convoy is hit by an IED. Though he wasn't hurt physically, he goes to the military physician because now he seems to notice ALL of the gunfire and explosions again and it as overwhelming as it was on his first day of deployment. What is he displaying?
1 point
Which disease/syndrome is the single most common inherited form of mental retardation?
1 point
The "focus of attention" of Nelson Cowan's model for working memory is primarily associated with which area of the cortex?
1 point
Basal ganglia damage leads to difficulty learning new skills and habits. Which type of learning/memory does this affect?
1 point
Which of the following hippocampal cell types is usually targeted in anti-epilepsy medications?
1 point
EphrinB would be considered which type of factor in synaptogenesis?
1 point
APOE E4 is the only proven genetic risk factor for what disease?
1 point
At approximately which age to humans begin to lose their aptitude for learning a new language?
1 point
If you spent a lot of time working with patient H.M, which of the following would you expect him to be able to accomplish?
1 point
Which of the following endocrine molecules have been shown to improve declarative memory?
1 point
The limbic system is most closely associated with which type of learning/memory?
1 point
Which of the following diseases would you expect to cause difficulty with procedural learning?
1 point
Learning that Ouagadougou is the capital of of Burkina Faso from Dr. Ullman is an example of...
1 point
Patients with a phenylalanine hydroxylase deficiency are most likely to suffer from a deficit in which type of memory?
1 point
A rabbit is repeatedly subjected to a puff of air into its eyes, causing it to blink. With each puff, a tone is played over a speaker. After a while, just playing the tone causes the rabbit to blink. Which area of the neurological system is involved in this response?
1 point
True or False: Blockage of the NMDA receptor would prevent long term potentiation.
1 point
Echoic memory is a subcomponent of which type of memory?
1 point
Which of the following brain areas would you expect to enlarge in a patient with advanced Alzheimer's disease?
1 point
Which of the following are true of glutamatergic NMDA receptors?
1 point
Which of the following is NOT true of long-term potentiation?
1 point
While volunteering for a graduate research study, you are told to view various sequential pictures and then verbally identify what you see. You first see a soldier, then a tank, then a flag, then a gun, etc. With each picture the researcher finds you are able to respond faster than before. What type of learning/memory does this exhibit?