Literary Analysis Test

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1 point
This article "New book describes Pat Tillman as increasingly disillusioned.." is an example of ……
1 point
The point of view of the speaker in the article "New book describes Pat Tillman.." is ….
1 point
“Pat Tillman was the poster boy for the US war in Iraq.” President Bush heralded him as a hero in life when the young football player walked away from a multimillion dollar contract to serve in Iraq after the 9/11 attacks, and an even greater hero in death when Tillman was killed in Afghanistan two years later-until it came out that the Pentagon had lied to cover up that his death was from a friendly fire.”

This passage mentions Afghanistan. Based on prior knowledge and class discussion, why did the U.S. go to war with Afghanistan?
1 point
The word mortal as used in the passage “ imminent mortal danger “ from article “”New book describes Tillman ….” means
1 point
The Occasion for the article “Sold! To the Young Man in Shorts!” is…
1 point
Readers interested in the “New book describes Pat Tillman..” article are likely to have the character trait of….
1 point
The author of the article “New Book describes Pat Tillman...” states “Tillman was right. The military falsely portrayed Lynch as in imminent mortal danger when Iraqi doctors had taken good care of her and already tried to turn her over to American forces.” From this one can conclude the author’s tone is …
1 point
Readers most likely to show interest in the article “Sold! To the Young Man in Shorts” will also most likely have the trait of ...
1 point
The use of the phrase friendly fire in the first paragraph of “A New book describes Pat Tillman…” means to…
1 point
The passage “ What Bush did not know was that Tillman regarded him as a “cowboy” who had led the country in to an “illegal and unjust” war in Iraq. ” from the article “New book describes Tillman..” illustrates…
1 point
The use of the word pentagon in the first paragraph of “A New book describes Pat Tillman..” means …
1 point
The passage “Tillman was transferred to Afghanistan and his death there remains a subject of controversy with some believing he was murdered. Doubts about the circumstances have been reinforced by the lies told by generals and other senior army officers and lionizing him in front of cameras …” illustrates..
1 point
The use of the word heralded in the first paragraph of the article “New book describes Pat Tillman as increasingly …..” means …
1 point
The United States is currently…
1 point
The most likely audience for the article"New book describes Pat Tillman as increasingly disillusioned.." is …
1 point
The author’s purpose in the article "Sold!..." is to…
1 point
“Pat Tillman was the poster boy for the US war in Iraq.” President Bush heralded him as a hero in life when the young football player walked away from a multimillion dollar contract to serve in Iraq after the 9/11 attacks, and an even greater hero in death when Tillman was killed in Afghanistan two years later-until it came out that the Pentagon had lied to cover up that his death was from a friendly fire.”

This passage mentions Iraq. Based on prior knowledge and class discussion, why did the U.S. go to war with Iraq?

1 point
From the text we see the speaker in the article "New book describes …."
1 point
The subject of the article “Sold! To the Young Man in Shorts! Is…
1 point
The speaker says “You’d be amazed at the stuff that turns up in a police department property room..” This statement indicates a tone of…
1 point
The word lionizing as used in the passage “…lionizing him in front of cameras “ means…