CRRL Databases

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1 point
What kind of information can a customer find in the Access Science STUDY CENTER? Check all that apply.
1 point
Which database has tutors to assist people who want to take the GED or citizenship test?
1 point
A customer wants to open a new business. What database would you direct him to for demographic information?
1 point
Which of the following conditions does NOT have STRONG scientific evidence that it is helped with Calcium?
1 point
Where can a customer get help with a resume and a job interview?
1 point
Where can I find an article with pictures on Mars?
1 point
Where can I find a list of all of the auto repair stores in Fredericksburg?
1 point
A student has to prepare for a debate on immigration reform. Which database would you direct her to?
1 point
Which of the following is NOT a topic covered by Congressional Quarterly Researcher in 2013 (as of July 29, 2013)?
1 point
Testing and Education Reference Center is the only place to find information on preparing for the GED.