6th Grade Quiz 6-5.1 (Oct. 21)

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1 point
A battery and a generator are both sources of what type of energy?
1 point
Water can change in its physical state from a liquid to a gas. What type of energy causes this change to occur?
1 point
What function does the statement below explain?

Sunlight strikes the solar cell causing an electron imbalance between two surfaces that are joined by a wire. A current of electricity then occurs between the negative and positive sides.
1 point
Which of the following are stores of chemical energy?
1 point
Wood burning in a fireplace produces which kind of energy?
1 point
Coal, gasoline, and oil release energy as heat when taken through the process of burning. How is this energy stored?
1 point
A nail becomes warm as it is nailed into a board. This heat is the result of friction. Friction turns what type of energy into heat?
1 point
The stored energy in batteries is an example of —
1 point
Solar energy is —
1 point
Laura got a pogo stick for her birthday. The pogo stick has a pole with a handle at one end, and a footpad with a spring at the other end. What type of energy does the spring in the pogo stick make use of?
1 point
What type of energy do plants use to produce sugar by photosynthesis?