Practice Biology EOCT

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1 point
The shaded portion of the map in Figure 4, which includes the state of Georgia, would BEST be described as belonging to which biome?
1 point
Which kingdom has representatives with the characteristics listed in Figure 5?
1 point
Which occurrence is a major source of the gases that can produce acid rain?
1 point
The genetic disorder trisomy 21 (Down syndrome) is caused by what genetic event?
1 point
To which of these organisms is the gray wolf (Canis lupus) most closely related?
1 point
According to the theory of natural selection, a species that lacks the variations necessary to adapt to a changing environment will most
likely —
1 point
Water (H2O) is an example of a molecule whose atoms are held together by which of the following?
1 point
Organisms in an ecosystem are linked together by
1 point
As illustrated in Figure 7, the molecules of many membranes are arranged with their polar heads to the outside and their nonpolar tails to the inside. With this arrangement, where would you MOST likely find water molecules?
1 point
When a virus infects a bacterium, what does the virus inject into the cell?
1 point
A hard, protective exoskeleton is a key characteristic shared by all members of which of the following invertebrate phyla?
1 point
Which of the following is an example of micro-evolution in organisms?
1 point
Which of the following examples illustrates osmosis?
1 point
Which RNA sequence compliments the DNA sequence below?

1 point
How many chromosomes are contained in a human male gamete cell?
1 point
Why is it important for the cells of multicellular organisms to undergo
1 point
An inheritable mutation may occur if an organism has a change in its —
1 point
Cells use passive and active transport to move materials across cell membranes in order to maintain a constant internal environment. What is the process of maintaining a constant internal environment called?
1 point
The body cells of an individual plant have 50 chromosomes. How many chromosomes would be found in the gametes produced by
this plant?
1 point
The observed trait that appears in an organism as a result of its genetic makeup is called the organism’s
1 point
Pea plants have seeds that are either round or wrinkled. In a cross with
RR x Rr, what will be the phenotypic ratio of the offspring?
1 point
Members of which of the following phyla have the MOST species which are
parasites of humans?
1 point
The Eastern meadowlark and the Western meadowlark are two closely related bird species. The two species avoid interbreeding because they have different mating songs. This is an example of
1 point
Homeostasis is the maintenance of stable conditions within the body. Which of the following is a method of maintaining homeostasis in the human body?
1 point
Which of the following is evidence to support the idea that two different species might have a common ancestor?
1 point
A gene that is sex-linked is BEST described as which of the following?
1 point
Which of the following correctly identifies the dominant stage in the fern life cycle represented by the frond?

1 point
In glycolysis, the first stage of cellular respiration, ATP molecules are produced. What is the net gain of ATP molecules (per molecule of glucose) from glycolysis?
1 point
Which of the following correctly lists the phases of the cell cycle starting with the interphase? See Figure 2
1 point
Based on the summary equation for
photosynthesis shown below, which of the
following is produced by the reaction?

6CO2 + 6H2O + light → C6H12O6 + 6O2
1 point
Lyme disease can be transmitted from ticks by a spirochete called Borrelia burgdorferi, causing a rash followed by flu-like symptoms. Which of the following approaches is MOST effective in the treatment of Lyme disease?
1 point
Which of the following organisms is used to help in the production of bread?
1 point
Which series of bases will complete this strand of DNA below?

1 point
What do phototropism and geotropism enable plants to do?
1 point
Athletes are often concerned with the question of how much protein they need in their diets because of the requirement of growing muscles for protein. Just as muscles need the basic building block of protein, protein itself has basic building blocks also. Which of the following are
the basic building blocks of protein?
1 point
To observe a skin cell through a microscope at its highest magnification,
you should first
1 point
Which of the following shows how information is transformed to make a
1 point
Unlike prokaryotic cells, eukaryotic cells have the capacity to
1 point
Which of the diagrams shown in Figure 6 is an example of secondary succession in an ecosystem?
1 point
While reading a nature magazine, Sheila learned that spadefoot toads are common in areas with high daytime temperatures, limited rainfall, and cacti as the primary vegetation. Which biome would spadefoot toads MOST likely inhabit?