Stem Quiz

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10 points
The opening for the job was only TEMPOary and would not be available after the holidays.
10 points
In science the students used MAGNifying glasses to see the tiny cells.
10 points
As the condDUCTor, it was his job to stand in front of the band while they played.
10 points
It was the SCRIBe's job in Egypt to record all of the important things that were happening.
10 points
Before his student council speech, the boy was very nervous and his muscles were TENSe.
10 points
The camera's flash was so bright that the girl's VISion was blurry after the picture was taken.
10 points
The young men of the country were called to be part of the REGiment.
10 points
When we walked through the woods at night, the moon helped to ilLUMinate our way.
10 points
The church group was going on a MISSion trip next July.
10 points
The computer was MOBile, so I was able to carry it to my room easily.