ISYS final

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1 point
The time it takes to manufacture a product and deliver it to the retailer.
1 point
Targets sales opportunities by finding new customers or companies for future sales. They determine potential customers and competitors and define selling efforts including budgets and schedules.
1 point
Testing is the sixth phase where the organization places the system into production so users can begin to perform actual business operations with it.
1 point
Is the overall process for developing information systems, from planning and analysis through implementation and maintenance.
1 point
Is a means of managing all aspects of a customer's relationship with an organization to increase customer loyalty and retention and an organization's profitability.
1 point
Emphasizes extensive user involvement in the rapid and evolutionary construction of working prototypes of a system, to accelerate the systems development process.
1 point
Design is the third phase that establishes descriptions of the desired features and operations of the system, including screen layouts, business rules, process diagrams, psuedo code, and other documentation.
1 point
Planning is the fist phase and it establishes a high-level plan of the intended project and determines project goals.
1 point
Are factors considered to be true, real, or certain without proof of demonstration.
1 point
Development is the fourth phase that takes all the detailed design documents from the design phase and transforms them into the actual system
1 point
Discovers optimal sales channels by selecting the right partners and identifying mutual customers.
1 point
Plan for transportation of goods to customers
1 point
Is the framework for evaluation the relationships among three primary and interdependent variables in any project-time, cost, and scope.
1 point
Like other agile methods, breaks a project into four phases, and developers cannot continue to the next phase until the previous phase is complete.
1 point
Is a core ERP component that handles production planning and execution tasks such as demand forecasting, production scheduling, job cost accounting, and quality control.
1 point
Is owned by IBM and provides a framework for breaking down the development of software into four "gates."
1 point
Takes information entered into a given system and sends it automatically to all upstream systems and processes
1 point
Core ERP components are the traditional components included in most ERP systems and primarily focus on internal operations.
1 point
Quantifiable criteria that must be met for the project to be considered a success
1 point
Implementation is the third phase that establishes descriptions of the desire features and operations of the system.
1 point
Integrates all departments and functions throughout an organization into a single IT system so employees can make decisions by viewing enterprise wide information about all business operations.
1 point
Support customers and product returns
1 point
Ensures supply chain cohesion by automating the different activities of the supply chain
1 point
Where customer service representatives answer customer inquiries and solve problems, usually by email, chat, or phone.
1 point
Connects the plans, methods, and tools aimed at integrating separate enterprise systems.
1 point
Are the specific business requests the system must meet to be successful, so the analysis phases is critical because business requirements drive the entire systems development effort.
1 point
Are useful reminders about how to ensure the project has created understandable and measurable objectives. Specific, Measurable, Agreed upon, Realistic, Time frame
1 point
Engaging another company within the same country for services
1 point
A Primary component of a CRM strategy that supports back-office operations and strategic analysis, and includes all systems that do not deal directly with the customers.
1 point
Is the oldest and best known methodology, it is a sequence of phases in which the output of each phase becomes the input for the next.
1 point
Uses advanced mathematical algorithms to improve the flow and efficiency of the supply chain while reducing inventory.
1 point
Build Relationships with suppliers to procure raw materials
1 point
Links the project to the organization's overall business goals. It describes the business need and the justification, requirements, and current boundaries for the project.
1 point
Aims for customer satisfaction through early and continuous delivery useful software components developed by an iterative process using the bare minimum requirements.
1 point
Prepare to manage all resources required to meet demand
1 point
Is an SCM component that reduces product development
1 point
A core ERP component that tracks employee information including payroll, benefits, compensation, and performance assessments and ensure compliance with all laws.
1 point
Estimates the shortest path throughout the project ensuring all critical tasks are completed from start to finish
1 point
Is an arrangement by which one organization provides service or services for another organization that chooses not to perform them in-house.
1 point
Defines how, what, when, and who regarding the flow of project information to stakeholders and is key for managing expectations.
1 point
Is the management of information flows between and among activities in a supply chain to maximize total supply chain effectiveness and corporate profitability.
1 point
A simple bar chart that lists project tasks vertically against the project's time frame, listed horizontally.
1 point
Maintenance is the final phase where the organization performs changes, corrections, additions, and upgrades to ensure the system continues to meet business goals.
1 point
Is a current or existing system that will become the base for upgrading or integrating with a new system.
1 point
Uses small teams to produce small pieces of software using a series of "sprints," or 30-day intervals, to achieve an appointed goal
1 point
Manufacture products and create production schedules
1 point
Takes information entered into a given system and sends it automatically to all downstream systems and processes.
1 point
Analysis is the second phase where the firm analyzes its end-user business requirements and refines project goals into defined functions and operations of the intended system
1 point
Generates demand forecasts using statistical tools and forecasting techniques, so companies can respond faster and more effectively to consumer demands through supply chain enhancements.
1 point
Takes a new approach to middleware by packaging commonly used applications together, reducing the time needed to integrate applications from multiple vendors