Edu 124

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1 point
Choose the best answer:

In class on November 7, Chris noted that when a teacher asks a class, “Do you understand?” …
1 point
Prof. Conchas' study of homework and study habits of Vietnamese and Mexican American students finds that:
1 point
In Lee’s book, Korean adults encouraged Korean students to adopt a/an ________. They encouraged Korean students to conform to certain American/white middle class behaviors in order to succeed in the United States, while also encouraging Korean students to preserve aspects of the Korean culture.
1 point
Which of the following is not a problem that stemmed from the AP and Graphics Programs?
1 point
Diane Lee, who is said to be one of the best teachers at Hoover Elementary, is a blonde-haired teacher who was interviewed in a shopping mall in Fear and Learning at Hoover Elementary. Which one is NOT true about her?
1 point
Even though Brown vs. the Board of Education ruled out segregation, the Lemon Grove Incident shows that segregated education continued for years afterwards.
1 point
Conchas & Vigil argue that some boys and men of color join street gangs because of all of the following factors, EXCEPT:
1 point
Which of the following characterizes the “New-wave Community” in Dr. Stacey Lee’s book?
1 point
Guest lecturer Briana Hinga gave us a quiz that:
1 point
According to Conchas’ chapter 5, the model minority typology led teachers to praise Asian American students so much that they perceived Latinos as lazy and unmotivated in school.
1 point
According to Beer and Packard, the first step in the mediation process is typically to generate a number of possible solutions.
1 point
In Chapter 5, Conchas examines all of the following theoretical perspectives for understanding educational attainment by Asian American students in American schools EXCEPT:
1 point
According to Hull and James, the billboard of the brown-skinned boy in West Oakland
1 point
Which one is NOT true regarding Feliciano’s perspective on educational aspirations and educational expectations?
1 point
In chapter 4 of Conchas and Vigil: “As witnessed through Pedro’s portrait, the barrios that spawned gangs endure, as do poverty, stressed families, inadequate schooling, and _________.” Which word or phrase is missing?
1 point
1 point
According to the guest lecture on October 29, the Word Generation program led to higher amounts of teacher lecturing.
1 point
Conchas chapter 4 describes a situation in which minority students navigate between distinct cultural worlds, such as the home, community, and schools, but consciously assume their native cultural point of reference. This is meant to be an example of:
1 point
Segmented assimilation theory examines what context immigrants assimilate to rather than what context they come from.
1 point
White teachers, counselors, and administrators responded to the inequality among students by setting Asian-Americans up as model minorities and using them as evidence that equal opportunity existed for all races to succeed at “Academic High.”
1 point
Guest lecturer Briana Hinga would argue that almost all aspects of education are political.
1 point
In Chapter 5 of Conchas’ book, racial tension and violence at Baldwin High School led to:
1 point
According to Noguera, Berkeley was one of the first school districts to voluntarily desegregate its schools. They did this through:
1 point
All of the Asian and European groups looked at in Unequal Origins surpassed U.S. natives in educational attainment. From this, we can safely conclude that all Asian and European groups experienced substantial upward mobility.
1 point
According to Sean Drake’s guest lecture, which of the following have been used to explain academic engagement and achievement differences between racial groups?
1 point
In Conchas chapter 4, a student says that when his teacher looks at an Asian student’s work, he says “You can do better.” With a Mexican immigrant student, however, the teacher says, “It’s all right.” This example is meant to show that the teacher has:
1 point
According to Conchas chapter 4, Advanced Placement Latino students were mostly friends with:
1 point
Differences in pre-migration status help explain the underachievement of 1.5 and 2nd generation Latinos, especially relative to which ethnic group:
1 point
In Chapter 1 of Unraveling the “Model Minority” Stereotype, all of these statements are true EXCEPT:
1 point
In high school, when Gil was considering colleges to apply to, his father did which of the following before deciding that UC Berkeley was the best school for Gil to attend:
1 point
In high school, Jimmy received low grades, but because his family encouraged him to shape up and consider college, he was able to bring his grades up to straight Bs.
1 point
Resources that are less tangible, such as norms, encouragement, and information gained from relationships are called:
1 point
What did the “new wave” boys do in response to the model minority image?
1 point
In Fear and Learning at Hoover Elementary, a student asked the teacher if she was a cop who would kick her out. The teacher:
1 point
In the case of Roberto Alvarez vs. the Lemon Grove School Board, the school board provided all of the following justifications for having a separate school for Mexicans except:
1 point
In Conchas chapter 4, some Latino students retained critical consciousness regarding the limited opportunities available to them, yet they remained optimistic. These students were most likely in the:
1 point
According to Conchas and Vigil, as Mexican and Latino student presence increased in Orange County, schools responded by doing all EXCEPT:
1 point
It is the mediator’s job, according to Beer and Packard, to do which of the following:
1 point
Which one is not true?

According to the film, as the events of the Lemon Grove Incident unfolded, some Mexicans:
1 point
Conchas & Vigil indicate that the theory of multiple marginality does which of the following:
1 point
According to Sean Drake's guest lecture, the Male Academy influenced students' academic trajectories by providing all of the following EXCEPT:
1 point
According to Noguera, when the documentary School Colors was released, teachers, students, and parents of Berkeley High School were proud that the film taught others about the effects of segregation on student populations.
1 point
According to the lecture on Nov 7, which kinds of questions would a mediator avoid?
1 point
According to lecture, the Medical Program facilitated teamwork, which helped students discredit preconceived notions about students of racial backgrounds different from their own.
1 point
Which is NOT true about Mayra, the young girl who was visited in her home in Fear and Learning at Hoover Elementary?
1 point
According to the SERP presentation on Oct. 29, findings for the multiple choice comparisons in School 3 indicate:
1 point
In the video we saw during Briana Hinga’s lecture, Todd Rose argued that:
1 point
In a conflict, people typically have positions and interests. According to Beer and Packard, positions are the demands/principles that the parties state publicly, while interests are:
1 point
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Pedro:
1 point
Conchas and Vigil believe that strong educational pursuits are associated with a stable and relatively stress-free ethnic identity.