(Fate) Test V1

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10 points
Of these Names check the cards that work together to prevent battle damage all together.
10 points
True or False: The King of games is Marik
10 points
Player a Plays the card Spell Economics and then Final Countdown, And player b Chains with Dark Bribe You would then __________ and Then _____
10 points
True or False: You Take Battle damage when you have Tornado Wall The Legendary Fisherman and Forest up
10 points
True or False: HEROS are Gen 1. (Old school)
10 points
True Or False: the Card Cyber jar is banned On Dueling Network.
10 points
Fill in the blank. Dueling is about ______ (Note Cap the first letter)
10 points
Who of the listed names is the LEADER of (Fate)
10 points
True Or False: In season 3 Enter the Shadow Realm Anime if your Deck Master Dies you lose the duel.
10 points
If Player A summons 2 judgement Dragons and player b chains it with Torrental tribute and player a summons another one and uses 2 monster Reborns How Many Cards Must player A Mill at His/her End Phase.