Land use planning Lecture 2 part a

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1 point
recent trends in gas prices have made the public start to think a little more about the wisdom of big houses and big communities

planning has shaped a pattern of consumption of land use

there is an emphassis on reducing the rate of growth of urban sprawl
are all charactoristics of what century?
1 point
this man set up a factory in Bourneville to escape the pollution and social problems of the cities. This man is considered to be a socially minded industrailist.
1 point
in 1960-1970's people didn't care about how planning was carried out it was good enough for planners, engineers and architectures to come up with the plan
1 point
this man was the founder of garden city movement getting people out of the cities. A garden city is a small industrialized town with some low density houses and plenty of garden living space.
1 point
Hippodamus of Miletus was an architect, physician and mathematician he is considered what for planning
1 point
Michelangelo was a?
1 point
what is the 3 magnets theory?
2 points
examples of garden citys
1 point
the bruntland report was written when?
this was commisioned by the united nations to look into how we can sustainably continue to develop
1 point
this man reordered Paris from 1853 to 1869
he drove a network of boulevards through the city straighten the other roads, created public squares , vistas and sites for important buildings
1 point
the 20th century people in the this class wanted the right to own there own house
2 points
select the following characteristics that would describe the Industrial revolution
1 point
the most important building for most towns in the medieval area was?
towns would plan to have this at the focal point in there town.
1 point
after ww2 the returning soldiers and middle class wanted a house not apartments with their new families and wealth, the auto mobile was cheap and available to drive a person anywhere
1 point
planning in the old days was strictly done for?
2 points
in the 5th century bc what did the Romans do that still exist today in terms of planning
1 point
WHICH year did governments mature became more aware that the need for public involvement in planning processes, new legislation was implemented to reflect it.
1 point
after ww2 new roadways were designed to funnel major collectors, and the arterial s and freeways.
3 points
in the 19 and 20 century these years had reforms on the following
1 point
Thomas Adams accomplish what after the halifax explosion
1 point
in 1909 -1912 the canadas provincial planning acts was created
1 point
This Era brought fourth the idea that beauty can be applied to towns
1 point
Planning has been around as long as?
1 point
in the medieval Era town planning was based on the what?
1 point
bringing beauty in the city by building parks and promenades in the cities to make it habitable again is called
1 point
This time period saw the huge growth of towns that were industrial centers, either factory based or ports were good were traded
1 point
a solution to the poor quality of life experience in the cites where people live in industrialize based towns in the country side were people have good housing and garden space (woods / parks .etc) is known as
1 point
planning in modern times is used for