Oh My Word Tech Terms

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5 points
Line spacing is __________ spacing between lines of _______.
5 points
The space between text and the margins is known as
5 points
Using a computer to create, edit and print documents is called __________.
5 points
A formal letter, usually used when writing from one business to another, or to their customers, clients is called a __________________.
5 points
Placing an equal (or nearly equal) space between the text and each side margin is called ____________________.
5 points
Can be used for any purpose that requires written communication from an individual to a company is called a ______________________________.
5 points
When you place text or objects at a point that is equally distant from the top and bottom of the page, this is called ____________________.
5 points
Formatting is the __________ of a document, such as the _______, margins, etc.
5 points
Blank spaces around the top, bottom, and sides of a page is known as
5 points
What are the two (2) types of page orientation? List the default orientation first.