EKHO's Top Ten Keyboard Shortcuts Quiz

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10 points
You should be instinctively saving all your work every few minutes so you never lose more than a few minutes work in the event of computer crash or power outage. What keyboard shortcut makes the file save so easy?
10 points
You have just dragged your Spread sheet application off the screen so you can no longer access either the top menus or the top right control buttons to close the program. How do you still close the spread sheet with a keyboard shortcut?
10 points
You need to copy your favorite photo from your server over to a USB memory stick. What is the first keyboard shortcut used for the copy action?
10 points
You have found and selected the directory where you want to place your digital photo from your camera's flash card. What Windows keyboard shortcut will now paste it into this folder?
10 points
You did some editing changes to one of your digital photos. You changed your mind and activated Undo to reverse the change. You then changed your mind again and want to Redo the change after all. What keyboard shortcut do you use for the Redo action?
10 points
You have just dragged and dropped your major project file from one folder on your computer to another, but did not pay close attention to the destination. What keyboard shortcut will put the file back and let you start over more carefully?
10 points
You want to print your successful bank transaction to file away. What keyboard shortcut will activate the printing?
10 points
You want to copy and then delete a file from your camera's flash card to place on your computer's hard drive. What keyboard shortcut initiates the copy and delete action?
10 points
You have saved a file with the wrong name. Using Windows Explorer you find the misnamed file and select it with your mouse. What keyboard shortcut will let you type in a corrected name?
10 points
You have opened a Word document to copy all the text over to a new project. You discover that it is 50 pages long and don't want to scroll down for 5 minutes trying to select all of it. What keyboard shortcut gives you an instant "Select All" action on the 50 pages of text?