Critical Thinking Final Review Part 3

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2 points
According to the text, which of the following statements about commercials is true?
2 points
Olivia is teaching a course on critical thinking. What example would she give her class to describe applying a generalization?
2 points
Marilyn is interviewing potential job candidates. As a good critical thinker, she is wary of candidates who give her
2 points
Which of the following is the best description of circularity?
2 points
Jason frequently makes claims without supporting reasons. It is probable that he has
2 points
Richard has a driving need to win any debate in which he finds himself. Most likely, Richards
2 points
In the context of chapter 7, "sound" is a synonym for
2 points
Kaitlin is five, Josh is eighteen, Mary is twenty-five and Sue is sixty. According to the text, which of these people is most trusting of authorities?
2 points
Micah insists that vaccines cause autism, even though there is no scientific evidence that proves his point. This is an example of a
2 points
Marlene thinks her colleague's claim sounds suspicious. As a strong critical thinker, Marlene will
2 points
"Man is either mortal or he is not." This is an example of a
2 points
When evaluating an argument, Jesse uses the four tests. He often does the Test of Relevance before doing the Test of Truthfulness. He should
2 points
Caryn has already assessed the credibility of the source. As a good critical thinker, what does she need to do next?
2 points
"Marcia is Kelly's classmate. So, Kelly is Marcia's classmate." This is an example of a
2 points
"Everyone thinks Christmas is the best holiday around. So, this year our office should have a Christmas party instead of a holiday party." This is an example of a
2 points
Josh's colleague frequently makes claims out of context. As a good critical thinker, what should Josh do?
2 points
Tanya gives two reasons to support her claim. One turns out to be false. As a strong critical thinker, what should you do?
2 points
Which of the following statements about rote memorization is true?
2 points
Emily is a strong critical thinker. When she hears the statement "Maggie is Susan's biological sister," she
2 points
When evaluating the plausibility of claims, it is important to remain
2 points
Jerome believes that the theory of evolution is just as valid as the theory of creationism. It simply depends on the context in which each is being used. He is a
2 points
"But we've always had a company holiday party! Why would we change now?" This is an example of a
2 points
"All crossing guards wear yellow. Jason does not wear yellow. Jason is not a crossing guard." This is an example of
2 points
Peggy often affirms the consequent when reasoning with declarative statements. Which of the following would she be most likely to say?
2 points
What is the first test of an argument's worthiness?
2 points
What is the definition of a fallacy?
2 points
Martin often relies on stereotypes and ambiguity when supporting his claims. This is an example of a
2 points
Affirming the antecedent is a type of
2 points
Which of the following statements about claims is true?
2 points
According to the text, which of the following is a characteristic of a trustworthy source?
2 points
Richard read on a blog that the world will end in 2012. As a good critical thinker, Richard should
2 points
Brad has strong critical thinking skills. One can safely assume that he is good at
2 points
What is a loaded expression?
2 points
Marius is an authority who frequently appears on television. His employer has made it very clear that there are certain things he cannot say on TV (or else he will lose his job). One could say that Marius is
2 points
Erica does a lot of debating on online forums. One of her favorite techniques is to pick the easiest of her opponent's reasons to refute, thereby refuting the entire claim. This is an example of
2 points
Which of the reasons given below is most similar in style to this one: "Everybody thinks the blue jerseys look better than the green ones."
2 points
Terms like "brother" and "greater than" are examples of
2 points
The statement "we all start off equal in life" is an example of a
2 points
"Julie is a member of the Anderson family, and they're just a bunch of criminals. Nothing she says should be taken seriously." This is an example of
2 points
According to the text, "good argument" is a synonym for a
2 points
Elise is teaching a course on critical thinking. Which of the following statements about argument making would she be most likely to say to her class?
2 points
"Everyone who has worked in a restaurant has made tips. Martin has never made tips." Which of the sentences below would make this into an example of applying an exception?
2 points
Sheila's mom tells her that she cannot stay out until midnight, but does not give any reasons to support her statement. According to the text, it can be assumed that
2 points
Heidi interprets the word "voice" to mean "singing voice" and Kristine interprets it to mean "writing voice." What could be said about Heidi and Kristine?
2 points
"The current trend in the stock market is trendless." This is an example of a
2 points
What is the definition of a worthy argument?
2 points
What is the definition of tautology?
2 points
According to the text, which of the following statements about Wikipedia is true?
2 points
Angie frequently makes ad hominem attacks. What is true about Angie's claims?
2 points
Larry often uses vague subject pronouns such as "it." This leads to fallacies of