grammar 7

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1 point
Choose both adjectives:

They were on the small swings even though they were older kids.
1 point
Choose both adverbs:

They run rapidly and talk quietly during P.E. class.
1 point
Choose both pronouns:

They were with us during the day, but then we all went home.
1 point
Choose both pronouns:

At school, I always sit with Jeff at lunch and sometimes share my chips with him.
1 point
Choose both nouns:

The marker was not writing well anymore, so I sent a student to the office to get some more.
1 point
Choose both nouns:

The wall was filled with pictures of my trip to Brazil.
1 point
Choose both nouns:

The car had a lot of seats, was red on the outside, and had really big tires.
1 point
Choose both pronouns:

On Saturday, we went to the museum and my dad went with us.
1 point
Choose both adverbs:

They ran joyfully to school so they could sing happily in music class.
1 point
Choose both adjectives:

The building was tall and was brown on the outside but orange on the inside.