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1 point
Choose the correct answer. I often invite my friends to my place to listen to music, to dance and have a … with my mother’s cakes.

1 point
Choose the correct answer. At the University we receive … in different subjects and we work on our own.
1 point
Choose the correct answer. I would like … my education and do my future career.

1 point
Choose the right preposition. The word macroeconomics means economics ___the large.
1 point
Choose the right word. Macroeconomic theory forecasts _____ economic activity.
1 point
Choose the correct answer. Many people study English … the education systems.
1 point
Choose the correct answer. Some parents … private schools for their children.
1 point
Choose the correct answer. Some of my friends are married and … children.

1 point
Choose the correct answer. I was born … august 22, 1980.
1 point
: Choose the correct answer. In England there are 47 universities, … the Open University which teaches via TV and radio.
1 point
Choose the correct answer. It’s very difficult … work and study but we do our best to become good specialists.
1 point
Choose the correct answer. I’ll be using English with my colleagues and with … of community at large.
1 point
: Choose the right preposition. Experience teaches that it would not be possible to eliminate inflation entirely ____inducing a major recession combined ___ high unemployment.

1 point
Choose the correct answer. Oxford give … what they need.
1 point
Choose the synonym of the word with the capital letters. Similarly, an overambitious employment target would produce labor shortages and WAGE inflation.
1 point
Choose the correct antonym of the word with the capital letters. Nonetheless, major DISTINCTIONS remain between the two major branches of economics.
1 point
: Choose the correct answer. It’s impossible to make any … in business without good knowledge of foreign language.
1 point
Choose the synonym of the word with the capital letters. The macroeconomist’s concerns are with such GLOBAL questions as total production, total employment, the rate of change of overall prices.
1 point
Choose the correct answer. Language of modern business is ….
1 point
Choose the correct answer. Some parents … private schools for their children.
1 point
Choose the correct synonym of the word with the capital letters. Macroeconomist is interested in the determination of individual prices and RELATIVE prices.
1 point
Choose the correct answer. Now I’m attending … at the British Council Center to improve my English.

1 point
Choose the correct answer. Oxford is, of course, famous for its first-class … as well as its beautiful buildings.
1 point
Choose the correct answer. It is not easy … at Oxford University to study for a degree.

1 point
Choose the right preposition. Macroeconomics is concerned … such major policy issue … the attainment and maintenance … full employment and price stability.
1 point
Choose the right word. To this end such concepts as gross________ product, national income, personal income, and personal disposable income have been developed.
1 point
Choose the right preposition. An important task … macroeconomics is to develop ways … aggregating the values of the economic activities … individuals and firms into meaningful totals.
1 point
Choose the correct answer. Official language of international aviation is … .
1 point
Choose the correct answer. We take examinations … the end of each term of the academic year.
1 point
Choose the right word. Macroeconomic theory forecasts _____ economic activity.
1 point

16. Sual: Choose the right word. To this end such concepts as gross________ product, national income, personal income, and personal ______ income have been developed.
1 point
Choose the correct answer. This college … in 1249.
1 point
Choose the correct answer. Many students come from different cities and villages and they live at the … .

1 point
Choose the right word. _____ means economics in the large.

1 point
: Choose the correct answer. English is the language of … and business.

1 point
Choose the right synonym of the word with the capital letters. Experiences teach that it won’t be possible to eliminate INFLATION entirely without inducing a major recession combined with high unemployment.
1 point
Choose the correct answer. Every day I attend … and classes.
1 point
Choose the correct answer. Three years ago I … school number 263 in Baku.
1 point
Choose the correct answer. Education … a central role in the selection of men and women for management jobs.
1 point
Choose the correct answer. English will be …regularly in my future work.
1 point
Choose the synonym of the word with the capital letters. An IMPORTANT task of macroeconomics is to develop ways of aggregating the values of the economic activities of individuals and firms into meaningful totals.
1 point
Choose the correct answer. We take … at the end of each term of the academic year.

1 point
Choose the correct answer. In England and Wales … school begins at the age of five.
1 point
Choose the right preposition. More recent experience suggests that reduction ___ unemployment to 5.5 percent ___ the labor force is about as well as we can do.
1 point
Choose the right word. Optimization plays a _____ role in microeconomics.
1 point
Choose the correct answer. I expect … English in speaking and listening face to face and telephone, radio, television communication.
1 point
Choose the right synonym of the word with the capital letters. Macroeconomic analysis attempts to explain how the magnitudes of the PRINCIPAL macroeconomic variables are determined and how they interact.
1 point
Choose the correct answer. In the higher classes of Primary school … learn geography, history, religion.
1 point
Sual: Choose the right preposition. Macroeconomists measure overall economic activity; analyze the determinants ___such activity ___ the use ___ macroeconomic theory.
1 point
Choose the correct answer. Some of the most intelligent men and … in the country live and work here.