Vocabulary Quiz 7

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A connecting device used to connect digital video camcorders to personal computers and nonlinear digital editing systems. The device signal carries audio and video tracks and is capable of speeds up to 400 megabytes per seconds. The name of the device is derived from a technical/professional society.
A resistance to signal flow. Microphones and audio mixers are rated for this restance and can be categorized as high resitance or low resistance.
An increase in the output of audio or video signal.
A magnet used to record or play a signal on a magnetic medium such as videotape.
A videotape format that consists of magnetic tape eight millimeters wide in a small plastic videocassette shell. It offers a higher-quality image than standard 8mm.
The space between the top of a person’s head and the top of the video screen.
A camcorder control that allows detail enhancement of fast-moving objects by electronically dividing the charge-coupled device into imaging sections.
Colored squares of plastic material used on the front of lights to provide colored lighting on backgrounds and sets.
The part of the video camera or camcorder that converts light into electrical signal.
Sony’s registered name for IEEE- 1394 digital cable and connectors.