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4 points
A very plane area in a ship, a place where people gather and watch the sea:
4 points
A sinonim of trip, travel
4 points
Once I got out of the ship there was a huge fire in it. I wish it
4 points
The ship hadn´t sunk if
4 points
A huge amount of ice in a splendid mother's nature construction
4 points
Leonardo Di Capprio worked in the movie the Titanic. If he hadn´t worked in this film I think
24 points

read the following case and write what you would have changed in order to get a different end. (write the new end too)


Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571 was flying over the Andes on Friday 13 October 1972 when it crashed into peaks hidden by cloud. It was carrying the Uruguayan Stella Marris College rugby team to a match in Chile, but only 16 lived to tell the tale. The others died during the crash, in the days soon after from injuries or cold, and eight succumbed to an avalanche on the 17th day. The stranded survivors were left with no option but to eat the flesh of their dead teammates and adapt to living in the extreme conditions. The remaining men were found almost 10 weeks following the initial crash when two members went on an expedition and flagged down a passing Chilean horseman.

4 points
I finally found my dog, he is all dirty and scared. I am sure it
4 points
Leonardo Di Capprio worked in the movie the Titanic. If he hadn´t worked in this film I think
4 points
I wish
4 points

Write the appropriate meaning to each of the definitions given.

a group of people working for the same objective in this lesson:
4 points
If I were in the bermuda triangle i would never know what I to do. If only all that lost people
4 points
Once I got out of the ship there was a huge fire in it. I wish it
4 points
To be one of those who continued alived nomatter what.
4 points
I’d been looking for a new job for a while, as I really hated my
present one. I didn’t get on very well with my boss and I found
the job really boring, so it was definitely time for a change. I
had seen an advert in the local paper for a job that sounded
absolutely perfect for me. I had to have it! I spent a long time
on my CV and wrote a really convincing covering letter.
You can guess what happened…On the day of the interview I
overslept! I must have forgotten to set my alarm the night
before. I jumped out of bed, quickly put some clothes on
and rushed out the door but I was never going to make it in
time. If only I’d set my alarm, I would’ve been on time!

And wer true or false:

1. Emma really liked her job.
2. On the day of the interview she overslept because she was really tired
4 points
Complete the following sentences based on the comcepts studied in class. Verbs will not be given.

If I had studied harder, the exam result
4 points
An object used to not sink in the sea as a survivor
4 points
When a boat or plane gets full of water inside, the action is called
4 points
If only I’d set my alarm, I would’ve been on time!
I would normally take the bus but, as I was running
late, I decided the tube might be quicker. I ran down the
escalators and jumped onto the train, just as the doors were
closing. I breathed a sigh of relief – I might just make it after
all. After a couple of minutes I noticed that other people on
the train were looking at me strangely. Suddenly, I had
a dreadful feeling. I looked down at my feet. I still had my
slippers on! I must have been in such a rush to leave the house
that I forgot to put my smart black shoes on. This was
a disaster! What would the interviewer think of me?

true or False:
3. Emma was just in time to catch her plane
4. Emma took the tube because the bus was late
5. People in the train were staring at her
4 points
To continue alive nomatter the high danger in a specific situation: