DOG 17-18 Practice

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1 point
What is the best definition of geography?
1 point
Who is your favorite Social Studies teacher?
1 point
North and South America are almost totally within the Western Hemisphere.
1 point
Population density is the average number of people per square mile. Which continent do you think has a higher population density, Europe or North America?
1 point
What is precipitation?
1 point
What is another name for a line of latitude?
1 point
Feudalism is a system in which land was owned by kings of lords but they allowed people to use it in return for their loyalty.
1 point
The Industrial Revolution was a life-changing period when goods changed from being made by hand to being made by machines and factories.
1 point
Which country has the largest land area in the Eastern Hemisphere?
1 point
Long ago northern Asia and Alaska were connected. Today a strait separates the two lands and links the Arctic and Pacific Oceans. What is the name of that strait?
1 point
Why isn't the Volga river, Europe's longest river, very useful?
1 point
Which things listed below did the Renaissance period renew interest in? There may be more than one answer.
1 point
What is the longest river in Europe?
1 point
Which Great Lake is the only one that the United States does not share with Canada?
1 point
Which things listed below were invented during the Industrial Revolution? There may be more than one correct answer.
1 point
In which state, whose borders are North and South Dakota to the east, do the Rocky Mountains cover about 40% of the land surface?