9th Grade Grammar 1

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1 point
The following is an example of…

going after the thieves through the forest
1 point
The following is an example of…

if I want to go to the dance tomorrow
1 point
What part of speech is the word "shining" in the following sentence?

We couldn't see the trees because of the shining sun.
1 point
What is the correct verb for the following blank?

All of the pictures _________ a creature with a long neck.
1 point
The following sentence has an example of which type of phrase?

In the morning before school, I always eat breakfast.
1 point
The following sentence has an example of which type of phrase?

Bob, the man over there, is also a great piano player.
1 point
Correctly type the correct possessive noun for the following.

one car owns something
1 point
What is the correct verb for the following sentence?

The man in the photographs ______ my grandfather.
1 point
The following sentence has an example of which type of phrase?

I have always like to run in long races.
1 point
What is the correct verb in the following sentence?

Some of the Loch Ness visitors __________ photographed the monster.
1 point
The following sentence has an example of which type of phrase.

Eating at my favorite restaurant, I celebrated my birthday.
1 point
What part of speech is the word "MORNING" in the following sentence?

I can never remember to brush my teeth in the morning.
1 point
Correctly type the correct way to write the possessive noun for the following.

more than one hunter owns something
1 point
What part of speech is the word "FOR" in the following sentence?

We left the dishes in the sink before leaving for school.
1 point
What part of speech is the word "IS" in the following sentence?

Bob is probably my best friend.
1 point
Correctly type of the proper possessive noun stating the following.

more than one necklace owns something
1 point
Correctly type the correct way to do the possessive noun for the following.

one boss owns something
1 point
What is the correct verb in the following sentence?

Everything in the closets __________ to be thrown away.
1 point
What is the correct verb for the blank?

Each of the photographs ________ people want more.
1 point
What is the part of speech of the word "WHENEVER" in the following sentence?

Whenever I go shopping, I usually buy too much stuff.
1 point
What is the part of speech of the word "VERY" in the following sentence?

Bob is a very humble person most of the time.
1 point
The following sentence has an example of which type of phrase?

Eating at the restaurant is always my favorite thing to do on my birthday.
1 point
Correctly type the correct possessive noun for the following.

more than one child owns something
1 point
What part of speech is the word "ME" in the following sentence?

It was given to me by my grandmother.
1 point
The following is an example of…

the man ate