9th Grade Grammar Test 2

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1 point
The following is an example of...

in the middle of the huge storm
1 point
The following is an example of...

as if he didn't ever study for the test
1 point
What part of speech is "EVERYONE" in the following sentence?

Everyone in the crowd cheered when the music started.
1 point
Which verb fills in the blank correctly in the following sentence?

Everyone in the school _________ scared because there is no power.
1 point
Which type of phrase is included in the following sentence?

Startled by the loud noise, Bob hid under the covers.
1 point
Which type of phrase is included in the following sentence?

In the house beyond the trees, there is an old barn.
1 point
Correctly type of the possessive noun that states the following.

more than one mouse owns ??
1 point
Which verb fills in the blank correctly in the following sentence?

Behind the house __________ the toys.
1 point
Which type of phrase is included in the following sentence?

Bob, the one with the red coat, is also my best friend.
1 point
Which verb fills in the blank correctly in the following sentence?

There _______ a huge demand for tickets.
1 point
Which type of phrase in included in the following sentence?

Eating out is my favorite Friday activity.
1 point
What part of speech is the word "WEDDING" in the following sentence?

The woman couldn't wait to put on her beautiful wedding dress.
1 point
Correctly type of the possessive noun that states the following.

One truck owns ??
1 point
What part of speech is the word "WAS" in the following sentence?

The young girl was not very good at math.
1 point
What part of speech is the word "QUITE" in the following sentence?

Bob was quite disturbed about the outcome of the vote.
1 point
Correctly type of the possessive noun that states the following.

more than one boy owns ??
1 point
Correctly type of the possessive noun that states the following.

More than one deer owns ??
1 point
Which verb fills in the blank correctly in the following sentence?

One of the people invited ______ coming.
1 point
Which verb fills in the blank correctly in the following sentence?

Each of the photographs ___________ me many years ago.
1 point
What part of speech is "SINCE" in the following sentence?

I didn't go to school since I still had a fever.
1 point
What part of speech is the word "AROUND" in the following sentence?

Around noon I need to go to a meeting.
1 point
Which type of phrase is included in the following sentence?

I have always liked to dance.
1 point
Correctly type of the possessive noun that states the following.

One princess owns ??
1 point
What part of speech is the word "HAPPINESS" in the following sentence?

The woman had never felt so much happiness.
1 point
The following is an example of...

the boy flew