Emergency Management Test

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1 point
The fire detector that responds to a predetermined temperature or to an increase in temperature is known as a(n):
1 point
In connection with the corporate kidnapping by terrorists, the decision as to whether ransom is to be paid should be made by:
1 point
In the event the media makes contact as a result of a crisis situation, they should:
1 point
In a strike, the refusal of management to allow members of the bargaining unit on the premises is called:
1 point
Potential disasters caused by man should be included when developing a firm's emergency plan. One of the most common man-made disasters is the plant fire. Which of the following is considered to be the most important aspect of plans for coping with major plant fire?
1 point
Of all reported bomb threats, it is estimated that the percentage of real threats is:
1 point
A symptom of radiation sickness is:
1 point
Which of the following does not fit into good emergency planning?
1 point
A study in 1976 by the Institute for Disaster Preparedness as the University of Southern California reveled that the actual behavior during a post-disaster period was:
1 point
Usually the most difficult part of the Executive Protection Plan is:
1 point
You are charged with the responsibility of formulating a disaster plan to handle emergencies which arise as result of earthquakes. Which of the following warnings to be issued to employees as to their actions during the shaking should not be included in the plan?
1 point
The greatest single destroyer of property is:
1 point
The least often used method of sabotage is:
1 point
Responsibility for shutdown of a plant as a result of a disaster should be assigned to:
1 point
Fires involving certain combustible metals would be classified as:
1 point
Voluntary participation in disaster control activities may be motivated by:
1 point
Defense Readiness Condition (DEFCON) ratings-a numerical indication of world tension- are established by the:
1 point
In a labor dispute, which of the following measures is not advisable?
1 point
Which of the following is not an element in the classic fire triangle?
1 point
The amount of combustible material in the building is called?
1 point
The ionization fire detector warns of fire by responding to:
1 point
The continuity of business and industrial leadership and direction are essential parts of industrial emergency plans. The following specific measures should be included in the development of a plan for continuity of leadership except:
1 point
Flood forecasts and warnings are issued by the:
1 point
Which of the following procedures should not be advocated as part of emergency planning?
1 point
The advantage of a mutual aid association in disaster planning is that: