Area Studies midterm

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1 point
Colonial Discourse analysis Trace connections between?

1. The visible and the hidden
2. The dominant and the marginalised
3. Power and knowledge
4. Ideas and institutions
1 point
What is discourse?
1 point
When was the age of discovery?
1 point
1. Conquer and rule over other regions.
2. Creating an empire.
3. Expanding into the neighbouring regions and expanding its dominance far.
4. Movement of people to new territory and living as permanent settlers.

Which definition(s) belong to Colonialism?
1 point
‘Power is everywhere; not because it embraces everything, but because it comes from everywhere’

Who said this?
1 point
Is it possible to have colonies without empire, imperialism without colonies?
1 point
Whiteness which focus solely on race by providing nuanced readings of its articulation through gender and class.

What term is this?
1 point
Batavia, Hong Kong and Singapore are examples of?
1 point
What is 'The West'?

1. Much an idea as a fact of geography.
2. Is not historical, but a geographical construct
3. Only Europe
4. Any society which shares these characteristics: developed, industrialized, and modern
1 point
A new term for colonialism; it indicates a new way of thinking in which cultural, intellectual, economic or political processes are seen to work together in the formation, perpetuation and dismantling of colonialism.