Essay Revision

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1 point
When you revise for dialogue, make sure that it sounds __________ and that your narrative voice in consistent.
1 point
General _____do not create a clear picture. Be specific when choosing one based on its connotation.
1 point
Which part of the essay is supposed to explain how the experience changed the writer?
1 point
In asking yourself about what details to include, what detail do you look for when asking yourself "who?"
1 point
Which one of these is NOT one of the 5 elements you will be graded on for this final essay?
1 point
In what order should your action details be presented in your narrative essay?
1 point
Which one of these was NOT a function of dialogue in a personal narrative?
1 point
Which of these is NOT a characteristic of the middle part of your essay?
1 point
Which one of these is NOT a question that needs to be asked to conclude that you have included all of the necessary details in your essay?
1 point
At which part of a personal narrative essay should the writer tell about what he or she has learned?
1 point
In asking yourself about what details to include, what detail do you look for when asking yourself "why?"
1 point
Which one of these is NOT a characteristic of the beginning of the essay?
1 point
Which part of the essay is supposed to use a variety of details and methods of narration to explain that happened during the experience?
1 point
In asking yourself about what details to include, what detail do you look for when asking yourself "how?"
1 point
Sensory language is used to create a visual in the mind of the reader by expressing how something looked, sounded, smelled, tasted, or felt.
1 point
Which part of the essay identifies the problem and grabs the reader's attention?
1 point
The section of a sentence that is separated from the others by commas is called a what?
1 point
What are the 2 types of sentences that you should use a good balance of in your writing?
1 point
Personal thoughts are internal monologue of a 1st person narrator that we would not hear if the essay was written in 3rd person.
1 point
In asking yourself about what details to include, what detail do you look for when asking yourself "what?"