Adult, Child, Infant CPR & AED + First Aid - CPR Society

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1 point
Which of the following is a concern that prevents many people from providing care to an ill or injured person?
1 point
When dealing with any emergency, the first step is to:
1 point
After coming back from her lunch break, Susan finds one of her coworkers lying on the ground and not moving. She checks the scene for safety and then taps and shouts to see if the person responds. What should she do next?
1 point
Cardiovascular disease (or heart disease) is the number one killer in the United States. Which of the following is a risk factor for heart disease?
1 point
After a rigorous workout in the gym, John starts feeling severe pressure in his chest, has difficulty breathing, and feels numbness and tingling in his arm. He is likely experiencing a/an:
1 point
Sudden cardiac arrest (or SCA) is a deadly condition in which the heart stops beating unexpectedly. It typically only occurs in people age 50 or older with prior heart problems.
1 point
The Cardiac Chain of Survival illustrates the immediate actions that must be taken for a person to have a chance of surviving cardiac arrest. Which is the correct order of the chain?
1 point
Every minute that CPR and defibrillation are delayed, the victim’s chance of survival is reduced by approximately:
1 point
What is the correct compression to breath ratio for normal CPR?
1 point
The proper technique for performing chest compressions on an infant is to:
1 point
CPR should only be stopped if:
1 point
If for any reason you do not feel comfortable giving mouth-to-mouth breathing (i.e. you do not have a barrier device present or the victim may have blood or vomit in the mouth), you may choose to resort to the hands-only continuous chest compression CPR method. How many compressions should be performed with this method?
1 point
What are the correct steps for applying an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) on a victim?
1 point
Where should AED pads be placed on an adult victim (in terms of their body)?
1 point
For an adult or child that is actively choking, continuous abdominal thrusts should be given in an inward and upward motion until the object comes out. What is the correct method for an actively choking infant?
1 point
While performing abdominal thrusts on a choking victim, you notice that the victim stops breathing and goes unconscious. What is the next best step to take?
1 point
Lisa suddenly feels numbness and weakness on one side of her face and has trouble speaking and understanding. Her vision is blurry and she cannot walk normally. She is most likely experiencing a/an:

1 point
To recognize a stroke, it is convenient to remember the first three letters of the word. “S” stands for “smile,” “T” stands for “talk,” and “R” stands for:
1 point
Which of the following is not a correct action to take with a person having a seizure?
1 point
While walking at the park, Jasmine notices that her husband Mark suddenly isn’t acting like himself. He feels dizzy and confused and looks like he is about to faint. His skin appears cool and clammy. Mark is probably experiencing a/an ____________ emergency and should be given ____________ as soon as possible.
1 point
A victim suffering from a poisoning or overdose emergency may deteriorate rapidly. In addition to calling for help, it is also important to note:
1 point
The three types of external bleeding are capillary, venous, and arterial. Arterial bleeding is the most severe and can be life-threatening. What would be the best approach to stabilizing it?
1 point
A victim is found lying on the ground unresponsive near a construction site. Upon assessment of the scene, a broken ladder is observed next to the victim surrounded by a puddle of blood. The victim’s eyes are bruised and there is blood leaking out of the ears. The victim likely suffered from a/an ___________ injury and should be stabilized using the ___________ method.
1 point
A ___________ burn is the simplest type of burn and should be treated using ___________ running water
1 point
What is the correct treatment for a rattlesnake bite?
1 point
___________ occurs when body parts start to freeze from extremely cold temperatures. When the entire body cools due to extreme weather conditions, ___________ may occur.