Seismic Wave and Earth composition review

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1 point
If a primary earthquake wave travels at 6.4 km/s and it reaches a recording station in 1 minute and 35 seconds, the station is how far away?
1 point
Which of the following earthquake waves travel in straight lines making them the fastest?
1 point
This layer of the Earth is the thickest and is plastic-like
1 point
This seismic wave causes the ground to compress an rebound like a spring.
1 point
Scientists think this layer of the Earth is liquid
1 point
An atom of an element that has the same atomic number but additional neutrons is called an isotope. This isotopes are usually........
1 point
The basic steps of planet formation(in order) would be.......
1 point
Scientists think that the heat in the interior of the Earth is generated by..........
1 point
This instrument records earthquake wave activity
1 point
These seismic waves cause the most damage.
1 point
This Earthquake wave helps scientist with composition of the Earth's layers because it will not go through liquids.
1 point
This layer of Earth is the hottest but is a solid because of pressure.
1 point
An example of a radioactive isotope is
1 point
This layer is made of thin tectonic plates that move due to convection currents in the mantle and asthenosphere
1 point
This type of earthquake will go through all types of materials.
1 point
How does the density of materials in the Earth affect how seismic waves move through them?
1 point
___________is the process of separating out different materials of a planetary body as a consequence of their physical or chemical behavior, where the body develops into distinct layers based on composition; the denser materials of a planet sink to the center, while less dense materials rise to the surface.
1 point
This seismic wave travels back and forth like a snake and travels slower through the ground
1 point
Rayleigh and Love waves are two types of this wave.