DGP 1-8

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1 point
Susan enjoys eating pizza so we got her a gift certificate for Christmas.

How many prepositional phrases are in this sentence?
1 point
Reading in my bed, I snoozed and dropped the book.

Why is the comma used here?
1 point
The Potomac Soccer club held a match; my sister brought hot coffee there.

In this sentence Potomac is
1 point
The Potomac Soccer Club held a match; my sister brought hot coffee there.

The reason a semi-colon is used is
1 point
Susan enjoys eating pizza so we got her a gift certificate for Christmas.

In this sentence, her is
1 point
Susan enjoys eating pizza so we got her a gift certificate for Christmas.

Int his sentence, eating is
1 point
Susan enjoys eating pizza so we got her a gift certificate for Christmas.

In this sentence, so is
1 point
The Potomac Soccer Club held a match; my sister brought hot coffee there.

In this sentence, the verbs held and brought are
1 point
Reading in my bed, I snoozed and dropped the book.

Which verb is transitive?
1 point
Reading in my bed, I snoozed and dropped the book.

Reading in this sentence is