4.1 Quiz

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1 point
On large plantations, often a trusted slave was put in charge of watching over the other slaves. This slave was then given a nicer place to live and better food. What was the title for this slave?
1 point
Slave marriages were recognized by their owners and South Carolina's government.
1 point
During this time period, most white farmers in South Carolina owned slaves.
1 point
In 1810, a new amendment was added to the U.S. Constitution that gave every _______________________________ the right to vote.
1 point
What were ways slaves tried to get out of work?
1 point
The _______________________________ part of the country was phasing out slavery due to their factories, while the ________________________________ part of the country was expanding slaver due to agriculture.
1 point
Textile factories in the north were buying southern cotton to turn into clothes.
1 point
In 1808, the U.S. outlawed the importation of what item?
1 point
Many white southerner men would travel from plantation to plantation to be hired by slave owners. These men that were hired would run the plantation and make sure the slaves were on task, usually while the owners were away on vacation. What was the title for this person?
1 point
How many days per week were slaves forced to work?
1 point
Who was responsible for handing the business decisions and managing the slaves?
1 point
The Civil War began in 1861. In the year before, 7 states from the South broke away from the Union and formed the Confederate States of America. In 1860, which state had the highest percentage of slaveholders in the nation?
1 point
What did slaves have to carry with them when they left their plantation to run errands or make a trip into town?
1 point
Of the whites in South Carolina who owned slaves, how many slaves did these people typically/usually own?
1 point
South Carolina's economy relied heavily on agriculture. Much of the backcountry was made up of farmers that only grew enough for their family. What is the term for this type of farmer?
1 point
What was an argument made by Southerners in defense of slavery?
1 point
What were whites forbidden from teaching their slaves?
1 point
Why were Southern farmers arguing for the United States to push further west?
1 point
What was the importance of the cotton gin?
1 point
Many of our earliest settlers were able to own large plots of land to form plantations. They were given this area of land for paying their way over as well as others to the New World. What is the term for giving land to a person for paying theirs and others over to the New World?
1 point
The invention of the ____________________________ by__________________________ led to a new cash crop and the expansion of __________________________ in SC.
1 point
Who was responsible for overseeing the running of the house and caring for sick slaves?
1 point
What was the language South Carolina slaves used to communicate with one another that was a mixture of African and English?
1 point
What time period are we currently studying?
1 point
Why were slave cabins placed so close to the owner's home?