Unit 7 Geography Test

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2 points
Q1 Which conclusion is most accurate based on the information in the map?
2 points
Q2 Based on the map, which economic activities are found in the northernmost parts of Russia, close to the Arctic Ocean?
2 points
Q3 The United Nations is primarily what kind of cooperative effort?
2 points
Q4 By 2050, what concern will China have to address because of changes in the structure of its population?
2 points
Q5 What would be the best title for the chart?
2 points
Q6 Israelis and Palestinians disagree over the future status of the city of Jerusalem. Both claim this ancient city which holds religious significance for Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike. What can geographers infer from this current disagreement?
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Q7 How was the operation of Stalin's totalitarian dictatorship in the Soviet Union in the 1940's similar to that of Ayatollah Khomeini's theocratic rule in Iran in the 1990's?
2 points
Q8 According to the map, which statement about the geography of Japan is most accurate?
2 points
Q9 Koreans sometimes refer to their nation as "a shrimp among whales." What do Koreans mean by this statement?
2 points
Q10 What conclusion about North Korea can be drawn from this photograph?
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Q11 Which statement about the Korean Peninsula is best supported by the photograph?
2 points
Q12 Which citizenship practice best characterizes a dictatorship?
2 points
Q13 A theocratic government is often characterized by---
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Q14 What type of government does Bolivar propose for Venezuela?

"Give Venezuela an executive power in the person of a president chosen by the people"
2 points
Q15 Which characteristics are shared by the political cultures of the US, England, and Mexico?
2 points
Q16 Usually has a single ruler...Ruler is not bound by laws...People have no rights

Which types of government are most closely linked with these characteristics?
2 points
Q17 - Based on the information in these maps of Germany, what conclusion can be drawn?
2 points
Q18 - Based on the information in the maps of Texas, what conclusion can be drawn?
2 points
Q19 An important effect of mountain ranges, large rivers, and ocean coastlines on a country has often been the ---
2 points
Q20 The European Union has:
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What is the main purpose today of the European Union?
2 points
Q22 A ruling family headed by a king or queen
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Q23 An individual or group holds complete political power
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Q24 A form of government in which God or a deity is recognized as supreme civil ruler
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#25 A government in which citizens elect representative to rule on their behalf
2 points
#26 A type of government in which citizens hold political power either directly or through elected representatives
2 points
#27 Abraham and Moses are in the Koran and in the Jewish and Christian bibles. In Spain, Jews, Christians and Muslims were permitted religious and personal freedom.

Which thesis statement could be supported by the evidence from this passage?