Rainone 3rd MP Quaterly Review

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1 point
This ancient civilization is given the historical credit for having the first democracy
1 point
Having Pride in your country
1 point
Which 18th century French Enlightenment philosopher spoke openly about freedom of religion and freedom of speech. His words would eventually force him to flee France in the mid 1700's.
1 point
This economic policy calls for government to have a more hands off approach when it comes to business. Basically it is the idea that government should not over regulate laws on how business's conduct business, because if you do you will stifle their growth.
1 point
England was the first to have this form of Government where a Monarchs powers was checked by a Constitution and Parliament
1 point
What was another name for the French middle class during the French Revolution? Upper class people have used this term to insult those who are beneath them. "That is so _______________!"
1 point
If you are someone who thinks we need to invest in renewable energies and slowly diminish our use of oil over the next 30-50 years, you would be considered a __________________ on the political spectrum.
1 point
If you are someone who thinks solar energy is a waste of time and we should keep using oil until we we run out, you might be called this on the political spectrum.
1 point
This region of the world is where the three major monotheistic religions of Judaism, Islam and Christanity were born.
1 point
He was the President of Egypt in 2011 when the Arab Spring arose. The people of Egypt called for him to step down from him 40 year reign.
1 point
Factory workers in the early 1900's pulled together to form _____________ to help create better work conditions and improve wages.
1 point
Louis XIV, ruled France without limits, for 72 years. His lavish and extravagant reign is an excellent example of
1 point
What is Englands Law Making body called? America's is called the Senate or Congress.
1 point
Below are all examples of factory life during the Industrial Revolution except
1 point
This traditional religious group colonized Massachusetts. They also dominated the English Parliament in the 1600's. They had had a King beheaded in England and had Thanksgiving with the Indians in the new World. Now that's a paradox!
1 point
Below are all characteristics of the 2nd Industrial Revolution EXCEPT
1 point
Absolute Monarchs and dictators were in favor of all the below powers EXCEPT
1 point
China, Malaysia, India and other Central Ameican factories produce huge quantities of identical goods with inexpensive laborers. This is why many American goods remain inexpensive for the American consumer. What is this type of manufacturing called?
1 point
Which 18th century French Philosopher wrote how three branches of government were necessary to have balance of power within government.
1 point
Below are all characterisitcs of the 3rd industrial revoltuion EXCEPT
1 point
If you are someone who wants extreme environmental change, and think America should go totally to solar in twenty years, people might refer to you as a____________________ on the political spectrum.
1 point
I think I am going to get an ______________ on this quarterly exam.
1 point
What is the name of the famous prison the French people destroyed and turned into a bridge during the French Revolution.
1 point
In 1789, the 3rd estate of France resented the lavish lifestyle of those who lived at this famous French palace.
1 point
A country that ruled by by a King or Queen is this type of government
1 point
The English Philosopher Hobbes, witnessed this English Kings beheading in 1649. He was the first European King to be beheaded by his people.
1 point
Rights given to you from birth that John Lock spoke about are called
1 point
A time period where new technologies and factories replaced people creating goods in their own homes
1 point
The French Revoluton had all the below things in common with the 2011 Egyptian Arab Spring EXCEPT (think recipe for a revolution)
1 point
A document of a country that gives people fundamental rights and dictates how government is run is called a