Construction 9 grade

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2 points

1 Complete the sentences with these verbs.

believe consists drinking eat making needs realize seems takes think

1 Many people don’t _____________ how much sugar they eat every day. It’s added to a lot of other food.
2 points

1 Complete the sentences with these verbs.

believe consists drinking eat making needs realize seems takes think

2 Pasta _____________ of flour and water, and sometimes egg.
2 points

1 Complete the sentences with these verbs.

believe consists drinking eat making needs realize seems takes think

3 Shall we _____________ lunch inside or outside today?
2 points

1 Complete the sentences with these verbs.

believe consists drinking eat making needs realize seems takes think

4 _____________ lots of diet drinks can cause tooth decay.
2 points

1 Complete the sentences with these verbs.

believe consists drinking eat making needs realize seems takes think

5 We’re _____________ lasagne for dinner.
2 points

1 Complete the sentences with these verbs.

believe consists drinking eat making needs realize seems takes think

6 I don’t _____________ in skipping meals.
2 points

1 Complete the sentences with these verbs.

believe consists drinking eat making needs realize seems takes think

7 Mom _____________ vitamins every morning.
2 points

1 Complete the sentences with these verbs.

believe consists drinking eat making needs realize seems takes think

8 A vegetarian diet _____________ to be very healthy.
2 points

1 Complete the sentences with these verbs.

believe consists drinking eat making needs realize seems takes think

9 Everyone _____________ a diet rich in vitamins.
2 points

1 Complete the sentences with these verbs.

believe consists drinking eat making needs realize seems takes think

10 What do you _____________ of people who eat fish but not meat?
2 points

Read the definitions and complete the words with vowels, a, e, i, o, u.

1 This kind of medicine includes acupuncture and herbal medicine.

a l t _ r n _ t _ v _
2 points

Read the definitions and complete the words with vowels, a, e, i, o, u.

2 Acupuncture works by inserting these in specific points in the body.
n _ _ d l _ s
2 points

Read the definitions and complete the words with vowels, a, e, i, o, u.

3 Herbal medicine treats illness and pain with herbs and these.
natural r _ m _ d _ _ s
2 points

Read the definitions and complete the words with vowels, a, e, i, o, u.

4 Aspirin was the first synthetic one.
d r _ g
2 points

Read the definitions and complete the words with vowels, a, e, i, o, u.

5 When you have an operation, you have this.
general _ n _ s t h _ t _ c

2 points

Read the definitions and complete the words with vowels, a, e, i, o, u.

6 These people do operations in the hospital.
s _ r g _ _ n s
2 points
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.

1 Oh, no! I forgot _____________ (lock) the door.
2 points
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.

2 A can opener is for _____________ (open) tins.
2 points
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.

3 I forgot _____________ (have) breakfast this morning. That’s why I feel so hungry!
2 points
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.

4 Please try _____________ (learn) these new words for the exam tomorrow.
2 points
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.

5 _____________ (treat) illness with herbs is the oldest form of medicine in the world.
2 points
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.

6 Dean became a fitness instructor after _____________ (lose) weight and getting fit.
2 points
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.

7 If you feel sick, I suggest _____________ (call) the doctor immediately.
2 points
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.

8 I remember _____________ (have)
2 points
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.

9 I want to lose weight, but I keep _____________ (eat) chocolate!
2 points
10 _____________ (quit) smoking isn’t easy, but it will greatly improve your health.
2 points

1 Choose the correct option, A, B, or C.

1 The treatment appeared ___.

2 points

1 Choose the correct option, A, B, or C.

2 She didn’t remember ___ the operation when she was a child.

2 points

1 Choose the correct option, A, B, or C.

3 Most people expect ___ when they take drugs.

2 points

1 Write the correct word in each blank.

Many people try to lose weight (1) _____ eating less food. But (2) __________ (lose) weight isn’t just a matter of (3) eat / eating the right food; it’s also about (4) to do / doing sports and exercising. Even if you think you don’t have time (5) to go / going to the gym every day, you can be more active (6) by / for building exercise into your daily routine. For example, my dad goes jogging every morning before (7) to go / going to work. He likes to start the day with a run. And my mom has bought a pedometer. This is a gadget (8) by / for counting the number of steps you take each day. You strap the pedometer onto your wrist before (9) to leave / leaving home in the morning, and by the end of the day, you will be able to see how far you have walked. By
(10) make / making small changes to your daily routine, you will soon feel fitter.

2 points

1 Write the correct word in each blank.

Many people try to lose weight (1) _____ eating less food. But (2) __________ (lose) weight isn’t just a matter of (3) eat / eating the right food; it’s also about (4) to do / doing sports and exercising. Even if you think you don’t have time (5) to go / going to the gym every day, you can be more active (6) by / for building exercise into your daily routine. For example, my dad goes jogging every morning before (7) to go / going to work. He likes to start the day with a run. And my mom has bought a pedometer. This is a gadget (8) by / for counting the number of steps you take each day. You strap the pedometer onto your wrist before (9) to leave / leaving home in the morning, and by the end of the day, you will be able to see how far you have walked. By
(10) make / making small changes to your daily routine, you will soon feel fitter.

2. ____________________
2 points

1 Write the correct word in each blank.

Many people try to lose weight (1) _____ eating less food. But (2) __________ (lose) weight isn’t just a matter of (3) _____ the right food; it’s also about (4) to do / doing sports and exercising. Even if you think you don’t have time (5) to go / going to the gym every day, you can be more active (6) by / for building exercise into your daily routine. For example, my dad goes jogging every morning before (7) to go / going to work. He likes to start the day with a run. And my mom has bought a pedometer. This is a gadget (8) by / for counting the number of steps you take each day. You strap the pedometer onto your wrist before (9) to leave / leaving home in the morning, and by the end of the day, you will be able to see how far you have walked. By
(10) make / making small changes to your daily routine, you will soon feel fitter.

2 points
1 Write the correct word in each blank.
Many people try to lose weight (1) _____ eating less food. But (2) __________ (lose) weight isn’t just a matter of (3) _____ the right food; it’s also about (4) _________ sports and exercising. Even if you think you don’t have time (5) to go / going to the gym every day, you can be more active (6) by / for building exercise into your daily routine. For example, my dad goes jogging every morning before (7) to go / going to work. He likes to start the day with a run. And my mom has bought a pedometer. This is a gadget (8) by / for counting the number of steps you take each day. You strap the pedometer onto your wrist before (9) to leave / leaving home in the morning, and by the end of the day, you will be able to see how far you have walked. By
(10) make / making small changes to your daily routine, you will soon feel fitter.

4. _____________________
2 points
1 Write the correct word in each blank.

Many people try to lose weight (1) _____ eating less food. But (2) __________ (lose) weight isn’t just a matter of (3) _____ the right food; it’s also about (4) _________ sports and exercising. Even if you think you don’t have time (5) ________ to the gym every day.

5. ________________________
2 points

Read the text and choose the correct option, A or B.

Having lots of gadgets in the kitchen makes life a lot easier by saving you time. Can you imagine life without an electric cooker, or a refrigerator, or even a tea kettle? And by saving you time, modern gadgets allow you to become more creative, to have fun, and to learn more about healthy food and new recipes.
Sales of electrical gadgets have risen sharply over the last five years. This new interest in buying kitchen gadgets shows there’s a growing interest in cooking and baking, and a desire to eat more healthily. New kitchen gadgets make tasks in the kitchen easier, quicker, and better, and the rise in sales suggests that people are enjoying making meals, drinks, and snacks at home rather than buying them.

But once we’ve bought these gadgets, how often do we use them? A recent survey found that 36% of people who have bought or been given a bread maker hardly use it. Sandwich toasters were hardly any better, with only 28% using them. We all know someone who has bought a bread maker because they had dreams of coming down the stairs every morning to the smell of freshly-made bread. Or someone who has come home with a brand new juicer and a recipe book full of ideas for fresh fruit and vegetable juices to improve your health and give your complexion a youthful glow. After a week of enthusiastic bread-baking and fruit-juicing, the gadgets are soon left on the top shelf in the kitchen and never used again!
Why is this? It’s probably due to a number of reasons, but one could be the growth of the quality food industry in recent years. Good quality, healthy, fresh food has become more easily available in places like farmer’s markets, health food stores, and supermarkets. People living busy lives have to compare the time it takes them to buy the ingredients, make the product, wash the gadget, and risk a homemade “failure,” compared to the time it takes them to buy a good quality product that may cost slightly more.

Using modern gadgets ___.

2 points

Read the text and choose the correct option, A or B.

Having lots of gadgets in the kitchen makes life a lot easier by saving you time. Can you imagine life without an electric cooker, or a refrigerator, or even a tea kettle? And by saving you time, modern gadgets allow you to become more creative, to have fun, and to learn more about healthy food and new recipes.
Sales of electrical gadgets have risen sharply over the last five years. This new interest in buying kitchen gadgets shows there’s a growing interest in cooking and baking, and a desire to eat more healthily. New kitchen gadgets make tasks in the kitchen easier, quicker, and better, and the rise in sales suggests that people are enjoying making meals, drinks, and snacks at home rather than buying them.

But once we’ve bought these gadgets, how often do we use them? A recent survey found that 36% of people who have bought or been given a bread maker hardly use it. Sandwich toasters were hardly any better, with only 28% using them. We all know someone who has bought a bread maker because they had dreams of coming down the stairs every morning to the smell of freshly-made bread. Or someone who has come home with a brand new juicer and a recipe book full of ideas for fresh fruit and vegetable juices to improve your health and give your complexion a youthful glow. After a week of enthusiastic bread-baking and fruit-juicing, the gadgets are soon left on the top shelf in the kitchen and never used again!
Why is this? It’s probably due to a number of reasons, but one could be the growth of the quality food industry in recent years. Good quality, healthy, fresh food has become more easily available in places like farmer’s markets, health food stores, and supermarkets. People living busy lives have to compare the time it takes them to buy the ingredients, make the product, wash the gadget, and risk a homemade “failure,” compared to the time it takes them to buy a good quality product that may cost slightly more.

2 The rise in buying kitchen gadgets shows that people ___.

2 points

Read the text and choose the correct option, A or B.

Having lots of gadgets in the kitchen makes life a lot easier by saving you time. Can you imagine life without an electric cooker, or a refrigerator, or even a tea kettle? And by saving you time, modern gadgets allow you to become more creative, to have fun, and to learn more about healthy food and new recipes.
Sales of electrical gadgets have risen sharply over the last five years. This new interest in buying kitchen gadgets shows there’s a growing interest in cooking and baking, and a desire to eat more healthily. New kitchen gadgets make tasks in the kitchen easier, quicker, and better, and the rise in sales suggests that people are enjoying making meals, drinks, and snacks at home rather than buying them.

But once we’ve bought these gadgets, how often do we use them? A recent survey found that 36% of people who have bought or been given a bread maker hardly use it. Sandwich toasters were hardly any better, with only 28% using them. We all know someone who has bought a bread maker because they had dreams of coming down the stairs every morning to the smell of freshly-made bread. Or someone who has come home with a brand new juicer and a recipe book full of ideas for fresh fruit and vegetable juices to improve your health and give your complexion a youthful glow. After a week of enthusiastic bread-baking and fruit-juicing, the gadgets are soon left on the top shelf in the kitchen and never used again!
Why is this? It’s probably due to a number of reasons, but one could be the growth of the quality food industry in recent years. Good quality, healthy, fresh food has become more easily available in places like farmer’s markets, health food stores, and supermarkets. People living busy lives have to compare the time it takes them to buy the ingredients, make the product, wash the gadget, and risk a homemade “failure,” compared to the time it takes them to buy a good quality product that may cost slightly more.

3 Thirty-six per cent of people who have bread makers ___.

2 points

Read the text and choose the correct option, A or B.

Having lots of gadgets in the kitchen makes life a lot easier by saving you time. Can you imagine life without an electric cooker, or a refrigerator, or even a tea kettle? And by saving you time, modern gadgets allow you to become more creative, to have fun, and to learn more about healthy food and new recipes.
Sales of electrical gadgets have risen sharply over the last five years. This new interest in buying kitchen gadgets shows there’s a growing interest in cooking and baking, and a desire to eat more healthily. New kitchen gadgets make tasks in the kitchen easier, quicker, and better, and the rise in sales suggests that people are enjoying making meals, drinks, and snacks at home rather than buying them.

But once we’ve bought these gadgets, how often do we use them? A recent survey found that 36% of people who have bought or been given a bread maker hardly use it. Sandwich toasters were hardly any better, with only 28% using them. We all know someone who has bought a bread maker because they had dreams of coming down the stairs every morning to the smell of freshly-made bread. Or someone who has come home with a brand new juicer and a recipe book full of ideas for fresh fruit and vegetable juices to improve your health and give your complexion a youthful glow. After a week of enthusiastic bread-baking and fruit-juicing, the gadgets are soon left on the top shelf in the kitchen and never used again!
Why is this? It’s probably due to a number of reasons, but one could be the growth of the quality food industry in recent years. Good quality, healthy, fresh food has become more easily available in places like farmer’s markets, health food stores, and supermarkets. People living busy lives have to compare the time it takes them to buy the ingredients, make the product, wash the gadget, and risk a homemade “failure,” compared to the time it takes them to buy a good quality product that may cost slightly more.

4 Once people have bought gadgets they ___.

2 points

Read the text and choose the correct option, A or B.

Having lots of gadgets in the kitchen makes life a lot easier by saving you time. Can you imagine life without an electric cooker, or a refrigerator, or even a tea kettle? And by saving you time, modern gadgets allow you to become more creative, to have fun, and to learn more about healthy food and new recipes.
Sales of electrical gadgets have risen sharply over the last five years. This new interest in buying kitchen gadgets shows there’s a growing interest in cooking and baking, and a desire to eat more healthily. New kitchen gadgets make tasks in the kitchen easier, quicker, and better, and the rise in sales suggests that people are enjoying making meals, drinks, and snacks at home rather than buying them.

But once we’ve bought these gadgets, how often do we use them? A recent survey found that 36% of people who have bought or been given a bread maker hardly use it. Sandwich toasters were hardly any better, with only 28% using them. We all know someone who has bought a bread maker because they had dreams of coming down the stairs every morning to the smell of freshly-made bread. Or someone who has come home with a brand new juicer and a recipe book full of ideas for fresh fruit and vegetable juices to improve your health and give your complexion a youthful glow. After a week of enthusiastic bread-baking and fruit-juicing, the gadgets are soon left on the top shelf in the kitchen and never used again!
Why is this? It’s probably due to a number of reasons, but one could be the growth of the quality food industry in recent years. Good quality, healthy, fresh food has become more easily available in places like farmer’s markets, health food stores, and supermarkets. People living busy lives have to compare the time it takes them to buy the ingredients, make the product, wash the gadget, and risk a homemade “failure,” compared to the time it takes them to buy a good quality product that may cost slightly more.

5 People often buy juicers because they ___.

2 points

Read the text and choose the correct option, A or B.

Having lots of gadgets in the kitchen makes life a lot easier by saving you time. Can you imagine life without an electric cooker, or a refrigerator, or even a tea kettle? And by saving you time, modern gadgets allow you to become more creative, to have fun, and to learn more about healthy food and new recipes.
Sales of electrical gadgets have risen sharply over the last five years. This new interest in buying kitchen gadgets shows there’s a growing interest in cooking and baking, and a desire to eat more healthily. New kitchen gadgets make tasks in the kitchen easier, quicker, and better, and the rise in sales suggests that people are enjoying making meals, drinks, and snacks at home rather than buying them.

But once we’ve bought these gadgets, how often do we use them? A recent survey found that 36% of people who have bought or been given a bread maker hardly use it. Sandwich toasters were hardly any better, with only 28% using them. We all know someone who has bought a bread maker because they had dreams of coming down the stairs every morning to the smell of freshly-made bread. Or someone who has come home with a brand new juicer and a recipe book full of ideas for fresh fruit and vegetable juices to improve your health and give your complexion a youthful glow. After a week of enthusiastic bread-baking and fruit-juicing, the gadgets are soon left on the top shelf in the kitchen and never used again!
Why is this? It’s probably due to a number of reasons, but one could be the growth of the quality food industry in recent years. Good quality, healthy, fresh food has become more easily available in places like farmer’s markets, health food stores, and supermarkets. People living busy lives have to compare the time it takes them to buy the ingredients, make the product, wash the gadget, and risk a homemade “failure,” compared to the time it takes them to buy a good quality product that may cost slightly more.

6 The quality food industry has ___.

2 points

Read the text and choose the correct option, A or B.

Having lots of gadgets in the kitchen makes life a lot easier by saving you time. Can you imagine life without an electric cooker, or a refrigerator, or even a tea kettle? And by saving you time, modern gadgets allow you to become more creative, to have fun, and to learn more about healthy food and new recipes.
Sales of electrical gadgets have risen sharply over the last five years. This new interest in buying kitchen gadgets shows there’s a growing interest in cooking and baking, and a desire to eat more healthily. New kitchen gadgets make tasks in the kitchen easier, quicker, and better, and the rise in sales suggests that people are enjoying making meals, drinks, and snacks at home rather than buying them.

But once we’ve bought these gadgets, how often do we use them? A recent survey found that 36% of people who have bought or been given a bread maker hardly use it. Sandwich toasters were hardly any better, with only 28% using them. We all know someone who has bought a bread maker because they had dreams of coming down the stairs every morning to the smell of freshly-made bread. Or someone who has come home with a brand new juicer and a recipe book full of ideas for fresh fruit and vegetable juices to improve your health and give your complexion a youthful glow. After a week of enthusiastic bread-baking and fruit-juicing, the gadgets are soon left on the top shelf in the kitchen and never used again!
Why is this? It’s probably due to a number of reasons, but one could be the growth of the quality food industry in recent years. Good quality, healthy, fresh food has become more easily available in places like farmer’s markets, health food stores, and supermarkets. People living busy lives have to compare the time it takes them to buy the ingredients, make the product, wash the gadget, and risk a homemade “failure,” compared to the time it takes them to buy a good quality product that may cost slightly more.

7 Buying good quality food in farmer’s markets and health food stores ___.

2 points

Read the text and choose the correct option, A or B.

Having lots of gadgets in the kitchen makes life a lot easier by saving you time. Can you imagine life without an electric cooker, or a refrigerator, or even a tea kettle? And by saving you time, modern gadgets allow you to become more creative, to have fun, and to learn more about healthy food and new recipes.
Sales of electrical gadgets have risen sharply over the last five years. This new interest in buying kitchen gadgets shows there’s a growing interest in cooking and baking, and a desire to eat more healthily. New kitchen gadgets make tasks in the kitchen easier, quicker, and better, and the rise in sales suggests that people are enjoying making meals, drinks, and snacks at home rather than buying them.

But once we’ve bought these gadgets, how often do we use them? A recent survey found that 36% of people who have bought or been given a bread maker hardly use it. Sandwich toasters were hardly any better, with only 28% using them. We all know someone who has bought a bread maker because they had dreams of coming down the stairs every morning to the smell of freshly-made bread. Or someone who has come home with a brand new juicer and a recipe book full of ideas for fresh fruit and vegetable juices to improve your health and give your complexion a youthful glow. After a week of enthusiastic bread-baking and fruit-juicing, the gadgets are soon left on the top shelf in the kitchen and never used again!
Why is this? It’s probably due to a number of reasons, but one could be the growth of the quality food industry in recent years. Good quality, healthy, fresh food has become more easily available in places like farmer’s markets, health food stores, and supermarkets. People living busy lives have to compare the time it takes them to buy the ingredients, make the product, wash the gadget, and risk a homemade “failure,” compared to the time it takes them to buy a good quality product that may cost slightly more.

8 Having a gadget doesn’t mean ___.

2 points

Read the text and choose the correct option, A or B.

Having lots of gadgets in the kitchen makes life a lot easier by saving you time. Can you imagine life without an electric cooker, or a refrigerator, or even a tea kettle? And by saving you time, modern gadgets allow you to become more creative, to have fun, and to learn more about healthy food and new recipes.
Sales of electrical gadgets have risen sharply over the last five years. This new interest in buying kitchen gadgets shows there’s a growing interest in cooking and baking, and a desire to eat more healthily. New kitchen gadgets make tasks in the kitchen easier, quicker, and better, and the rise in sales suggests that people are enjoying making meals, drinks, and snacks at home rather than buying them.

But once we’ve bought these gadgets, how often do we use them? A recent survey found that 36% of people who have bought or been given a bread maker hardly use it. Sandwich toasters were hardly any better, with only 28% using them. We all know someone who has bought a bread maker because they had dreams of coming down the stairs every morning to the smell of freshly-made bread. Or someone who has come home with a brand new juicer and a recipe book full of ideas for fresh fruit and vegetable juices to improve your health and give your complexion a youthful glow. After a week of enthusiastic bread-baking and fruit-juicing, the gadgets are soon left on the top shelf in the kitchen and never used again!
Why is this? It’s probably due to a number of reasons, but one could be the growth of the quality food industry in recent years. Good quality, healthy, fresh food has become more easily available in places like farmer’s markets, health food stores, and supermarkets. People living busy lives have to compare the time it takes them to buy the ingredients, make the product, wash the gadget, and risk a homemade “failure,” compared to the time it takes them to buy a good quality product that may cost slightly more.

9 People living busy lives don’t always ___.

2 points

Read the text and choose the correct option, A or B.

Having lots of gadgets in the kitchen makes life a lot easier by saving you time. Can you imagine life without an electric cooker, or a refrigerator, or even a tea kettle? And by saving you time, modern gadgets allow you to become more creative, to have fun, and to learn more about healthy food and new recipes.
Sales of electrical gadgets have risen sharply over the last five years. This new interest in buying kitchen gadgets shows there’s a growing interest in cooking and baking, and a desire to eat more healthily. New kitchen gadgets make tasks in the kitchen easier, quicker, and better, and the rise in sales suggests that people are enjoying making meals, drinks, and snacks at home rather than buying them.

But once we’ve bought these gadgets, how often do we use them? A recent survey found that 36% of people who have bought or been given a bread maker hardly use it. Sandwich toasters were hardly any better, with only 28% using them. We all know someone who has bought a bread maker because they had dreams of coming down the stairs every morning to the smell of freshly-made bread. Or someone who has come home with a brand new juicer and a recipe book full of ideas for fresh fruit and vegetable juices to improve your health and give your complexion a youthful glow. After a week of enthusiastic bread-baking and fruit-juicing, the gadgets are soon left on the top shelf in the kitchen and never used again!
Why is this? It’s probably due to a number of reasons, but one could be the growth of the quality food industry in recent years. Good quality, healthy, fresh food has become more easily available in places like farmer’s markets, health food stores, and supermarkets. People living busy lives have to compare the time it takes them to buy the ingredients, make the product, wash the gadget, and risk a homemade “failure,” compared to the time it takes them to buy a good quality product that may cost slightly more.

10 Sometimes people prefer buying good quality produce rather than ___.

12 points

1 Write a short paragraph about how people can lead a healthy lifestyle. Think of these things:

• Which foods are good/bad for you?
• What other things can you do (e.g., not smoke, do sports, go to the gym)?
• What are the advantages of a healthy lifestyle?