Cold War 2

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1 point
What helped former soldiers get a free college education?
1 point
Which of these is the main reason President Harry Truman sent military aid to French Indochina during the early 1950's?
1 point
What was the name of the 1st man-made satellite to orbit the Earth?
1 point
What was the large increase in population called after WWII?
1 point
A Mysterious Disease Before the 1950s, people had many reasons to fear this disease, especially because it was fairly common and few understood it. At the height of the epidemic in 1952, there were nearly 60,000 cases and over 3,000 deaths reported in the United States alone. Some of the reasons people feared it were because people's muscles could become so stiff and weak that they were paralyzed or needed help breathing.
1 point
What helped to the US government to convict Julius and Ethel Rosenberg for espionage?
1 point
During the 1950's the federal government funded educational initiatives in math and science in response to---
1 point
Senator Joseph McCarthy is BEST known for his involvement in----
1 point
Which of the following was a result of the United States' efforts to stop what the picture above describes near U.S. borders?
1 point
During the Cold War, the Soviet Union and the United States became involved in an arms races. An arms race
1 point
A major cause of the growth of state and Federal highway systems after World War II was the
1 point
The map above describes which of the following events?
1 point
What two nations were involved in the "Space Race?"