Lesson 18 Making a Magazine

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1 point
Most Writers today have some background in using computers. What does background mean the this sentence.
1 point
Writers can get insights into a subject y experiencing it for themselves. What does insights mean the this sentence.
1 point
Many writing skills are required to get a job at a newspaper. What does the word required mean in the sentence.
1 point
The formula for a great magazine story is to put together a good idea, good research and good writing. What does formula mean in the sentence.
1 point
Building a career as a magazine writer can be tough. What does the word career mean in the sentence.
1 point
What is the one thing the kids did not do to start their own magazines?
1 point
"I'd like to introduce the best magazine writer in the nation." Is this statement a fact or an opinion?
1 point
"I'd like to introduce the best magazine writer in the nation." Who was Mr. Gomez talking about?
1 point
How many teams of writers did Mr. Gomez split the class in.
1 point
One team came up with a great idea for the magazine. What was it?
1 point
Who did the team decide to interview?
1 point
Who did the team decide to interview?
1 point
Why did Laura decide to start the community garden.
1 point
Where did the kids go to get more information after the interview with Laura?
1 point
What did the students do after they printed out one copy of the magazine?