Knowledge test - Goal 1 - First term - 7B

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1 point

A. Complete the following sentences with the corresponding word. (24 points, 2 each)

He’s a (1)__________________. It’s a dangerous job when there’s a fire. He has to wear a (2)__________________ and a (3)__________________.
1 point

He’s a (1)__________________. It’s a dangerous job when there’s a fire. He has to wear a (2)__________________ and a (3)__________________.
1 point

He’s a (1)__________________. It’s a dangerous job when there’s a fire. He has to wear a (2) __________________ and a (3)__________________.
1 point
She’s a (4) __________________. She plays the piano.
1 point
He’s an (5) __________________. He makes movies.
1 point
He works in a restaurant, he’s a (6) __________________. He wears black (7) __________________ and a white (8) __________________.
1 point
He works in a restaurant, he’s a (6) __________________. He wears black (7) __________________ and a white (8) __________________.
1 point
He works in a restaurant, he’s a (6) __________________. He wears black (7) __________________ and a white (8) __________________.
1 point
He’s a (9)__________________.He works with animals. He wears (10)__________________ when he works outside.
1 point
He’s a (9)__________________.He works with animals. He wears (10)__________________ when he works outside.
1 point
She’s a (11) __________________. She carries a (12) __________________ with her pen and notepad in.
1 point
She’s a (11) __________________. She carries a (12) __________________ with her pen and notepad in.
2 points

A. Read and complete. For each number 1–10 choose the correct option.

In different countries, people do things in different ways and at different times. In Mexico, for example, people often (1) ______ their dinner at about 9 p.m., especially in summer, but in the U.S. people (2) ______ at about six o’clock in the evening. In some countries, too, people
(3) ______ all through the day because their office (4) ______ a break in the afternoon.
Store opening times are different in different countries too. In the U.K. the shops (5) ______ at nine or 10 in the morning and close at five or six in the evening. But in Hong Kong they open at about 11 a.m. and (6) ______ before 11 p.m. And school years can be very different. The school year in the U.S. (7) ______ in June and starts again in August, but in Australia it (8) ______ in June but in December, and then (9) ______ again in February. When (10) ______ your school year start and finish?

1. _________
2 points

In different countries, people do things in different ways and at different times. In Mexico, for example, people often (1) ______ their dinner at about 9 p.m., especially in summer, but in the U.S. people (2) ______ at about six o’clock in the evening. In some countries, too, people
(3) ______ all through the day because their office (4) ______ a break in the afternoon.
Store opening times are different in different countries too. In the U.K. the shops (5) ______ at nine or 10 in the morning and close at five or six in the evening. But in Hong Kong they open at about 11 a.m. and (6) ______ before 11 p.m. And school years can be very different. The school year in the U.S. (7) ______ in June and starts again in August, but in Australia it (8) ______ in June but in December, and then (9) ______ again in February. When (10) ______ your school year start and finish?

2. _____________
2 points

In different countries, people do things in different ways and at different times. In Mexico, for example, people often (1) ______ their dinner at about 9 p.m., especially in summer, but in the U.S. people (2) ______ at about six o’clock in the evening. In some countries, too, people
(3) ______ all through the day because their office (4) ______ a break in the afternoon.
Store opening times are different in different countries too. In the U.K. the shops (5) ______ at nine or 10 in the morning and close at five or six in the evening. But in Hong Kong they open at about 11 a.m. and (6) ______ before 11 p.m. And school years can be very different. The school year in the U.S. (7) ______ in June and starts again in August, but in Australia it (8) ______ in June but in December, and then (9) ______ again in February. When (10) ______ your school year start and finish?

3. ____________
2 points

In different countries, people do things in different ways and at different times. In Mexico, for example, people often (1) ______ their dinner at about 9 p.m., especially in summer, but in the U.S. people (2) ______ at about six o’clock in the evening. In some countries, too, people
(3) ______ all through the day because their office (4) ______ a break in the afternoon.
Store opening times are different in different countries too. In the U.K. the shops (5) ______ at nine or 10 in the morning and close at five or six in the evening. But in Hong Kong they open at about 11 a.m. and (6) ______ before 11 p.m. And school years can be very different. The school year in the U.S. (7) ______ in June and starts again in August, but in Australia it (8) ______ in June but in December, and then (9) ______ again in February. When (10) ______ your school year start and finish?

4. ____________
2 points

In different countries, people do things in different ways and at different times. In Mexico, for example, people often (1) ______ their dinner at about 9 p.m., especially in summer, but in the U.S. people (2) ______ at about six o’clock in the evening. In some countries, too, people
(3) ______ all through the day because their office (4) ______ a break in the afternoon.
Store opening times are different in different countries too. In the U.K. the shops (5) ______ at nine or 10 in the morning and close at five or six in the evening. But in Hong Kong they open at about 11 a.m. and (6) ______ before 11 p.m. And school years can be very different. The school year in the U.S. (7) ______ in June and starts again in August, but in Australia it (8) ______ in June but in December, and then (9) ______ again in February. When (10) ______ your school year start and finish?

5. ______________
2 points

In different countries, people do things in different ways and at different times. In Mexico, for example, people often (1) ______ their dinner at about 9 p.m., especially in summer, but in the U.S. people (2) ______ at about six o’clock in the evening. In some countries, too, people
(3) ______ all through the day because their office (4) ______ a break in the afternoon.
Store opening times are different in different countries too. In the U.K. the shops (5) ______ at nine or 10 in the morning and close at five or six in the evening. But in Hong Kong they open at about 11 a.m. and (6) ______ before 11 p.m. And school years can be very different. The school year in the U.S. (7) ______ in June and starts again in August, but in Australia it (8) ______ in June but in December, and then (9) ______ again in February. When (10) ______ your school year start and finish?

6. _____________
2 points

In different countries, people do things in different ways and at different times. In Mexico, for example, people often (1) ______ their dinner at about 9 p.m., especially in summer, but in the U.S. people (2) ______ at about six o’clock in the evening. In some countries, too, people
(3) ______ all through the day because their office (4) ______ a break in the afternoon.
Store opening times are different in different countries too. In the U.K. the shops (5) ______ at nine or 10 in the morning and close at five or six in the evening. But in Hong Kong they open at about 11 a.m. and (6) ______ before 11 p.m. And school years can be very different. The school year in the U.S. (7) ______ in June and starts again in August, but in Australia it (8) ______ in June but in December, and then (9) ______ again in February. When (10) ______ your school year start and finish?

7. ____________
2 points

In different countries, people do things in different ways and at different times. In Mexico, for example, people often (1) ______ their dinner at about 9 p.m., especially in summer, but in the U.S. people (2) ______ at about six o’clock in the evening. In some countries, too, people
(3) ______ all through the day because their office (4) ______ a break in the afternoon.
Store opening times are different in different countries too. In the U.K. the shops (5) ______ at nine or 10 in the morning and close at five or six in the evening. But in Hong Kong they open at about 11 a.m. and (6) ______ before 11 p.m. And school years can be very different. The school year in the U.S. (7) ______ in June and starts again in August, but in Australia it (8) ______ in June but in December, and then (9) ______ again in February. When (10) ______ your school year start and finish?

8. _____________
2 points

In different countries, people do things in different ways and at different times. In Mexico, for example, people often (1) ______ their dinner at about 9 p.m., especially in summer, but in the U.S. people (2) ______ at about six o’clock in the evening. In some countries, too, people
(3) ______ all through the day because their office (4) ______ a break in the afternoon.
Store opening times are different in different countries too. In the U.K. the shops (5) ______ at nine or 10 in the morning and close at five or six in the evening. But in Hong Kong they open at about 11 a.m. and (6) ______ before 11 p.m. And school years can be very different. The school year in the U.S. (7) ______ in June and starts again in August, but in Australia it (8) ______ in June but in December, and then (9) ______ again in February. When (10) ______ your school year start and finish?

9. _____________
2 points

In different countries, people do things in different ways and at different times. In Mexico, for example, people often (1) ______ their dinner at about 9 p.m., especially in summer, but in the U.S. people (2) ______ at about six o’clock in the evening. In some countries, too, people
(3) ______ all through the day because their office (4) ______ a break in the afternoon.
Store opening times are different in different countries too. In the U.K. the shops (5) ______ at nine or 10 in the morning and close at five or six in the evening. But in Hong Kong they open at about 11 a.m. and (6) ______ before 11 p.m. And school years can be very different. The school year in the U.S. (7) ______ in June and starts again in August, but in Australia it (8) ______ in June but in December, and then (9) ______ again in February. When (10) ______ your school year start and finish?

10. ______________
2 points
B. Complete the sentences so they have the same meaning as the first sentence. Use Possessive pronouns.

1 It’s not my cell phone. This cell phone isn’t ____________.

2 points
These sneakers aren’t his. They aren’t ____________ sneakers.
2 points
These aren’t our tickets. The tickets aren’t ____________.
2 points
This wallet isn’t hers. It isn’t ____________ wallet.
1 point
Choose the correct word for each space and click on the correct answer. (Possessive Pronouns and Adjectives)

These grammar books are different. ________ has 278 pages, but ________ has only 275.
1 point
Choose the correct word for each space and click on the correct answer. (Possessive Pronouns and Adjectives)

We gave them ________ telephone number, and they gave us ________.
1 point
Choose the correct word for each space and click on the correct answer. (Possessive Pronouns and Adjectives)

________ pencil is broken. Can I borrow ________?
2 points
Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. (Present simple or present continuous)

1. I __________ (play) golf every weekend.
2 points
Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. (Present simple or present continuous)

2. The children ____________ (play) outside at the moment.
2 points
Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. (Present simple or present continuous)

3. Jamie _________ (work) today.
1 point
Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. (Present simple or present continuous)

4. My husband never _________ (make) me breakfast.
1 point
Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. (Present simple or present continuous)

5. Shhhhh! Be quiet! John __________ (sleep) .
2 points

Read the e-mail and choose True or False.

Dear Sandra,

Hi! This is my first e-mail to you. I hope we can be friends!
I’m 15 years old and come from a city in Mexico called Puebla. It’s a very interesting place. I hope you come and visit it one day. I live with my parents, my two brothers, and my sister.

I speak Spanish, of course, and I’m learning English and Italian. Is your English good? Mine isn’t very good. I like school and I have a lot of friends. I really like sports, especially gymnastics, swimming, and karate.
I love animals. We have three cats and a dog at home and my sister has a horse.
I often wear jeans and T-shirts. My favorite colors are purple and blue. I go to the movies almost every week. I like music too, of course. Hip-hop is my favorite but I like techno and punk too.
I also spend a lot of time on Twitter with my friends. We are always sending messages to each other.
What do you like and how do you spend your time? Write soon!


1 Sandra and Pablo are old friends.
2 points
2 Pablo lives in Mexico.
2 points
3 He has three brothers.
2 points
4 He doesn’t like school.
2 points
5 He likes sports.
2 points
6 He doesn’t like animals.
2 points
7 He often wears jeans.
2 points

Listen to a man talking about his routine. Choose the correct answer.

1. What time does the man get up?
2 points

Listen to a man talking about his routine. Choose the correct answer.

2. What time does he get to work?
2 points

Listen to a man talking about his routine. Choose the correct answer.

3. What does he do with his family around 6:30 p.m.?
2 points

Listen to a man talking about his routine. Choose the correct answer.

4. What do the man and his wife do after the kids go to bed?
2 points

Listen to a man talking about his routine. Choose the correct answer.

5. What is one thing the man does NOT say about his wife?
10 points

A. You are introducing yourself on a new website. Tell people about what you do every day, your favorite clothes, and what makes you happy or sad. Write from 7 to 8 lines and remember you need to take into account cohesion, coherence, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, etc. (20 points.)
15 points

Listen to your teacher's instructions and prepare your presentation.