S2C8 Mandatos + -

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1 point
Mandatos negativos
Instrucciones: Your aunt and uncle have given you instructions about what not to do while they are not home. Complete the sentence by circling NEGATIVE tú command.

(No salgas, No sales) de casa cuando usas el horno.
1 point
Mandatos negativos
Instrucciones: Your aunt and uncle have given you instructions about what not to do while they are not home. Complete the sentence by circling NEGATIVE tú command.

(No uses, No usas) la estufa sin limpiarla después.
1 point
Mandatos afirmativos
Instrucciones: Isabel is giving cooking instructions to her friend Sarah. Complete the sentences by circling affirmative tú commands.

Después, (pon, pones) todos los ingredientes en la mesa.
1 point
Mandatos afirmativos
Instrucciones: Isabel is giving cooking instructions to her friend Sarah. Complete the sentences by circling affirmative tú commands.

Por favor, (ten, tienes) cuidado cuando estás mezclando.
1 point
Mandatos afirmativos
Instrucciones: Isabel is giving cooking instructions to her friend Sarah. Complete the sentences by circling affirmative tú commands.

Luego, (pon, pones) todo en la cesta (basket) de tu bicicleta.
1 point
Mandatos afirmativos
Instrucciones: Isabel is giving cooking instructions to her friend Sarah. Complete the sentences by circling affirmative tú commands.

Sarah, (usa, usas) la tarjeta de crédito.

1 point
Mandatos afirmativos
Instrucciones: Isabel is giving cooking instructions to her friend Sarah. Complete the sentences by circling affirmative tú commands.

Por favor, (monta, montas) en tu bicicleta para ir más rápido.

1 point
Mandatos negativos
Instrucciones: Your aunt and uncle have given you instructions about what not to do while they are not home. Complete the sentence by circling NEGATIVE tú command.

(No pongas, No pones) cosas metálicas en el microondas.
1 point
Mandatos negativos
Instrucciones: Your aunt and uncle have given you instructions about what not to do while they are not home. Complete the sentence by circling NEGATIVE tú command.

(No cocines, No cocinas) la comida por demasiado (too much) tiempo.
1 point
Mandatos afirmativos
Instrucciones: Isabel is giving cooking instructions to her friend Sarah. Complete the sentences by circling affirmative tú commands.

Sarah, (ve, vas) al supermercado para comprar más cauliflor.
1 point
Mandatos afirmativos
Instrucciones: Isabel is giving cooking instructions to her friend Sarah. Complete the sentences by circling affirmative tú commands.

Sarah, (mezcla, mezclas) los ingredientes en la olla.
1 point
Mandatos negativos
Instrucciones: Your aunt and uncle have given you instructions about what not to do while they are not home. Complete the sentence by circling NEGATIVE tú command.

(No comas, No comes) helado en el sofá.

1 point
Mandatos negativos
Instrucciones: Your aunt and uncle have given you instructions about what not to do while they are not home. Complete the sentence by circling NEGATIVE tú command.

(No batas, No bates) huevos con un bolígrafo.
1 point
Mandatos afirmativos
Instrucciones: Isabel is giving cooking instructions to her friend Sarah. Complete the sentences by circling affirmative tú commands.

Luego, (enciende, enciendes) la estufa.
1 point
Mandatos negativos
Instrucciones: Your aunt and uncle have given you instructions about what not to do while they are not home. Complete the sentence by circling NEGATIVE tú command.

(No mezcles, No mezclas) la vinagre con bicarbonato (baking soda).
1 point
Mandatos afirmativos
Instrucciones: Isabel is giving cooking instructions to her friend Sarah. Complete the sentences by circling affirmative tú commands.

Sara, (lava, lavas) las manos para empezar.
1 point
Mandatos afirmativos
Instrucciones: Isabel is giving cooking instructions to her friend Sarah. Complete the sentences by circling affirmative tú commands.

Al final, (termina, terminas) la receta.
1 point
Mandatos negativos
Instrucciones: Your aunt and uncle have given you instructions about what not to do while they are not home. Complete the sentence by circling NEGATIVE tú command.

(No tires, No tiras) coca cola en el suelo.