What students MUST KNOW - QUIZ #1

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1 point
When an EARTHQUAKE occurs, seismic waves are generated: P, S, and surface waves. P & S waves both go through the earth, but the surface wave moves only over the surface. Which wave can go through BOTH solids and liquids, is the FASTEST of the 3 waves, and is LONGITUDINAL wave?
1 point
When POTENTIAL (and TOTAL) ENERGY of a skier at the TOP OF A SLOPE is 100 N, what will the TOTAL ENERGY at the bottom of the slope be? _____
1 point
Kinectic energy is energy in motion. Potential energy is _______ energy
1 point
What is the order or organization of an organism?
1 point
What is the name of the UNLIT (dark) side of the moon?
1 point
What is an example of CONVECTION?
1 point
This documents the appearance and diversification of fossils and organisms through t ime. The EARLY organisms were simple and not very developed. Later in time, organisms were much more complex. The name of this record that documents change of organisms is
1 point
Nerve cells, muscles cells, and blood cells are all shaped differently because each does DIFFERENT kinds of work. THese cells are known as ___________
1 point
Which of the 3 seismic is a TRANSVERSE wave and can only go through SOLIDS, therefore it can not pass through the OUTER CORE with is liquid?
1 point
a NORMAL force is a force on an object NOT MOVING or NO LONGER MOVING
The name of this NORMAL force is
1 point
A rabbit runs 50 yards in 5 seconds. If the FORMULA for speed is DISTANCE over time, its speed will be:
1 point
When a ball is at the TOP OF AN INCLINE but not yet release, the _________ energy is the greatest here.
1 point
You come upon someone mixing sulfur and iron together -- you can separate the iron from the sulfur using a magnet, so you know this is physical. Now you add HEAT and soon the 2 combine to form a NEW substance -- it is NOT magnetic or yellow anymore, but it is now GREY and VERY SHINY. Now you have observed
1 point
ENERGY is conserved. This means in ANY system,
1 point
You have heard of ACIDS (pH less than 7) and BASES (pH more than 7). You know a pH of 7 means NEUTRAL.

What do you get when an ACID and a BASE are combined (or mixed)?
1 point
Luster, hardness, density, crystal systems describe the PHYSICAL PROPERTIES of
1 point
What are the 2 factors that affect the STRENGTH of GRAVITY?
1 point
When LITMUS paper is dipped in a base, its color changes to
1 point
Imagine a very simple food chain in which orcas (killer whales) eat only sea otters, sea otters eat only sea urchins, and urchins eat only kelp (marine algae). Orcas, sea otters, and urchins are the only significant consumers in the system. To keep one ton of orca biomass fed, you would need about _____ ton(s) of kelp. NOTE: between each layer (ex: kelp to sea urchins OR sea urches to sea otters), only 10% of energy is passed on)
1 point
H, Ca, Fe are elements in the PERIODIC TABLE. An ELEMENT is
1 point
Only 1 variable is changed in a controlled experiment - to make sure you can identify IF there is a relationship between the manipulated and responding variable. Another name for manipulated variable is
1 point
A testable statement or explanation; an answer to a question that can be tested is a
1 point
ENERGY in the Earth's core causes movement in the mantle, which causes the PLATES on earth move. The kind of MOVEMENT in the mantle is __________, the movement of heat by fluids
1 point
How does sunlight energy and EM waves travel through space?
1 point
What are 2 forces that hold a planet in orbit around the sun?
1 point
You know that PHYSICAL changes are when a substance changes in size, shape, state, or is part of a mixture (pure substances mixed together with no new substance made)
You know that CHEMICAL changes are when there is a chemical reaction and something NEW is made (gas vapor/smoke/rust/scab/odors/heat change/color change)
You see a friend with a melting ice cream cone. You know this is evidence of a ________ change because of the word MELTING
1 point
When an animal learns a NEW way to do something to help it survive in that environment, it is called an _____________
1 point
What is the organization of an ECOSYSTEM?
1 point
When you see the formula DISTANCE/time you remember an experiment you did in class -- You measured the distance a ball took to roll down an incline and also the time it took
This formula -- DISTANCE/time is used to calculate
1 point
You see the formula = MASS/VOLUME
or mass of object/volume of object

You realize this is the formula for calculating