English Lang & Lit Terminology

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1 point
"I believe her; so does my brother." In this sentence what is the subject?
1 point
A Shakespearean sonnet is written with 3 quatrains and a couplet: abab cdcd efef and gg. A Spenserian is also written with 3 quatrains and and a couplet, but with a slightly different rhyming scheme: abab bcbc cdcd ee. How is an Italian/ Petrarchan sonnet written?
1 point
What is the term used to describe the relationship between the writer/speaker and addressee, which is characterised by its degree of formality?
1 point
Modal verbs are a type of verb that expresses necessity or possibility, such as could, will, should or must. Modal verbs are what type of verb?
1 point
'O Love! How can you treat me so!' is an example of a figure of speech in which concrete or abstract things or ideas are addressed as if present. What is the name for this literary device?
1 point
What is the term given to a metrical unit with the rhythm: stressed/ unstressed
1 point
Noob, muffin top and willy-nillly are all examples of what?
1 point
'you know' and 'I mean' are examples of features in speech that indicate the speaker's awareness of the addressee's presence. What is the term used to describe this definition?
1 point
Check all the boxes that are examples of auxiliary verbs.
1 point
There are 3 types of internal referencing than can be used within discourse. Anaphoric references point backwards in the text. Cataphoric references point forwards in the text. An exophoric reference directs the reader outside the text and often needs some form of physical gesture. Select all examples of an exophoric reference.
1 point
The poetic form of terza rima is written with a triplet rhyming scheme. What is this scheme?
1 point
What is the correct definition of an auxiliary verb?
1 point
Paradox can defined as an idea that seems to contradict itself. Check all examples of paradox.
1 point
A half-rhyme is a rhyme which end constants match but the proceeding syllable does not. Which one of these examples is a half rhyme?
1 point
What is the term for a clause that cannot stand alone?
1 point
Journalism, literature, advertising, law and conversation are all examples of what term?
1 point
'We will win the game. We will become champions.' These sentences are examples of what key term?
1 point
What is the term for a reference to another work of literature or other source by a writer?
1 point
What is the definition of a simple sentence?
1 point
A synecdoche can be defined as a part standing for the whole. Check all the examples of synecdoche below.
1 point
The technique of using language persuasively in order to influence the opinions and behaviour of an audience is called what?
1 point
What is the term used in grammar that is the person or thing being directly affected by the action?
1 point
A subjective is what?
1 point
A modifier is a word or phrase which, when used in conjunction with another word, provides readers or listeners with additional detail or greater precision. Modifiers can for example be adverbs or adjectives. Is this definition true or false?
1 point
'A minor sentence is a group of words that begin with a capital letter and end with a full stop but do not contain a verb.' Is this statement true or false?
1 point
What is the definition of a Ballad Stanza
1 point
In a conversational text, the responses to an utterance from someone else, which includes monitoring interaction features as well as longer utterances, are called what?
1 point
Tone of voice, emphasis and intonation are all examples of paralinguistic features, is this true or false?
1 point
Prosodic features are what?
1 point
The form of a poem that is written in iambic pentameter and rhyming couplets is called what?
1 point
What is the term used to describe words or phrases that soften the impact of what is being said, or to make speech sound more polite. An example of this would be 'maybe'.
1 point
What is the definition of collocation?