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3 points

Complete the dialogues with the correct form of phrasal verbs with down. (Use lowercase)

1 A: Where’s your dog? I can’t see him.
B: There he is. He’s __________ in the grass.
2 points
2 A: Can you __________ the TV, please? It’s too loud.
B: Sorry. I didn’t realize.
2 points
A: Have you __________ the phone number of that restaurant? It looks really good.
B: No, but I’ve put it in my phone.
2 points
4 A: Jenny is very upset. What’s wrong?
B: I don’t know. I asked her to __________ but she keeps on crying.
2 points
5 A: Why are you standing? The performance is going to start in a minute.
B: We can’t __________ because all the seats are taken.
2 points
6 A: Why is Dad so angry?
B: He drove through a red light and didn’t __________ in time!
2 points

Complete the dialogues with must, can’t, or might. (Use lowercase)

1 A: Who’s cooking tonight?
B: It __________ be Katie, as she’s away.
2 points
2 A: Where’s Eva from?
B: She __________ be Brazilian. She’s from São Paolo.
2 points
3 A: The lights are off.
B: Yes, everyone __________ be out.
2 points
4 A: What’s Tom doing tonight?
B: I think he __________ be playing soccer, but I’m not sure.
2 points
5 A: Where’s your mom?
B: She __________ still be at work. She hasn’t come home yet.
2 points
6 A: What’s that noise?
B: I don’t know, but I think it __________ be a bird.
2 points
Read the text. Then choose the correct option.

Is it a good idea to give advice to people? Maybe you (1) ___ give advice if someone asks for it, but if they don’t ask, I don’t think you (2) ___ offer. People don’t really listen when they’re upset, so in these cases, I think you (3) ___ leave them to come up with a solution by themselves. But you (4) ___ just ignore them – stay near them and be ready to talk if they want to.
If they want your advice, then it’s important to give them the right advice. You (5) ___ listen to them very carefully and you really (6) ___ interrupt them while they’re talking. Sometimes just talking about a problem helps people understand what they (7) ___ do about it. But I think you (8) ___ stop listening to me. I’m very good at giving advice, but very bad at taking it!

1. _____________
2 points
Read the text. Then choose the correct option.

Is it a good idea to give advice to people? Maybe you (1) ___ give advice if someone asks for it, but if they don’t ask, I don’t think you (2) ___ offer. People don’t really listen when they’re upset, so in these cases, I think you (3) ___ leave them to come up with a solution by themselves. But you (4) ___ just ignore them – stay near them and be ready to talk if they want to.
If they want your advice, then it’s important to give them the right advice. You (5) ___ listen to them very carefully and you really (6) ___ interrupt them while they’re talking. Sometimes just talking about a problem helps people understand what they (7) ___ do about it. But I think you (8) ___ stop listening to me. I’m very good at giving advice, but very bad at taking it!

2. _______________
2 points
Read the text. Then choose the correct option.

Is it a good idea to give advice to people? Maybe you (1) ___ give advice if someone asks for it, but if they don’t ask, I don’t think you (2) ___ offer. People don’t really listen when they’re upset, so in these cases, I think you (3) ___ leave them to come up with a solution by themselves. But you (4) ___ just ignore them – stay near them and be ready to talk if they want to.
If they want your advice, then it’s important to give them the right advice. You (5) ___ listen to them very carefully and you really (6) ___ interrupt them while they’re talking. Sometimes just talking about a problem helps people understand what they (7) ___ do about it. But I think you (8) ___ stop listening to me. I’m very good at giving advice, but very bad at taking it!

3. __________
2 points
Read the text. Then choose the correct option.

Is it a good idea to give advice to people? Maybe you (1) ___ give advice if someone asks for it, but if they don’t ask, I don’t think you (2) ___ offer. People don’t really listen when they’re upset, so in these cases, I think you (3) ___ leave them to come up with a solution by themselves. But you (4) ___ just ignore them – stay near them and be ready to talk if they want to.
If they want your advice, then it’s important to give them the right advice. You (5) ___ listen to them very carefully and you really (6) ___ interrupt them while they’re talking. Sometimes just talking about a problem helps people understand what they (7) ___ do about it. But I think you (8) ___ stop listening to me. I’m very good at giving advice, but very bad at taking it!

4. _____________
2 points
Read the text. Then choose the correct option.

Is it a good idea to give advice to people? Maybe you (1) ___ give advice if someone asks for it, but if they don’t ask, I don’t think you (2) ___ offer. People don’t really listen when they’re upset, so in these cases, I think you (3) ___ leave them to come up with a solution by themselves. But you (4) ___ just ignore them – stay near them and be ready to talk if they want to.
If they want your advice, then it’s important to give them the right advice. You (5) ___ listen to them very carefully and you really (6) ___ interrupt them while they’re talking. Sometimes just talking about a problem helps people understand what they (7) ___ do about it. But I think you (8) ___ stop listening to me. I’m very good at giving advice, but very bad at taking it!

5. _______________
2 points
Read the text. Then choose the correct option.

Is it a good idea to give advice to people? Maybe you (1) ___ give advice if someone asks for it, but if they don’t ask, I don’t think you (2) ___ offer. People don’t really listen when they’re upset, so in these cases, I think you (3) ___ leave them to come up with a solution by themselves. But you (4) ___ just ignore them – stay near them and be ready to talk if they want to.
If they want your advice, then it’s important to give them the right advice. You (5) ___ listen to them very carefully and you really (6) ___ interrupt them while they’re talking. Sometimes just talking about a problem helps people understand what they (7) ___ do about it. But I think you (8) ___ stop listening to me. I’m very good at giving advice, but very bad at taking it!

6. ____________
2 points
Read the text. Then choose the correct option.

Is it a good idea to give advice to people? Maybe you (1) ___ give advice if someone asks for it, but if they don’t ask, I don’t think you (2) ___ offer. People don’t really listen when they’re upset, so in these cases, I think you (3) ___ leave them to come up with a solution by themselves. But you (4) ___ just ignore them – stay near them and be ready to talk if they want to.
If they want your advice, then it’s important to give them the right advice. You (5) ___ listen to them very carefully and you really (6) ___ interrupt them while they’re talking. Sometimes just talking about a problem helps people understand what they (7) ___ do about it. But I think you (8) ___ stop listening to me. I’m very good at giving advice, but very bad at taking it!

7. ________________
2 points
Read the text. Then choose the correct option.

Is it a good idea to give advice to people? Maybe you (1) ___ give advice if someone asks for it, but if they don’t ask, I don’t think you (2) ___ offer. People don’t really listen when they’re upset, so in these cases, I think you (3) ___ leave them to come up with a solution by themselves. But you (4) ___ just ignore them – stay near them and be ready to talk if they want to.
If they want your advice, then it’s important to give them the right advice. You (5) ___ listen to them very carefully and you really (6) ___ interrupt them while they’re talking. Sometimes just talking about a problem helps people understand what they (7) ___ do about it. But I think you (8) ___ stop listening to me. I’m very good at giving advice, but very bad at taking it!

8. ______________
3 points
Complete the dialogue with the correct reflexive pronouns.
Lisa: Hi, Jake. How was your weekend?
Jake: Great. We had a beach party. We didn’t want to restrict (1) __________ to our friends, so we advertised it on the school website. Loads of people came. I was really enjoying (2) __________ until Zack cut (3) __________ on some broken glass.
Lisa: Oh, no. What did you do?
Jake: We sorted it out, but Annie started to panic. She was so worried. She kept telling (4) __________ Zack would have to go to the hospital. But he was fine. It wasn’t a serious cut. In the end, we had
a great time.
Lisa: You lucky thing!
Jake: Well, you could organize a party
(5) _________. I’d come!
Lisa: OK, but I wouldn’t invite Zack or Perry. They always get (6) __________ into trouble!

1. _________________
3 points
2. ________________
3 points
3. ______________
3 points
4. _______________
3 points
5. __________________
3 points
6. ________________
3 points
Strange laws

Each country has a set of laws to keep people safe and to prevent crime. For example, each country states which side of the road you have to drive on. In the USA, you drive on the right, and in Australia you drive on the left. It would be crazy if in any country you could drive on both sides of the road. There would be thousands of accidents!

However, in many countries there are also a lot of laws that seem a little strange and don’t make sense. For example, in Utah in the USA, you can’t hunt whales. But the police shouldn’t worry too much, as Utah is more than 800 kilometers from the ocean! Who created this law and why?

Some of the funniest laws are to do with driving. In Denmark, you can’t start your car if a child is underneath it. So, you should always look under your car and check before you drive. If you’re a pedestrian in Beijing, then you had better be very careful because it’s illegal for drivers to stop for pedestrians who are crossing the street. But the funniest law to do with driving is in Alaska. In Alaska, it’s illegal to drive with a dog tied to the roof of your car! This must be the craziest law in the world!

In Thailand, you can’t step on money – it’s illegal. So, if you see money on the ground, you have to walk around it. I don’t know if you’re allowed to pick it up and put it in your pocket! In Switzerland you can’t flush your toilet after 10 p.m. because it is too noisy. But in Singapore, you must always flush the toilet after you use it, even if it’s late at night, and you can be fined $500 if you don’t. So people who travel a lot should be very careful to remember which country they are in.

In Australia, you have to drive on the right side of the road.
3 points
Strange laws

Each country has a set of laws to keep people safe and to prevent crime. For example, each country states which side of the road you have to drive on. In the USA, you drive on the right, and in Australia you drive on the left. It would be crazy if in any country you could drive on both sides of the road. There would be thousands of accidents!

However, in many countries there are also a lot of laws that seem a little strange and don’t make sense. For example, in Utah in the USA, you can’t hunt whales. But the police shouldn’t worry too much, as Utah is more than 800 kilometers from the ocean! Who created this law and why?

Some of the funniest laws are to do with driving. In Denmark, you can’t start your car if a child is underneath it. So, you should always look under your car and check before you drive. If you’re a pedestrian in Beijing, then you had better be very careful because it’s illegal for drivers to stop for pedestrians who are crossing the street. But the funniest law to do with driving is in Alaska. In Alaska, it’s illegal to drive with a dog tied to the roof of your car! This must be the craziest law in the world!

In Thailand, you can’t step on money – it’s illegal. So, if you see money on the ground, you have to walk around it. I don’t know if you’re allowed to pick it up and put it in your pocket! In Switzerland you can’t flush your toilet after 10 p.m. because it is too noisy. But in Singapore, you must always flush the toilet after you use it, even if it’s late at night, and you can be fined $500 if you don’t. So people who travel a lot should be very careful to remember which country they are in.

There would be accidents if we could drive on both sides of the road.
3 points
Strange laws

Each country has a set of laws to keep people safe and to prevent crime. For example, each country states which side of the road you have to drive on. In the USA, you drive on the right, and in Australia you drive on the left. It would be crazy if in any country you could drive on both sides of the road. There would be thousands of accidents!

However, in many countries there are also a lot of laws that seem a little strange and don’t make sense. For example, in Utah in the USA, you can’t hunt whales. But the police shouldn’t worry too much, as Utah is more than 800 kilometers from the ocean! Who created this law and why?

Some of the funniest laws are to do with driving. In Denmark, you can’t start your car if a child is underneath it. So, you should always look under your car and check before you drive. If you’re a pedestrian in Beijing, then you had better be very careful because it’s illegal for drivers to stop for pedestrians who are crossing the street. But the funniest law to do with driving is in Alaska. In Alaska, it’s illegal to drive with a dog tied to the roof of your car! This must be the craziest law in the world!

In Thailand, you can’t step on money – it’s illegal. So, if you see money on the ground, you have to walk around it. I don’t know if you’re allowed to pick it up and put it in your pocket! In Switzerland you can’t flush your toilet after 10 p.m. because it is too noisy. But in Singapore, you must always flush the toilet after you use it, even if it’s late at night, and you can be fined $500 if you don’t. So people who travel a lot should be very careful to remember which country they are in.

Utah is near the ocean.
3 points
Strange laws

Each country has a set of laws to keep people safe and to prevent crime. For example, each country states which side of the road you have to drive on. In the USA, you drive on the right, and in Australia you drive on the left. It would be crazy if in any country you could drive on both sides of the road. There would be thousands of accidents!

However, in many countries there are also a lot of laws that seem a little strange and don’t make sense. For example, in Utah in the USA, you can’t hunt whales. But the police shouldn’t worry too much, as Utah is more than 800 kilometers from the ocean! Who created this law and why?

Some of the funniest laws are to do with driving. In Denmark, you can’t start your car if a child is underneath it. So, you should always look under your car and check before you drive. If you’re a pedestrian in Beijing, then you had better be very careful because it’s illegal for drivers to stop for pedestrians who are crossing the street. But the funniest law to do with driving is in Alaska. In Alaska, it’s illegal to drive with a dog tied to the roof of your car! This must be the craziest law in the world!

In Thailand, you can’t step on money – it’s illegal. So, if you see money on the ground, you have to walk around it. I don’t know if you’re allowed to pick it up and put it in your pocket! In Switzerland you can’t flush your toilet after 10 p.m. because it is too noisy. But in Singapore, you must always flush the toilet after you use it, even if it’s late at night, and you can be fined $500 if you don’t. So people who travel a lot should be very careful to remember which country they are in.

If you see money on the ground in Thailand, you have to take it to the police.
3 points
Strange laws

Each country has a set of laws to keep people safe and to prevent crime. For example, each country states which side of the road you have to drive on. In the USA, you drive on the right, and in Australia you drive on the left. It would be crazy if in any country you could drive on both sides of the road. There would be thousands of accidents!

However, in many countries there are also a lot of laws that seem a little strange and don’t make sense. For example, in Utah in the USA, you can’t hunt whales. But the police shouldn’t worry too much, as Utah is more than 800 kilometers from the ocean! Who created this law and why?

Some of the funniest laws are to do with driving. In Denmark, you can’t start your car if a child is underneath it. So, you should always look under your car and check before you drive. If you’re a pedestrian in Beijing, then you had better be very careful because it’s illegal for drivers to stop for pedestrians who are crossing the street. But the funniest law to do with driving is in Alaska. In Alaska, it’s illegal to drive with a dog tied to the roof of your car! This must be the craziest law in the world!

In Thailand, you can’t step on money – it’s illegal. So, if you see money on the ground, you have to walk around it. I don’t know if you’re allowed to pick it up and put it in your pocket! In Switzerland you can’t flush your toilet after 10 p.m. because it is too noisy. But in Singapore, you must always flush the toilet after you use it, even if it’s late at night, and you can be fined $500 if you don’t. So people who travel a lot should be very careful to remember which country they are in.

In Denmark, you must look under your car before you drive.
3 points
Strange laws

Each country has a set of laws to keep people safe and to prevent crime. For example, each country states which side of the road you have to drive on. In the USA, you drive on the right, and in Australia you drive on the left. It would be crazy if in any country you could drive on both sides of the road. There would be thousands of accidents!

However, in many countries there are also a lot of laws that seem a little strange and don’t make sense. For example, in Utah in the USA, you can’t hunt whales. But the police shouldn’t worry too much, as Utah is more than 800 kilometers from the ocean! Who created this law and why?

Some of the funniest laws are to do with driving. In Denmark, you can’t start your car if a child is underneath it. So, you should always look under your car and check before you drive. If you’re a pedestrian in Beijing, then you had better be very careful because it’s illegal for drivers to stop for pedestrians who are crossing the street. But the funniest law to do with driving is in Alaska. In Alaska, it’s illegal to drive with a dog tied to the roof of your car! This must be the craziest law in the world!

In Thailand, you can’t step on money – it’s illegal. So, if you see money on the ground, you have to walk around it. I don’t know if you’re allowed to pick it up and put it in your pocket! In Switzerland you can’t flush your toilet after 10 p.m. because it is too noisy. But in Singapore, you must always flush the toilet after you use it, even if it’s late at night, and you can be fined $500 if you don’t. So people who travel a lot should be very careful to remember which country they are in.

You should be careful in Beijing because drivers can’t stop for pedestrians.
3 points
Strange laws

Each country has a set of laws to keep people safe and to prevent crime. For example, each country states which side of the road you have to drive on. In the USA, you drive on the right, and in Australia you drive on the left. It would be crazy if in any country you could drive on both sides of the road. There would be thousands of accidents!

However, in many countries there are also a lot of laws that seem a little strange and don’t make sense. For example, in Utah in the USA, you can’t hunt whales. But the police shouldn’t worry too much, as Utah is more than 800 kilometers from the ocean! Who created this law and why?

Some of the funniest laws are to do with driving. In Denmark, you can’t start your car if a child is underneath it. So, you should always look under your car and check before you drive. If you’re a pedestrian in Beijing, then you had better be very careful because it’s illegal for drivers to stop for pedestrians who are crossing the street. But the funniest law to do with driving is in Alaska. In Alaska, it’s illegal to drive with a dog tied to the roof of your car! This must be the craziest law in the world!

In Thailand, you can’t step on money – it’s illegal. So, if you see money on the ground, you have to walk around it. I don’t know if you’re allowed to pick it up and put it in your pocket! In Switzerland you can’t flush your toilet after 10 p.m. because it is too noisy. But in Singapore, you must always flush the toilet after you use it, even if it’s late at night, and you can be fined $500 if you don’t. So people who travel a lot should be very careful to remember which country they are in.

You can’t flush your toilet after 10 p.m. in Switzerland.
20 points

Write a paragraph about how to help poverty in poor countries. Think of these things:

aid conservation donating money
medicine population solar energy

Use these phrases:
• I think we should …
• It’s important to …
• The people who live there could …
• We don’t have to/have to …