ISS 210 Quiz (9-15)

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1 point
According to the lecture, "administrative evil" is a bureaucratic mindset that masks unethical and dangerous practices.
1 point
As stated in the video, the city of Berkeley is offering incentives (e.g., tax breaks) for nanotech firms to locate in the city.
1 point
According to Neil deGrasse Tyson, the Apollo program, which put humans on the Moon:
1 point
According to James A. Lewis, the greatest cybersecurity-related harm in the United States comes from:
1 point
An either/or statement is ALWAYS fallacious.
1 point
According to J. Anthony Tyson, large telescopes are required to locate NEOs because:
1 point
As noted in the lecture, scientists and engineers have lost some of their authority because they admit that long-term safety risks can be uncertain and require years of study.
1 point
The Columbia Accident Investigation Board (CAIB) found that human error was not responsible for the accident--there were no missed opportunities to investigate and evaluate the foam damage problem.
1 point
Imagine that a government official, Mayor Judy Smith, makes the following statement: "I wish that we could purchase new computers for our schools, but we don't have the money at this time." Another politician, Bob Harris, summarizes the mayor's argument in this way: "Mayor Smith says that she is opposed to spending money on our children! We must oppose the mayor -- it is foolish to not invest in our children's education." Is Harris making a straw man argument?
1 point
According to Russell L. Schweickart, international near-Earth object decision-making needs to take which of the following factors into consideration:
1 point
According to Neil deGrasse Tyson, attempts to foretell the future come in two flavors: doubt and delirium. "Delirium," as he uses the word, is most akin to:
1 point
As stated in the lecture, ____ gave a lecture in 1959 that sparked interest in nanotechnology.
1 point
According to Allison MacFarlane, a major reason why nuclear power is being pushed as an answer to global warming is that it:
1 point
How many items will be verbatim (word for word) from the old quizzes?
1 point
According to Allison McFarlane, the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) states that countries that do not have nuclear weapons...
1 point
The "straw man" fallacy oversimplifies the opponent's argument to make him/her appear foolish, immoral, or inaccurate.
1 point
According to Ulrich Beck, the global anticipation of catastrophes (e.g., climate change) is socially constructed through...
1 point
According to Aitamurto, after a digital campaign against military trials for civilians was started on Facebook, how may participants joined?
1 point
Buffy and her boyfriend, Biff, show up for the final exam. Biff forgot to bring his student ID, and he doesn't have a driver's license. Buffy has her student ID. She tells the instructor, "I know Biff--he's Biff!" Do Buffy and Biff get to take their final exam?
1 point
According to Russell L. Schweickart, over the next 15 years, searches for near-Earth objects will add to the NEO database ________ potential impactors large enough to do substantial damage to Earth.
1 point
Which logical fallacy does this statement contain: "If you were a true MSU Spartan, you would applaud a MSU researcher regardless of whether or not federal regulators (who probably graduated from the University of Michigan) charge that his research is shoddy, dangerous, and wasteful of tax dollars."
1 point
As stated in the lecture, since ____, there has been an explosion of worldwide research in nanotechnology.
1 point
How many items on the final exam will be NEW questions re: logical fallacies?
1 point
According to Ulrich Beck, what are the characteristics of "manufactured uncertainties"?
1 point
According to James A. Lewis, cyberspace is not a global commons because:
1 point
Kristin Shrader-Frechette argues that, from an economic perspective, atomic power is inefficient at addressing climate change because...
1 point
According to Aitamurto, it is more crucial to engage in online activism than to get activists on the street.
1 point
The final exam is on Thursday, May 3 at 5:45pm.
1 point
According to Bailey, lack of access to relevant data hindered effective decision-making and limited accountability. What type of data was it hard for people to get?
1 point
Kristin Shrader-Frechette agrees with the MIT professors who called atomic power a "carbon free" source of energy.
1 point
A "slippery slope" fallacy is a conclusion that assumes that if 'A' occurred after 'B' then 'B' must have caused 'A.'
1 point
In the video about nanotech, Jeffrey Grossman argues that it would be unethical to develop nanotechnology because it is too dangerous.
1 point
In Bailey's article about the Columbia shuttle disaster, "retreatism" is described as including...
1 point
According to the lecture, the EPA states that human activity (e.g., burning fossil fuels) contributes to the "greenhouse effect." What are the likely outcomes of the greenhouse effect?
1 point
As stated in the lecture, Switzerland is one of the countries that engages in nanotech research.
1 point
According to Aitamurto, one way of making wrongdoings visible in a society is to use digital practices such as "crowdmapping."
1 point
As stated in the lecture, the EPA monitors nanotechnology.
1 point
Imagine that a government official, Mayor Judy Smith, makes the following statement: "I wish that we could purchase new computers for our schools, but we don't have the money at this time." Another politician, Bob Harris, summarizes the mayor's argument in this way: "Mayor Smith says that she is opposed to spending money on our children! We must oppose the mayor -- it is foolish to not invest in our children's education." Is Harris making a straw man argument?
1 point
According to Schweikart, how many Potentially Hazardous Asteroids (PHAs) were known as of late 2008?
1 point
According to Tyson, throughput (also called etendue) is the product of the telescope light collection area (units: square meters) times the camera field of view in a single snapshot (units: square degrees).
1 point
According Allison MacFarlane, since the 1986 Chernobyl accident, the overall safety record of the nuclear industry has been:
1 point
The ten reading comprehension items will based on two articles. Who are the authors of these two articles?
1 point
What is the name of psychologist who coined the term "groupthink"?
1 point
As noted in the lecture, the Tyler Clementi case is an example of a "little brother" invasion of privacy.
1 point
According to Kristin Shrader-Frechette, which energy technology will be cost-competitive with all others by 2015 and will cost only 5-10cents per kilowatt-hour?
1 point
What is the name of the entity (if any) that is supposed to coordinate communication and collaboration among the Federal agencies in the U.S. involved in nanotech research?
1 point
Imagine that a speaker argues that a science program for local youth increased their school attendance rates. She supports her argument by noting (based on school attendance data) that (1) BEFORE the science program began, only 50% of the local youth regularly attended school and (2) AFTER the science program began, 80% of the local youth regularly attended school. If she offers NO OTHER EVIDENCE, what logical fallacy might she be making?
1 point
According to Russell L. Schweickart, of all the near-Earth objects discovered, _______ have a small possibility of hitting Earth in the next century.
1 point
According to Amitai Etzioni, many people tend not to mind personal data collection as long as they feel informed about the collector, the possible gains or repercussions of releasing the information, and the safety measures put into place. These people are known as:
1 point
Where is the final exam to be held?