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10 points
The process by which mitochondria break down food molecules to produce ATP is called ___________ respiration.
10 points
_____________ is a series of chemical reactions in the cytoplasm of a cell that break down glucose, a six-carbon compound, into two molecules of pyruvic acid, a three-carbon compound.
10 points
Following glycolysis, the __________ acid molecules move into the mitochondria, the organelles that transform energy for the cell.
10 points
The citric acid cycle, also called the_________ cycle, is a series of chemical reactions similar to the Calvin cycle in that the molecule used in the first reaction is also one of the end products.
10 points
The __________ transport chain in the inner membrane of the mitochondrion is very similar to the electron transport chains of the thylakoid membrane in the chloroplasts of plant cells during photosynthesis.
10 points
This is why ________ is so important to our bodies.
10 points
Overall, the electron transport chain adds __ ATP molecules to the four already produced.
10 points
There are two major types of fermentation: ________ acid fermentation and alcoholic fermentation.
10 points
Lactic ______ fermentation is one of the processes that supplies energy when oxygen is scarce.
10 points
Both __________ and cellular respiration use electron carriers and a cycle of chemical reactions to form ATP.