apropiación 8b

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1 point
Read the text. Then read the sentences and choose True or False.

Psychic pets
I have a small dog named Molly, and I’m sure she’s psychic. She loves my dad very much and he travels a lot, so he spends a lot of time away from home. Molly always seems to know in advance when my dad is about to go away. She gets upset and she stops eating her food. She can also tell when he’s coming back. I’ve noticed Molly jumping up at the door, waiting for my dad to return. And when he calls us from the airport, it’s as if she knows, because she gets very excited and starts jumping around and wagging her tail.
Some of the things Molly does are very unusual. For example, if she barks, you know that someone will arrive at the house very soon. A few minutes before anyone knocks on the door, you can hear her banging on the door. We don’t need a doorbell because she always warns us when someone is coming to the house.
This isn’t the only strange thing that she does. One day, when my mom was visiting a friend, I took Molly for her usual walk in the park. For some reason she wanted to go in a completely different direction from the park. So, I followed her and we went on a different walk. She took me to my mom’s friend’s house! When my mom saw us arrive at her friend’s house, she was amazed. Perhaps Molly smelled her way there. Or perhaps she heard my mom tell me where she was going! I don’t know, but I’ve never heard of anyone else’s dog doing this.
Finally, sometimes in the evening I notice Molly standing in front of the TV when it’s turned off. It can be different days and different times, but she stands there looking at the TV. It’s very strange. Then when I switch it on, there’s usually a wildlife show on about big cats – lions and tigers. It’s really funny, but it seems that she knows when these TV shows are on. She isn’t interested in watching TV at any other time! Living with Molly is great fun. She’s a very unusual, psychic dog!

1 The writer’s dad is psychic.
True / False

2 The dog knows in advance when the writer’s dad goes away.
True / False

3 Her dog knows when her dad calls from the airport.
True / False

4 They need a new doorbell because it isn’t loud enough.
True / False

5 The writer usually takes her dog for a walk by the river.
True / False

3. _______________
1 point
Read the text. Then read the sentences and choose True or False.

Psychic pets
I have a small dog named Molly, and I’m sure she’s psychic. She loves my dad very much and he travels a lot, so he spends a lot of time away from home. Molly always seems to know in advance when my dad is about to go away. She gets upset and she stops eating her food. She can also tell when he’s coming back. I’ve noticed Molly jumping up at the door, waiting for my dad to return. And when he calls us from the airport, it’s as if she knows, because she gets very excited and starts jumping around and wagging her tail.
Some of the things Molly does are very unusual. For example, if she barks, you know that someone will arrive at the house very soon. A few minutes before anyone knocks on the door, you can hear her banging on the door. We don’t need a doorbell because she always warns us when someone is coming to the house.
This isn’t the only strange thing that she does. One day, when my mom was visiting a friend, I took Molly for her usual walk in the park. For some reason she wanted to go in a completely different direction from the park. So, I followed her and we went on a different walk. She took me to my mom’s friend’s house! When my mom saw us arrive at her friend’s house, she was amazed. Perhaps Molly smelled her way there. Or perhaps she heard my mom tell me where she was going! I don’t know, but I’ve never heard of anyone else’s dog doing this.
Finally, sometimes in the evening I notice Molly standing in front of the TV when it’s turned off. It can be different days and different times, but she stands there looking at the TV. It’s very strange. Then when I switch it on, there’s usually a wildlife show on about big cats – lions and tigers. It’s really funny, but it seems that she knows when these TV shows are on. She isn’t interested in watching TV at any other time! Living with Molly is great fun. She’s a very unusual, psychic dog!

1 The writer’s dad is psychic.
True / False

2 The dog knows in advance when the writer’s dad goes away.
True / False

3 Her dog knows when her dad calls from the airport.
True / False

4 They need a new doorbell because it isn’t loud enough.
True / False

5 The writer usually takes her dog for a walk by the river.
True / False

5. _______________
1 point

Complete the dialogues with six of these verbs and out.

figure find go look see take try write

Ian: How did you enjoy your school project on the paranormal?
Caitlin: It was interesting. I (1) _____________ lots of strange things that I didn’t know before. I got the best grade in the class.
Ian: Wow! That’s great.
Caitlin: Well, I spent hours researching different websites and it took ages to
(2) _____________ what to write. It was a lot of work. I didn’t
(3) _____________ all week.
Ian: Good job! I’d like to read it.
Katia: Can I (4) _____________ your new laptop for a second?
Amy: Sure. I’ll make us some coffee.
Katia: Great. Shall I (5) _____________ this memory stick or are you using it?
Amy: No, I’m not using it. Here’s your coffee.
Katia: Oh, (6) _____________! You’ve spilled it.
Amy: Don’t worry, I’ll clean it up.

3. _____________
1 point

Complete the sentences with the correct form of
will, won’t, shall, going to, or not going to.

1 Don’t worry, I ____________ tell
anyone if you don’t want me to.
2 He ____________ meet his teacher tomorrow. He arranged the appointment last week.
3 ____________ I get you a drink? You look thirsty.
4 The phone’s ringing and I don’t want to talk to anyone. I think I ____________ answer it.
5 I think she ____________ love the gift I bought for her because she adores chocolate.
6 I ____________ start a new job next week. I had the interview a month ago.
7 I’m sure he _____________ come tonight. He’s late, and I know he doesn’t like parties.
8 I promise I ____________ be there by eight o’clock.

3. ____________
13 points
10 Write an e-mail to a friend talking about your plans for the summer. Talk about these things: (100 words)

• your definite plans, e.g. we’re going to … / we’re not going to …
• hypothetical situations, e.g. if we …, we’ll …
• your predictions, e.g. it will …, I won’t …
1 point

Listen to the follwoing track and andwer the questions correctly. Write the letter that correspond to the answer. Don´t use capital letter. e.q: a

1. What is the man's destination?
A. Salt Lake City, USA
B. New York City, USA
C. Helsinki, Finland
D. Stockholm, Sweden

2. When is the man's departure date?
A. the twenty-first
B. the twenty-second
C. the twenty-third
D. the twenty-fourth

3. What is the flight number for the second half of his journey?
A. 555
B. 90
C. 1070
D. 830

4. How long is the man's layover between flights?
A. less than an hour
B. less than two hours
C. less than three hours
D. more than three hours

5. What request did the man make regarding his flight?
A. He asked for a specially-prepared dinner.
B. He wanted an aisle seat.
C. He requested a bassinet for his baby.
D. He asked for a seat near the front of the plane.

5. _______________
1 point
Read the text. Then read the sentences and choose True or False.

Psychic pets
I have a small dog named Molly, and I’m sure she’s psychic. She loves my dad very much and he travels a lot, so he spends a lot of time away from home. Molly always seems to know in advance when my dad is about to go away. She gets upset and she stops eating her food. She can also tell when he’s coming back. I’ve noticed Molly jumping up at the door, waiting for my dad to return. And when he calls us from the airport, it’s as if she knows, because she gets very excited and starts jumping around and wagging her tail.
Some of the things Molly does are very unusual. For example, if she barks, you know that someone will arrive at the house very soon. A few minutes before anyone knocks on the door, you can hear her banging on the door. We don’t need a doorbell because she always warns us when someone is coming to the house.
This isn’t the only strange thing that she does. One day, when my mom was visiting a friend, I took Molly for her usual walk in the park. For some reason she wanted to go in a completely different direction from the park. So, I followed her and we went on a different walk. She took me to my mom’s friend’s house! When my mom saw us arrive at her friend’s house, she was amazed. Perhaps Molly smelled her way there. Or perhaps she heard my mom tell me where she was going! I don’t know, but I’ve never heard of anyone else’s dog doing this.
Finally, sometimes in the evening I notice Molly standing in front of the TV when it’s turned off. It can be different days and different times, but she stands there looking at the TV. It’s very strange. Then when I switch it on, there’s usually a wildlife show on about big cats – lions and tigers. It’s really funny, but it seems that she knows when these TV shows are on. She isn’t interested in watching TV at any other time! Living with Molly is great fun. She’s a very unusual, psychic dog!

1 The writer’s dad is psychic.
True / False

2 The dog knows in advance when the writer’s dad goes away.
True / False

3 Her dog knows when her dad calls from the airport.
True / False

4 They need a new doorbell because it isn’t loud enough.
True / False

5 The writer usually takes her dog for a walk by the river.
True / False

4. _______________
1 point

Listen to the follwoing track and andwer the questions correctly. Write the letter that correspond to the answer. Don´t use capital letter. e.q: a

1. What is the man's destination?
A. Salt Lake City, USA
B. New York City, USA
C. Helsinki, Finland
D. Stockholm, Sweden

2. When is the man's departure date?
A. the twenty-first
B. the twenty-second
C. the twenty-third
D. the twenty-fourth

3. What is the flight number for the second half of his journey?
A. 555
B. 90
C. 1070
D. 830

4. How long is the man's layover between flights?
A. less than an hour
B. less than two hours
C. less than three hours
D. more than three hours

5. What request did the man make regarding his flight?
A. He asked for a specially-prepared dinner.
B. He wanted an aisle seat.
C. He requested a bassinet for his baby.
D. He asked for a seat near the front of the plane.

3. _______________
1 point
Read the following sentences and decide if they are gramatically correct and logical in meaning. If it is correct choose TRUE, but if it is NOT correct choose FALSE.

1 If I did enough money, I bought a house by the ocean.
2 Kevin would be very surprised if Leanne agreed to go on a date with him.
3 If you were in a forest fire, what will you do?
4 We would called for help if we got stuck in an elevator.
5 Will you scream if you saw an alien?

1. _______________
1 point
Read the following sentences and decide if they are gramatically correct and logical in meaning. If it is correct choose TRUE, but if it is NOT correct choose FALSE.

1 If I did enough money, I bought a house by the ocean.
2 Kevin would be very surprised if Leanne agreed to go on a date with him.
3 If you were in a forest fire, what will you do?
4 We would called for help if we got stuck in an elevator.
5 Will you scream if you saw an alien?

4. _______________
1 point
Complete the sentences with these words.

cell phone compass first-aid kit
flashlight insect spray map
penknife sun cream

1 Take some _____________ because there’ll be a lot of flies and mosquitoes.
2 Who can read this _____________ to see where we are? I think we’re lost.
3 A _____________ will show you where north is.
4 If I got lost in the forest, I’d call someone on my _____________.
5 A _____________ is really useful if you need to cut something.
6 You can use _____________ so that you don’t burn your skin in the hot sun.
7 It’s really dark, and I can’t see anything! Does anyone have a _____________?
8 Take a _____________ with medicine and bandages, in case you cut yourself.

4. ____________
1 point

Complete the sentences with the correct form of
will, won’t, shall, going to, or not going to.

1 Don’t worry, I ____________ tell
anyone if you don’t want me to.
2 He ____________ meet his teacher tomorrow. He arranged the appointment last week.
3 ____________ I get you a drink? You look thirsty.
4 The phone’s ringing and I don’t want to talk to anyone. I think I ____________ answer it.
5 I think she ____________ love the gift I bought for her because she adores chocolate.
6 I ____________ start a new job next week. I had the interview a month ago.
7 I’m sure he _____________ come tonight. He’s late, and I know he doesn’t like parties.
8 I promise I ____________ be there by eight o’clock.

2. ____________
1 point
Complete the sentences with these words.

cell phone compass first-aid kit
flashlight insect spray map
penknife sun cream

1 Take some _____________ because there’ll be a lot of flies and mosquitoes.
2 Who can read this _____________ to see where we are? I think we’re lost.
3 A _____________ will show you where north is.
4 If I got lost in the forest, I’d call someone on my _____________.
5 A _____________ is really useful if you need to cut something.
6 You can use _____________ so that you don’t burn your skin in the hot sun.
7 It’s really dark, and I can’t see anything! Does anyone have a _____________?
8 Take a _____________ with medicine and bandages, in case you cut yourself.

6. ____________
1 point

Complete the sentences with the correct form of
will, won’t, shall, going to, or not going to.

1 Don’t worry, I ____________ tell
anyone if you don’t want me to.
2 He ____________ meet his teacher tomorrow. He arranged the appointment last week.
3 ____________ I get you a drink? You look thirsty.
4 The phone’s ringing and I don’t want to talk to anyone. I think I ____________ answer it.
5 I think she ____________ love the gift I bought for her because she adores chocolate.
6 I ____________ start a new job next week. I had the interview a month ago.
7 I’m sure he _____________ come tonight. He’s late, and I know he doesn’t like parties.
8 I promise I ____________ be there by eight o’clock.

5. ____________
1 point
Complete the sentences with these words.

cell phone compass first-aid kit
flashlight insect spray map
penknife sun cream

1 Take some _____________ because there’ll be a lot of flies and mosquitoes.
2 Who can read this _____________ to see where we are? I think we’re lost.
3 A _____________ will show you where north is.
4 If I got lost in the forest, I’d call someone on my _____________.
5 A _____________ is really useful if you need to cut something.
6 You can use _____________ so that you don’t burn your skin in the hot sun.
7 It’s really dark, and I can’t see anything! Does anyone have a _____________?
8 Take a _____________ with medicine and bandages, in case you cut yourself.

1. ____________
1 point
Read the following sentences and decide if they are gramatically correct and logical in meaning. If it is correct choose TRUE, but if it is NOT correct choose FALSE.

1 If I did enough money, I bought a house by the ocean.
2 Kevin would be very surprised if Leanne agreed to go on a date with him.
3 If you were in a forest fire, what will you do?
4 We would called for help if we got stuck in an elevator.
5 Will you scream if you saw an alien?

2. _______________
1 point

Complete the dialogues with six of these verbs and out.

figure find go look see take try write

Ian: How did you enjoy your school project on the paranormal?
Caitlin: It was interesting. I (1) _____________ lots of strange things that I didn’t know before. I got the best grade in the class.
Ian: Wow! That’s great.
Caitlin: Well, I spent hours researching different websites and it took ages to
(2) _____________ what to write. It was a lot of work. I didn’t
(3) _____________ all week.
Ian: Good job! I’d like to read it.
Katia: Can I (4) _____________ your new laptop for a second?
Amy: Sure. I’ll make us some coffee.
Katia: Great. Shall I (5) _____________ this memory stick or are you using it?
Amy: No, I’m not using it. Here’s your coffee.
katia: Oh, (6) _____________! You’ve spilled it.
Amy: Don’t worry, I’ll clean it up.

5. _____________
1 point

Listen to the follwoing track and andwer the questions correctly. Write the letter that correspond to the answer. Don´t use capital letter. e.q: a

1. What is the man's destination?
A. Salt Lake City, USA
B. New York City, USA
C. Helsinki, Finland
D. Stockholm, Sweden

2. When is the man's departure date?
A. the twenty-first
B. the twenty-second
C. the twenty-third
D. the twenty-fourth

3. What is the flight number for the second half of his journey?
A. 555
B. 90
C. 1070
D. 830

4. How long is the man's layover between flights?
A. less than an hour
B. less than two hours
C. less than three hours
D. more than three hours

5. What request did the man make regarding his flight?
A. He asked for a specially-prepared dinner.
B. He wanted an aisle seat.
C. He requested a bassinet for his baby.
D. He asked for a seat near the front of the plane.

1. _______________
1 point

Complete the sentences with the correct form of
will, won’t, shall, going to, or not going to.

1 Don’t worry, I ____________ tell
anyone if you don’t want me to.
2 He ____________ meet his teacher tomorrow. He arranged the appointment last week.
3 ____________ I get you a drink? You look thirsty.
4 The phone’s ringing and I don’t want to talk to anyone. I think I ____________ answer it.
5 I think she ____________ love the gift I bought for her because she adores chocolate.
6 I ____________ start a new job next week. I had the interview a month ago.
7 I’m sure he _____________ come tonight. He’s late, and I know he doesn’t like parties.
8 I promise I ____________ be there by eight o’clock.

8. ____________
1 point

Complete the dialogues with six of these verbs and out.

figure find go look see take try write

Ian: How did you enjoy your school project on the paranormal?
Caitlin: It was interesting. I (1) _____________ lots of strange things that I didn’t know before. I got the best grade in the class.
Ian: Wow! That’s great.
Caitlin: Well, I spent hours researching different websites and it took ages to
(2) _____________ what to write. It was a lot of work. I didn’t
(3) _____________ all week.
Ian: Good job! I’d like to read it.
Katia: Can I (4) _____________ your new laptop for a second?
Amy: Sure. I’ll make us some coffee.
Katia: Great. Shall I (5) _____________ this memory stick or are you using it?
Amy: No, I’m not using it. Here’s your coffee.
Katia: Oh, (6) _____________! You’ve spilled it.
Amy: Don’t worry, I’ll clean it up.

4. _____________
1 point
Complete the sentences with these words.

cell phone compass first-aid kit
flashlight insect spray map
penknife sun cream

1 Take some _____________ because there’ll be a lot of flies and mosquitoes.
2 Who can read this _____________ to see where we are? I think we’re lost.
3 A _____________ will show you where north is.
4 If I got lost in the forest, I’d call someone on my _____________.
5 A _____________ is really useful if you need to cut something.
6 You can use _____________ so that you don’t burn your skin in the hot sun.
7 It’s really dark, and I can’t see anything! Does anyone have a _____________?
8 Take a _____________ with medicine and bandages, in case you cut yourself.

3. ____________
1 point

Complete the sentences with the correct form of
will, won’t, shall, going to, or not going to.

1 Don’t worry, I ____________ tell
anyone if you don’t want me to.
2 He ____________ meet his teacher tomorrow. He arranged the appointment last week.
3 ____________ I get you a drink? You look thirsty.
4 The phone’s ringing and I don’t want to talk to anyone. I think I ____________ answer it.
5 I think she ____________ love the gift I bought for her because she adores chocolate.
6 I ____________ start a new job next week. I had the interview a month ago.
7 I’m sure he _____________ come tonight. He’s late, and I know he doesn’t like parties.
8 I promise I ____________ be there by eight o’clock.

6. ____________
1 point

Complete the sentences with the correct form of
will, won’t, shall, going to, or not going to.

1 Don’t worry, I ____________ tell
anyone if you don’t want me to.
2 He ____________ meet his teacher tomorrow. He arranged the appointment last week.
3 ____________ I get you a drink? You look thirsty.
4 The phone’s ringing and I don’t want to talk to anyone. I think I ____________ answer it.
5 I think she ____________ love the gift I bought for her because she adores chocolate.
6 I ____________ start a new job next week. I had the interview a month ago.
7 I’m sure he _____________ come tonight. He’s late, and I know he doesn’t like parties.
8 I promise I ____________ be there by eight o’clock.

7. ____________
1 point

Complete the dialogues with six of these verbs and out.

figure find go look see take try write

Ian: How did you enjoy your school project on the paranormal?
Caitlin: It was interesting. I (1) _____________ lots of strange things that I didn’t know before. I got the best grade in the class.
Ian: Wow! That’s great.
Caitlin: Well, I spent hours researching different websites and it took ages to
(2) _____________ what to write. It was a lot of work. I didn’t
(3) _____________ all week.
Ian: Good job! I’d like to read it.
Katia: Can I (4) _____________ your new laptop for a second?
Amy: Sure. I’ll make us some coffee.
Katia: Great. Shall I (5) _____________ this memory stick or are you using it?
Amy: No, I’m not using it. Here’s your coffee.
Katia: Oh, (6) _____________! You’ve spilled it.
Amy: Don’t worry, I’ll clean it up.

2. _____________
1 point

Listen to the follwoing track and andwer the questions correctly. Write the letter that correspond to the answer. Don´t use capital letter. e.q: a

1. What is the man's destination?
A. Salt Lake City, USA
B. New York City, USA
C. Helsinki, Finland
D. Stockholm, Sweden

2. When is the man's departure date?
A. the twenty-first
B. the twenty-second
C. the twenty-third
D. the twenty-fourth

3. What is the flight number for the second half of his journey?
A. 555
B. 90
C. 1070
D. 830

4. How long is the man's layover between flights?
A. less than an hour
B. less than two hours
C. less than three hours
D. more than three hours

5. What request did the man make regarding his flight?
A. He asked for a specially-prepared dinner.
B. He wanted an aisle seat.
C. He requested a bassinet for his baby.
D. He asked for a seat near the front of the plane.

4. _______________
1 point

Complete the sentences with the correct form of
will, won’t, shall, going to, or not going to.

1 Don’t worry, I ____________ tell
anyone if you don’t want me to.
2 He ____________ meet his teacher tomorrow. He arranged the appointment last week.
3 ____________ I get you a drink? You look thirsty.
4 The phone’s ringing and I don’t want to talk to anyone. I think I ____________ answer it.
5 I think she ____________ love the gift I bought for her because she adores chocolate.
6 I ____________ start a new job next week. I had the interview a month ago.
7 I’m sure he _____________ come tonight. He’s late, and I know he doesn’t like parties.
8 I promise I ____________ be there by eight o’clock.

1. ____________
1 point
Complete the sentences with these words.

cell phone compass first-aid kit
flashlight insect spray map
penknife sun cream

1 Take some _____________ because there’ll be a lot of flies and mosquitoes.
2 Who can read this _____________ to see where we are? I think we’re lost.
3 A _____________ will show you where north is.
4 If I got lost in the forest, I’d call someone on my _____________.
5 A _____________ is really useful if you need to cut something.
6 You can use _____________ so that you don’t burn your skin in the hot sun.
7 It’s really dark, and I can’t see anything! Does anyone have a _____________?
8 Take a _____________ with medicine and bandages, in case you cut yourself.

5. ____________
1 point

Complete the dialogues with six of these verbs and out.

figure find go look see take try write

Ian: How did you enjoy your school project on the paranormal?
Caitlin: It was interesting. I (1) _____________ lots of strange things that I didn’t know before. I got the best grade in the class.
Ian: Wow! That’s great.
Caitlin: Well, I spent hours researching different websites and it took ages to
(2) _____________ what to write. It was a lot of work. I didn’t
(3) _____________ all week.
Ian: Good job! I’d like to read it.
Katia: Can I (4) _____________ your new laptop for a second?
Amy: Sure. I’ll make us some coffee.
Katia: Great. Shall I (5) _____________ this memory stick or are you using it?
Amy: No, I’m not using it. Here’s your coffee.
katia: Oh, (6) _____________! You’ve spilled it.
Amy: Don’t worry, I’ll clean it up.

6. _____________
1 point
Complete the sentences with these words.

cell phone compass first-aid kit
flashlight insect spray map
penknife sun cream

1 Take some _____________ because there’ll be a lot of flies and mosquitoes.
2 Who can read this _____________ to see where we are? I think we’re lost.
3 A _____________ will show you where north is.
4 If I got lost in the forest, I’d call someone on my _____________.
5 A _____________ is really useful if you need to cut something.
6 You can use _____________ so that you don’t burn your skin in the hot sun.
7 It’s really dark, and I can’t see anything! Does anyone have a _____________?
8 Take a _____________ with medicine and bandages, in case you cut yourself.

2. ____________
1 point

Complete the sentences with the correct form of
will, won’t, shall, going to, or not going to.

1 Don’t worry, I ____________ tell
anyone if you don’t want me to.
2 He ____________ meet his teacher tomorrow. He arranged the appointment last week.
3 ____________ I get you a drink? You look thirsty.
4 The phone’s ringing and I don’t want to talk to anyone. I think I ____________ answer it.
5 I think she ____________ love the gift I bought for her because she adores chocolate.
6 I ____________ start a new job next week. I had the interview a month ago.
7 I’m sure he _____________ come tonight. He’s late, and I know he doesn’t like parties.
8 I promise I ____________ be there by eight o’clock.

4. ____________
1 point
Complete the sentences with these words.

cell phone compass first-aid kit
flashlight insect spray map
penknife sun cream

1 Take some _____________ because there’ll be a lot of flies and mosquitoes.
2 Who can read this _____________ to see where we are? I think we’re lost.
3 A _____________ will show you where north is.
4 If I got lost in the forest, I’d call someone on my _____________.
5 A _____________ is really useful if you need to cut something.
6 You can use _____________ so that you don’t burn your skin in the hot sun.
7 It’s really dark, and I can’t see anything! Does anyone have a _____________?
8 Take a _____________ with medicine and bandages, in case you cut yourself.

7. ____________
1 point
Read the following sentences and decide if they are gramatically correct and logical in meaning. If it is correct choose TRUE, but if it is NOT correct choose FALSE.

1 If I did enough money, I bought a house by the ocean.
2 Kevin would be very surprised if Leanne agreed to go on a date with him.
3 If you were in a forest fire, what will you do?
4 We would called for help if we got stuck in an elevator.
5 Will you scream if you saw an alien?

3. _______________
1 point
Read the following sentences and decide if they are gramatically correct and logical in meaning. If it is correct choose TRUE, but if it is NOT correct choose FALSE.

1 If I did enough money, I bought a house by the ocean.
2 Kevin would be very surprised if Leanne agreed to go on a date with him.
3 If you were in a forest fire, what will you do?
4 We would called for help if we got stuck in an elevator.
5 Will you scream if you saw an alien?

5. _______________
1 point
Read the text. Then read the sentences and choose True or False.

Psychic pets
I have a small dog named Molly, and I’m sure she’s psychic. She loves my dad very much and he travels a lot, so he spends a lot of time away from home. Molly always seems to know in advance when my dad is about to go away. She gets upset and she stops eating her food. She can also tell when he’s coming back. I’ve noticed Molly jumping up at the door, waiting for my dad to return. And when he calls us from the airport, it’s as if she knows, because she gets very excited and starts jumping around and wagging her tail.
Some of the things Molly does are very unusual. For example, if she barks, you know that someone will arrive at the house very soon. A few minutes before anyone knocks on the door, you can hear her banging on the door. We don’t need a doorbell because she always warns us when someone is coming to the house.
This isn’t the only strange thing that she does. One day, when my mom was visiting a friend, I took Molly for her usual walk in the park. For some reason she wanted to go in a completely different direction from the park. So, I followed her and we went on a different walk. She took me to my mom’s friend’s house! When my mom saw us arrive at her friend’s house, she was amazed. Perhaps Molly smelled her way there. Or perhaps she heard my mom tell me where she was going! I don’t know, but I’ve never heard of anyone else’s dog doing this.
Finally, sometimes in the evening I notice Molly standing in front of the TV when it’s turned off. It can be different days and different times, but she stands there looking at the TV. It’s very strange. Then when I switch it on, there’s usually a wildlife show on about big cats – lions and tigers. It’s really funny, but it seems that she knows when these TV shows are on. She isn’t interested in watching TV at any other time! Living with Molly is great fun. She’s a very unusual, psychic dog!

1 The writer’s dad is psychic.
True / False

2 The dog knows in advance when the writer’s dad goes away.
True / False

3 Her dog knows when her dad calls from the airport.
True / False

4 They need a new doorbell because it isn’t loud enough.
True / False

5 The writer usually takes her dog for a walk by the river.
True / False

2. _______________
1 point

Listen to the follwoing track and andwer the questions correctly. Write the letter that correspond to the answer. Don´t use capital letter. e.q: a

1. What is the man's destination?
A. Salt Lake City, USA
B. New York City, USA
C. Helsinki, Finland
D. Stockholm, Sweden

2. When is the man's departure date?
A. the twenty-first
B. the twenty-second
C. the twenty-third
D. the twenty-fourth

3. What is the flight number for the second half of his journey?
A. 555
B. 90
C. 1070
D. 830

4. How long is the man's layover between flights?
A. less than an hour
B. less than two hours
C. less than three hours
D. more than three hours

5. What request did the man make regarding his flight?
A. He asked for a specially-prepared dinner.
B. He wanted an aisle seat.
C. He requested a bassinet for his baby.
D. He asked for a seat near the front of the plane.

2. _______________
1 point
Read the text. Then read the sentences and choose True or False.

Psychic pets
I have a small dog named Molly, and I’m sure she’s psychic. She loves my dad very much and he travels a lot, so he spends a lot of time away from home. Molly always seems to know in advance when my dad is about to go away. She gets upset and she stops eating her food. She can also tell when he’s coming back. I’ve noticed Molly jumping up at the door, waiting for my dad to return. And when he calls us from the airport, it’s as if she knows, because she gets very excited and starts jumping around and wagging her tail.
Some of the things Molly does are very unusual. For example, if she barks, you know that someone will arrive at the house very soon. A few minutes before anyone knocks on the door, you can hear her banging on the door. We don’t need a doorbell because she always warns us when someone is coming to the house.
This isn’t the only strange thing that she does. One day, when my mom was visiting a friend, I took Molly for her usual walk in the park. For some reason she wanted to go in a completely different direction from the park. So, I followed her and we went on a different walk. She took me to my mom’s friend’s house! When my mom saw us arrive at her friend’s house, she was amazed. Perhaps Molly smelled her way there. Or perhaps she heard my mom tell me where she was going! I don’t know, but I’ve never heard of anyone else’s dog doing this.
Finally, sometimes in the evening I notice Molly standing in front of the TV when it’s turned off. It can be different days and different times, but she stands there looking at the TV. It’s very strange. Then when I switch it on, there’s usually a wildlife show on about big cats – lions and tigers. It’s really funny, but it seems that she knows when these TV shows are on. She isn’t interested in watching TV at any other time! Living with Molly is great fun. She’s a very unusual, psychic dog!

1 The writer’s dad is psychic.
True / False

2 The dog knows in advance when the writer’s dad goes away.
True / False

3 Her dog knows when her dad calls from the airport.
True / False

4 They need a new doorbell because it isn’t loud enough.
True / False

5 The writer usually takes her dog for a walk by the river.
True / False

1. _______________
1 point
Complete the sentences with these words.

cell phone compass first-aid kit
flashlight insect spray map
penknife sun cream

1 Take some _____________ because there’ll be a lot of flies and mosquitoes.
2 Who can read this _____________ to see where we are? I think we’re lost.
3 A _____________ will show you where north is.
4 If I got lost in the forest, I’d call someone on my _____________.
5 A _____________ is really useful if you need to cut something.
6 You can use _____________ so that you don’t burn your skin in the hot sun.
7 It’s really dark, and I can’t see anything! Does anyone have a _____________?
8 Take a _____________ with medicine and bandages, in case you cut yourself.

8. ____________
1 point

Complete the dialogues with six of these verbs and out.

figure find go look see take try write

Ian: How did you enjoy your school project on the paranormal?
Caitlin: It was interesting. I (1) _____________ lots of strange things that I didn’t know before. I got the best grade in the class.
Ian: Wow! That’s great.
Caitlin: Well, I spent hours researching different websites and it took ages to
(2) _____________ what to write. It was a lot of work. I didn’t
(3) _____________ all week.
Ian: Good job! I’d like to read it.
Katia: Can I (4) _____________ your new laptop for a second?
Amy: Sure. I’ll make us some coffee.
Katia: Great. Shall I (5) _____________ this memory stick or are you using it?
Amy: No, I’m not using it. Here’s your coffee.
Katia: Oh, (6) _____________! You’ve spilled it.
Amy: Don’t worry, I’ll clean it up.

1. _____________