Apropiacion 9A

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1 point

Complete the words in these sentences.

1 We can see changing weather patterns caused by c_____________ change.
2 Governments must come together and agree to reduce c_____________ emissions.
3 It is estimated that air travel is the biggest cause of g_____________ warming.
4 If you plant more trees, they’ll absorb c_____________ dioxide from the air.
5 The a_____________ is being polluted with industrial waste and poisonous gases.
6 Burning fossil fuels creates g_____________ gases.
7 It is predicted that air p_____________ levels will rise dramatically in the coming years.
8 In the future, people will be living longer and might even have a life e_____________ of 120.
9 Is this computer linked up to a w_____________ network for the Internet?
10 Most people stop work and r_____________ in their sixties.

1. ___________________
1 point

Complete the words in these sentences.

1 We can see changing weather patterns caused by c_____________ change.
2 Governments must come together and agree to reduce c_____________ emissions.
3 It is estimated that air travel is the biggest cause of g_____________ warming.
4 If you plant more trees, they’ll absorb c_____________ dioxide from the air.
5 The a_____________ is being polluted with industrial waste and poisonous gases.
6 Burning fossil fuels creates g_____________ gases.
7 It is predicted that air p_____________ levels will rise dramatically in the coming years.
8 In the future, people will be living longer and might even have a life e_____________ of 120.
9 Is this computer linked up to a w_____________ network for the Internet?
10 Most people stop work and r_____________ in their sixties.

2. ___________________
1 point

Complete the words in these sentences.

1 We can see changing weather patterns caused by c_____________ change.
2 Governments must come together and agree to reduce c_____________ emissions.
3 It is estimated that air travel is the biggest cause of g_____________ warming.
4 If you plant more trees, they’ll absorb c_____________ dioxide from the air.
5 The a_____________ is being polluted with industrial waste and poisonous gases.
6 Burning fossil fuels creates g_____________ gases.
7 It is predicted that air p_____________ levels will rise dramatically in the coming years.
8 In the future, people will be living longer and might even have a life e_____________ of 120.
9 Is this computer linked up to a w_____________ network for the Internet?
10 Most people stop work and r_____________ in their sixties.

3. ___________________
1 point

Complete the words in these sentences.

1 We can see changing weather patterns caused by c_____________ change.
2 Governments must come together and agree to reduce c_____________ emissions.
3 It is estimated that air travel is the biggest cause of g_____________ warming.
4 If you plant more trees, they’ll absorb c_____________ dioxide from the air.
5 The a_____________ is being polluted with industrial waste and poisonous gases.
6 Burning fossil fuels creates g_____________ gases.
7 It is predicted that air p_____________ levels will rise dramatically in the coming years.
8 In the future, people will be living longer and might even have a life e_____________ of 120.
9 Is this computer linked up to a w_____________ network for the Internet?
10 Most people stop work and r_____________ in their sixties.

4. ___________________
1 point

Complete the words in these sentences.

1 We can see changing weather patterns caused by c_____________ change.
2 Governments must come together and agree to reduce c_____________ emissions.
3 It is estimated that air travel is the biggest cause of g_____________ warming.
4 If you plant more trees, they’ll absorb c_____________ dioxide from the air.
5 The a_____________ is being polluted with industrial waste and poisonous gases.
6 Burning fossil fuels creates g_____________ gases.
7 It is predicted that air p_____________ levels will rise dramatically in the coming years.
8 In the future, people will be living longer and might even have a life e_____________ of 120.
9 Is this computer linked up to a w_____________ network for the Internet?
10 Most people stop work and r_____________ in their sixties.

5. ___________________
1 point

Complete the words in these sentences.

1 We can see changing weather patterns caused by c_____________ change.
2 Governments must come together and agree to reduce c_____________ emissions.
3 It is estimated that air travel is the biggest cause of g_____________ warming.
4 If you plant more trees, they’ll absorb c_____________ dioxide from the air.
5 The a_____________ is being polluted with industrial waste and poisonous gases.
6 Burning fossil fuels creates g_____________ gases.
7 It is predicted that air p_____________ levels will rise dramatically in the coming years.
8 In the future, people will be living longer and might even have a life e_____________ of 120.
9 Is this computer linked up to a w_____________ network for the Internet?
10 Most people stop work and r_____________ in their sixties.

6. ___________________
1 point

Complete the words in these sentences.

1 We can see changing weather patterns caused by c_____________ change.
2 Governments must come together and agree to reduce c_____________ emissions.
3 It is estimated that air travel is the biggest cause of g_____________ warming.
4 If you plant more trees, they’ll absorb c_____________ dioxide from the air.
5 The a_____________ is being polluted with industrial waste and poisonous gases.
6 Burning fossil fuels creates g_____________ gases.
7 It is predicted that air p_____________ levels will rise dramatically in the coming years.
8 In the future, people will be living longer and might even have a life e_____________ of 120.
9 Is this computer linked up to a w_____________ network for the Internet?
10 Most people stop work and r_____________ in their sixties.

7. ___________________
1 point

Complete the words in these sentences.

1 We can see changing weather patterns caused by c_____________ change.
2 Governments must come together and agree to reduce c_____________ emissions.
3 It is estimated that air travel is the biggest cause of g_____________ warming.
4 If you plant more trees, they’ll absorb c_____________ dioxide from the air.
5 The a_____________ is being polluted with industrial waste and poisonous gases.
6 Burning fossil fuels creates g_____________ gases.
7 It is predicted that air p_____________ levels will rise dramatically in the coming years.
8 In the future, people will be living longer and might even have a life e_____________ of 120.
9 Is this computer linked up to a w_____________ network for the Internet?
10 Most people stop work and r_____________ in their sixties.

8. ___________________
1 point

Complete the words in these sentences.

1 We can see changing weather patterns caused by c_____________ change.
2 Governments must come together and agree to reduce c_____________ emissions.
3 It is estimated that air travel is the biggest cause of g_____________ warming.
4 If you plant more trees, they’ll absorb c_____________ dioxide from the air.
5 The a_____________ is being polluted with industrial waste and poisonous gases.
6 Burning fossil fuels creates g_____________ gases.
7 It is predicted that air p_____________ levels will rise dramatically in the coming years.
8 In the future, people will be living longer and might even have a life e_____________ of 120.
9 Is this computer linked up to a w_____________ network for the Internet?
10 Most people stop work and r_____________ in their sixties.

9. ___________________
1 point

Complete the words in these sentences.

1 We can see changing weather patterns caused by c_____________ change.
2 Governments must come together and agree to reduce c_____________ emissions.
3 It is estimated that air travel is the biggest cause of g_____________ warming.
4 If you plant more trees, they’ll absorb c_____________ dioxide from the air.
5 The a_____________ is being polluted with industrial waste and poisonous gases.
6 Burning fossil fuels creates g_____________ gases.
7 It is predicted that air p_____________ levels will rise dramatically in the coming years.
8 In the future, people will be living longer and might even have a life e_____________ of 120.
9 Is this computer linked up to a w_____________ network for the Internet?
10 Most people stop work and r_____________ in their sixties.

10. ___________________
1 point
Complete the text with five of these words.

country gardens guesthouses hostel overland scenery traditional trekking

When my sister was 22, she went on an
(1) _____________ expedition through Africa. They traveled in a huge truck with 16 other people, and at night they slept in tents. They didn’t stay in hotels or (2) _____________ except once or twice, when they stayed in a youth (3) _____________. She had the most amazing time! The most exciting part was when they stopped in Uganda and went
(4) _____________ in the Virunga mountains. The saw gorillas in the wild! She said the
(5) _____________ changed from rainforest to savannah to desert, depending on which country they were in.

1. _________________
1 point
Complete the text with five of these words.

country gardens guesthouses hostel overland scenery traditional trekking

When my sister was 22, she went on an
(1) _____________ expedition through Africa. They traveled in a huge truck with 16 other people, and at night they slept in tents. They didn’t stay in hotels or (2) _____________ except once or twice, when they stayed in a youth (3) _____________. She had the most amazing time! The most exciting part was when they stopped in Uganda and went
(4) _____________ in the Virunga mountains. The saw gorillas in the wild! She said the
(5) _____________ changed from rainforest to savannah to desert, depending on which country they were in.

2. _________________
1 point
Complete the text with five of these words.

country gardens guesthouses hostel overland scenery traditional trekking

When my sister was 22, she went on an
(1) _____________ expedition through Africa. They traveled in a huge truck with 16 other people, and at night they slept in tents. They didn’t stay in hotels or (2) _____________ except once or twice, when they stayed in a youth (3) _____________. She had the most amazing time! The most exciting part was when they stopped in Uganda and went
(4) _____________ in the Virunga mountains. The saw gorillas in the wild! She said the
(5) _____________ changed from rainforest to savannah to desert, depending on which country they were in.

3. _________________
1 point
Complete the text with five of these words.

country gardens guesthouses hostel overland scenery traditional trekking

When my sister was 22, she went on an
(1) _____________ expedition through Africa. They traveled in a huge truck with 16 other people, and at night they slept in tents. They didn’t stay in hotels or (2) _____________ except once or twice, when they stayed in a youth (3) _____________. She had the most amazing time! The most exciting part was when they stopped in Uganda and went
(4) _____________ in the Virunga mountains. The saw gorillas in the wild! She said the
(5) _____________ changed from rainforest to savannah to desert, depending on which country they were in.

4. _________________
1 point
Complete the text with five of these words.

country gardens guesthouses hostel overland scenery traditional trekking

When my sister was 22, she went on an
(1) _____________ expedition through Africa. They traveled in a huge truck with 16 other people, and at night they slept in tents. They didn’t stay in hotels or (2) _____________ except once or twice, when they stayed in a youth (3) _____________. She had the most amazing time! The most exciting part was when they stopped in Uganda and went
(4) _____________ in the Virunga mountains. The saw gorillas in the wild! She said the
(5) _____________ changed from rainforest to savannah to desert, depending on which country they were in.

5. _________________
1 point
Complete the sentences with the correct form of these verbs.

be can have not have not live

1 I would love to go to Nepal, if only I ______________ the money.
2 I wish you ______________ come to the party on Saturday.
3 If only we ______________ so far from the city.
4 I wish I ______________ on vacation right now!
5 I’ll bet you wish you ______________ exam tomorrow.

1. ______________
1 point
Complete the sentences with the correct form of these verbs.

be can have not have not live

1 I would love to go to Nepal, if only I ______________ the money.
2 I wish you ______________ come to the party on Saturday.
3 If only we ______________ so far from the city.
4 I wish I ______________ on vacation right now!
5 I’ll bet you wish you ______________ exam tomorrow.

2. ______________
1 point
Complete the sentences with the correct form of these verbs.

be can have not have not live

1 I would love to go to Nepal, if only I ______________ the money.
2 I wish you ______________ come to the party on Saturday.
3 If only we ______________ so far from the city.
4 I wish I ______________ on vacation right now!
5 I’ll bet you wish you ______________ exam tomorrow.

3. ______________
1 point
Complete the sentences with the correct form of these verbs.

be can have not have not live

1 I would love to go to Nepal, if only I ______________ the money.
2 I wish you ______________ come to the party on Saturday.
3 If only we ______________ so far from the city.
4 I wish I ______________ on vacation right now!
5 I’ll bet you wish you ______________ exam tomorrow.

4. ______________
1 point
Complete the sentences with the correct form of these verbs.

be can have not have not live

1 I would love to go to Nepal, if only I ______________ the money.
2 I wish you ______________ come to the party on Saturday.
3 If only we ______________ so far from the city.
4 I wish I ______________ on vacation right now!
5 I’ll bet you wish you ______________ exam tomorrow.

5. ______________
1 point
Determine if the following sentences have the same meaning. Check the grammar and the logical intention in each one.
If they are similar and gramatically correct click on TRUE
if they are not similar or gramatically uncorrect click on FALSE

1. You want to buy a new surfboard but you can´t afford one.

1. I wish I could affort a new surfboard .
1 point
Determine if the following sentences have the same meaning. Check the grammar and the logical intention in each one.
If they are similar and gramatically correct click on TRUE
if they are not similar or gramatically uncorrect click on FALSE

2. I miss the bus again. I am late for class.

2. If I didn't miss the bus, I wouldn't be late for class.
1 point
Determine if the following sentences have the same meaning. Check the grammar and the logical intention in each one.
If they are similar and gramatically correct click on TRUE
if they are not similar or gramatically uncorrect click on FALSE

3. I want a new cell phone. My mum don't give it to me.

3. I wish my mum would want a cell phone.
1 point
Determine if the following sentences have the same meaning. Check the grammar and the logical intention in each one.
If they are similar and gramatically correct click on TRUE
if they are not similar or gramatically uncorrect click on FALSE

4. I forget my language paperwork. I failed the subject because of that
asnwer: If I didn't forget my language paperwok.
1 point
Determine if the following sentences have the same meaning. Check the grammar and the logical intention in each one.
If they are similar and gramatically correct click on TRUE
if they are not similar or gramatically uncorrect click on FALSE

5. I want to be the best student in the class but I failed many subjects.

5. If only I didn't fail many subjects.
1 point

Listen and type only the LETTER of the corresponding answer. Do not use Capital letter

1. What is the father reading at the beginning of the conversation?
A. a novel
B. a magazine
C. a newspaper
2. What kind of book does the girl want to read?
A. a book about animals
B. a book on dolls
C. a book about candy and cookies

3. What does the girl's teacher say about reading?
A. The girl can check out books from the library.
B. The girl should read books everyday.
C. The girl ought to read at least ten books a night.

4. What is one thing the girl wants to eat while they are reading?
A. cookies
B. ice cream
C. bananas

5. About what time of day is it in the conversation?
A. the late morning
B. the early afternoon
C. in the evening

1. __
1 point

Listen and type only the LETTER of the corresponding answer. Do not use Capital letter

1. What is the father reading at the beginning of the conversation?
A. a novel
B. a magazine
C. a newspaper
2. What kind of book does the girl want to read?
A. a book about animals
B. a book on dolls
C. a book about candy and cookies

3. What does the girl's teacher say about reading?
A. The girl can check out books from the library.
B. The girl should read books everyday.
C. The girl ought to read at least ten books a night.

4. What is one thing the girl wants to eat while they are reading?
A. cookies
B. ice cream
C. bananas

5. About what time of day is it in the conversation?
A. the late morning
B. the early afternoon
C. in the evening

2. __
1 point

Listen and type only the LETTER of the corresponding answer. Do not use Capital letter

1. What is the father reading at the beginning of the conversation?
A. a novel
B. a magazine
C. a newspaper
2. What kind of book does the girl want to read?
A. a book about animals
B. a book on dolls
C. a book about candy and cookies

3. What does the girl's teacher say about reading?
A. The girl can check out books from the library.
B. The girl should read books everyday.
C. The girl ought to read at least ten books a night.

4. What is one thing the girl wants to eat while they are reading?
A. cookies
B. ice cream
C. bananas

5. About what time of day is it in the conversation?
A. the late morning
B. the early afternoon
C. in the evening

3. __
1 point

Listen and type only the LETTER of the corresponding answer. Do not use Capital letter

1. What is the father reading at the beginning of the conversation?
A. a novel
B. a magazine
C. a newspaper
2. What kind of book does the girl want to read?
A. a book about animals
B. a book on dolls
C. a book about candy and cookies

3. What does the girl's teacher say about reading?
A. The girl can check out books from the library.
B. The girl should read books everyday.
C. The girl ought to read at least ten books a night.

4. What is one thing the girl wants to eat while they are reading?
A. cookies
B. ice cream
C. bananas

5. About what time of day is it in the conversation?
A. the late morning
B. the early afternoon
C. in the evening

4. __
1 point

Listen and type only the LETTER of the corresponding answer. Do not use Capital letter

1. What is the father reading at the beginning of the conversation?
A. a novel
B. a magazine
C. a newspaper
2. What kind of book does the girl want to read?
A. a book about animals
B. a book on dolls
C. a book about candy and cookies

3. What does the girl's teacher say about reading?
A. The girl can check out books from the library.
B. The girl should read books everyday.
C. The girl ought to read at least ten books a night.

4. What is one thing the girl wants to eat while they are reading?
A. cookies
B. ice cream
C. bananas

5. About what time of day is it in the conversation?
A. the late morning
B. the early afternoon
C. in the evening

5. __
1 point
Read the text and complete the sentences.
Two visions of the future

I don’t think the future looks very good for life on this planet. We are damaging it with our lifestyle, and may soon reach the point of no return. I think oil will have run out in about 50 years from now, but we won’t have spent enough time or money on scientific research to have found real replacements. This means that our lives will change dramatically. Even more serious maybe will be climate change and the shortage of water that will bring. I’m sure that by 2050, many countries will be fighting with one another for the use of rivers and lakes.
Already we can see drastic changes in our weather patterns, but we keep missing out on chances to change anything. In the future, we’ll see more flooding, violent thunderstorms, and tornadoes. This will devastate both human and animal populations, and I believe many animal and marine species will be wiped out. I don’t want to sound pessimistic, but I don’t think we’ll know how to deal with it. And the main problem that no one is talking about is the population explosion. Everyone is ignoring this, and in my opinion, that’s the worst thing of all.

I don’t believe that things are really as bad as all that. Jamie’s view is unnecessarily pessimistic. We can already see that scientists and politicians are finding solutions to current problems in the form of energy-efficient cars and cleaner fuels. I think that in five to ten years’ time in many cities we will be using clean public transportation to move around, and cars will be a thing of the past. Planes, too, which pollute so much at the moment, will have better designed engines, so in about 30 years’ time, we will have reduced air pollution significantly. I believe that by then, the levels of pollution we’re seeing today will be a thing of the past.
But it isn’t just big organizations that will be changing. Individual people will be changing their lifestyle and habits, too. I’m sure that within 10 years, people will be using solar and wind energy to power their houses, and we certainly won’t be leaving our computers and TVs on all night like we do now.

5 He fears that many animal species will become extinct because of _______________

6 But, for Jamie, the biggest issue is __________________________________.

7 Gwen is more _______________________
than Jamie.

8 She predicts that we won’t be using __________________________________.
9 Air pollution will be reduced because planes __________________________________.

10 People will be using alternative forms of energy, such as __________________________________.

6. _________________
1 point
Read the text and complete the sentences.
Two visions of the future

I don’t think the future looks very good for life on this planet. We are damaging it with our lifestyle, and may soon reach the point of no return. I think oil will have run out in about 50 years from now, but we won’t have spent enough time or money on scientific research to have found real replacements. This means that our lives will change dramatically. Even more serious maybe will be climate change and the shortage of water that will bring. I’m sure that by 2050, many countries will be fighting with one another for the use of rivers and lakes.
Already we can see drastic changes in our weather patterns, but we keep missing out on chances to change anything. In the future, we’ll see more flooding, violent thunderstorms, and tornadoes. This will devastate both human and animal populations, and I believe many animal and marine species will be wiped out. I don’t want to sound pessimistic, but I don’t think we’ll know how to deal with it. And the main problem that no one is talking about is the population explosion. Everyone is ignoring this, and in my opinion, that’s the worst thing of all.

I don’t believe that things are really as bad as all that. Jamie’s view is unnecessarily pessimistic. We can already see that scientists and politicians are finding solutions to current problems in the form of energy-efficient cars and cleaner fuels. I think that in five to ten years’ time in many cities we will be using clean public transportation to move around, and cars will be a thing of the past. Planes, too, which pollute so much at the moment, will have better designed engines, so in about 30 years’ time, we will have reduced air pollution significantly. I believe that by then, the levels of pollution we’re seeing today will be a thing of the past.
But it isn’t just big organizations that will be changing. Individual people will be changing their lifestyle and habits, too. I’m sure that within 10 years, people will be using solar and wind energy to power their houses, and we certainly won’t be leaving our computers and TVs on all night like we do now.

5 He fears that many animal species will become extinct because of _______________

6 But, for Jamie, the biggest issue is __________________________________.

7 Gwen is more _______________________
than Jamie.

8 She predicts that we won’t be using __________________________________.
9 Air pollution will be reduced because planes __________________________________.

10 People will be using alternative forms of energy, such as __________________________________.

7. _________________
1 point
Read the text and complete the sentences.
Two visions of the future

I don’t think the future looks very good for life on this planet. We are damaging it with our lifestyle, and may soon reach the point of no return. I think oil will have run out in about 50 years from now, but we won’t have spent enough time or money on scientific research to have found real replacements. This means that our lives will change dramatically. Even more serious maybe will be climate change and the shortage of water that will bring. I’m sure that by 2050, many countries will be fighting with one another for the use of rivers and lakes.
Already we can see drastic changes in our weather patterns, but we keep missing out on chances to change anything. In the future, we’ll see more flooding, violent thunderstorms, and tornadoes. This will devastate both human and animal populations, and I believe many animal and marine species will be wiped out. I don’t want to sound pessimistic, but I don’t think we’ll know how to deal with it. And the main problem that no one is talking about is the population explosion. Everyone is ignoring this, and in my opinion, that’s the worst thing of all.

I don’t believe that things are really as bad as all that. Jamie’s view is unnecessarily pessimistic. We can already see that scientists and politicians are finding solutions to current problems in the form of energy-efficient cars and cleaner fuels. I think that in five to ten years’ time in many cities we will be using clean public transportation to move around, and cars will be a thing of the past. Planes, too, which pollute so much at the moment, will have better designed engines, so in about 30 years’ time, we will have reduced air pollution significantly. I believe that by then, the levels of pollution we’re seeing today will be a thing of the past.
But it isn’t just big organizations that will be changing. Individual people will be changing their lifestyle and habits, too. I’m sure that within 10 years, people will be using solar and wind energy to power their houses, and we certainly won’t be leaving our computers and TVs on all night like we do now.

5 He fears that many animal species will become extinct because of _______________

6 But, for Jamie, the biggest issue is __________________________________.

7 Gwen is more _______________________
than Jamie.

8 She predicts that we won’t be using __________________________________.
9 Air pollution will be reduced because planes __________________________________.

10 People will be using alternative forms of energy, such as __________________________________.

8. _________________
1 point
Read the text and complete the sentences.
Two visions of the future

I don’t think the future looks very good for life on this planet. We are damaging it with our lifestyle, and may soon reach the point of no return. I think oil will have run out in about 50 years from now, but we won’t have spent enough time or money on scientific research to have found real replacements. This means that our lives will change dramatically. Even more serious maybe will be climate change and the shortage of water that will bring. I’m sure that by 2050, many countries will be fighting with one another for the use of rivers and lakes.
Already we can see drastic changes in our weather patterns, but we keep missing out on chances to change anything. In the future, we’ll see more flooding, violent thunderstorms, and tornadoes. This will devastate both human and animal populations, and I believe many animal and marine species will be wiped out. I don’t want to sound pessimistic, but I don’t think we’ll know how to deal with it. And the main problem that no one is talking about is the population explosion. Everyone is ignoring this, and in my opinion, that’s the worst thing of all.

I don’t believe that things are really as bad as all that. Jamie’s view is unnecessarily pessimistic. We can already see that scientists and politicians are finding solutions to current problems in the form of energy-efficient cars and cleaner fuels. I think that in five to ten years’ time in many cities we will be using clean public transportation to move around, and cars will be a thing of the past. Planes, too, which pollute so much at the moment, will have better designed engines, so in about 30 years’ time, we will have reduced air pollution significantly. I believe that by then, the levels of pollution we’re seeing today will be a thing of the past.
But it isn’t just big organizations that will be changing. Individual people will be changing their lifestyle and habits, too. I’m sure that within 10 years, people will be using solar and wind energy to power their houses, and we certainly won’t be leaving our computers and TVs on all night like we do now.

5 He fears that many animal species will become extinct because of _______________

6 But, for Jamie, the biggest issue is __________________________________.

7 Gwen is more _______________________
than Jamie.

8 She predicts that we won’t be using __________________________________.
9 Air pollution will be reduced because planes __________________________________.

10 People will be using alternative forms of energy, such as __________________________________.

9. _________________
1 point
Read the text and complete the sentences.
Two visions of the future

I don’t think the future looks very good for life on this planet. We are damaging it with our lifestyle, and may soon reach the point of no return. I think oil will have run out in about 50 years from now, but we won’t have spent enough time or money on scientific research to have found real replacements. This means that our lives will change dramatically. Even more serious maybe will be climate change and the shortage of water that will bring. I’m sure that by 2050, many countries will be fighting with one another for the use of rivers and lakes.
Already we can see drastic changes in our weather patterns, but we keep missing out on chances to change anything. In the future, we’ll see more flooding, violent thunderstorms, and tornadoes. This will devastate both human and animal populations, and I believe many animal and marine species will be wiped out. I don’t want to sound pessimistic, but I don’t think we’ll know how to deal with it. And the main problem that no one is talking about is the population explosion. Everyone is ignoring this, and in my opinion, that’s the worst thing of all.

I don’t believe that things are really as bad as all that. Jamie’s view is unnecessarily pessimistic. We can already see that scientists and politicians are finding solutions to current problems in the form of energy-efficient cars and cleaner fuels. I think that in five to ten years’ time in many cities we will be using clean public transportation to move around, and cars will be a thing of the past. Planes, too, which pollute so much at the moment, will have better designed engines, so in about 30 years’ time, we will have reduced air pollution significantly. I believe that by then, the levels of pollution we’re seeing today will be a thing of the past.
But it isn’t just big organizations that will be changing. Individual people will be changing their lifestyle and habits, too. I’m sure that within 10 years, people will be using solar and wind energy to power their houses, and we certainly won’t be leaving our computers and TVs on all night like we do now.

5 He fears that many animal species will become extinct because of _______________

6 But, for Jamie, the biggest issue is __________________________________.

7 Gwen is more _______________________
than Jamie.

8 She predicts that we won’t be using __________________________________.
9 Air pollution will be reduced because planes __________________________________.

10 People will be using alternative forms of energy, such as __________________________________.

10. _________________
15 points

Write a summary about the chapter named A NEW LIFE. Use clear and appropriate vocabulary. Do not copy and paste from the book.