8b reading and writing 3 term goal 1

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3 points
Complete the following statements usin the corresponding tense, past simple or present perfect.

I __________ to India, but I would like to.
3 points
although I've called and left messages, they ___________
3 points
i don´t want to see the movie, because I ____________
3 points
_______ you _______ on a skiing vacation?
3 points
___________ Max ________ bungee jumping?
3 points
have you ever ________ a horse?
3 points
Complete with go, learn, or ride.

1 Would you like to _____________ on my new bicycle?

1. ______________
3 points
Complete with go, learn, or ride.

2 I’d love to _____________ camping in Canada.
3 points
Complete with go, learn, or ride.

3 Next year we plan to _____________ on vacation to Peru.

3 points
Complete with go, learn, or ride.

4 Do you know how to _____________ a horse?
3 points
Complete with go, learn, or ride.

5 I’ve never wanted to _____________ an instrument.

3 points
Complete with go, learn, or ride.

6 Did you _____________ a new language at school this year?

3 points
Complete with go, learn, or ride.

7 Shall we _____________ skiing next winter?
3 points
Complete with go, learn, or ride.

8 When I’m 17, I’m going to _____________ to drive.
3 points
Complete the sentences using the present perfect form of the verbs in parentheses, and already, yet, ever, or never.

1 I _____________ (visit) India, but I’d love to go.
2 We can’t leave while the band is still playing. The concert _____________ (not finish).
3 _____________ you _____________ (go) on a skiing vacation? It’s really fun.
4 My uncle _____________ (fly) in a plane. He doesn’t want to.
5 We _____________ (be) friends ___________ since we met in kindergarten.

1. ______________
3 points
Complete the sentences using the present perfect form of the verbs in parentheses, and already, yet, ever, or never.

1 I _____________ (visit) India, but I’d love to go.
2 We can’t leave while the band is still playing. The concert _____________ (not finish).
3 _____________ you _____________ (go) on a skiing vacation? It’s really fun.
4 My uncle _____________ (fly) in a plane. He doesn’t want to.
5 We _____________ (be) friends ___________ since we met in kindergarten.

2. ______________
3 points
Complete the sentences using the present perfect form of the verbs in parentheses, and already, yet, ever, or never.

1 I _____________ (visit) India, but I’d love to go.
2 We can’t leave while the band is still playing. The concert _____________ (not finish).
3 _____________ you _____________ (go) on a skiing vacation? It’s really fun.
4 My uncle _____________ (fly) in a plane. He doesn’t want to.
5 We _____________ (be) friends ___________ since we met in kindergarten.

3. ______________
3 points
Complete the sentences using the present perfect form of the verbs in parentheses, and already, yet, ever, or never.

1 I _____________ (visit) India, but I’d love to go.
2 We can’t leave while the band is still playing. The concert _____________ (not finish).
3 _____________ you _____________ (go) on a skiing vacation? It’s really fun.
4 My uncle _____________ (fly) in a plane. He doesn’t want to.
5 We _____________ (be) friends ___________ since we met in kindergarten.

4. ______________
3 points
Complete the sentences using the present perfect form of the verbs in parentheses, and already, yet, ever, or never.

1 I _____________ (visit) India, but I’d love to go.
2 We can’t leave while the band is still playing. The concert _____________ (not finish).
3 _____________ you _____________ (go) on a skiing vacation? It’s really fun.
4 My uncle _____________ (fly) in a plane. He doesn’t want to.
5 We _____________ (be) friends ___________ since we met in kindergarten.

5. ______________
3 points
Read the text. Then read the sentences and choose True, False, or Doesn’t say.

Hi – from India!
Hi – from India! Well, after all the preparation and planning, we’ve finally made it to India. And it has been a real culture shock! Chris and I are currently sitting in a little Internet café in Agra. We’re about five minutes from the Taj Mahal, and we’re both really looking forward to visiting it later today. I’ve read so much about it and seen so many photos. I think it’s going to be amazing. It’s very hot so it’s a relief to be inside somewhere nice and cool.
We arrived in Delhi on Sunday, and we spent the next couple of days visiting a few sights. We went to a beautiful mosque, and we walked around some very old ruins. It was very hot and crowded, and the roads were so busy with cars, trucks, and buses everywhere! I’ve never seen so much traffic in my life. But the people are so friendly, and the food is amazing. We’ve eaten in a few of the street restaurants. The food is fantastic – and it’s so cheap! We had some vegetarian food in a café near our hotel yesterday. The food was great and the people were so nice. I think if you only eat in western restaurants and stay in western hotels, you won’t experience the real India.
We’ve seen lots of rickshaws, the little bicycle taxis – but we haven’t ridden in one yet. I don’t know how the poor rickshaw drivers have the energy to cycle across the city all day. We usually take a taxi or try and get on a bus, but that isn’t so easy. They’re so crowded, it’s hard to squeeze yourself in.
I’m enjoying every minute of being here. I think India is the most interesting country I’ve ever been to. I’ve only been here for five days but it feels like longer. We’re taking the train tomorrow, so I won’t be able to update my blog for a day or two.
Take care!
Lisa x

1 Lisa is writing in an Internet café.
True / False / Doesn’t say

2 Lisa and Chris have been to the Taj Mahal.
True / False / Doesn’t say

3 They’ve been in India since Sunday morning.
True / False / Doesn’t say

4 They haven’t done any sightseeing yet.
True / False / Doesn’t say

5 They’ve eaten some exotic fruit.
True / False / Doesn’t say
6 Lisa thinks you won’t experience India if you go to western hotels and restaurants.
True / False / Doesn’t say

7 They usually travel around by taxi or bus. True / False / Doesn’t say

8 They’ve ridden in lots of rickshaws.
True / False / Doesn’t say

9 Lisa thinks that India is one of the most unusual countries she has ever visited.
True / False / Doesn’t say

10 They are going on a train trip tomorrow.
True / False / Doesn’t say

1. ____________
3 points
Read the text. Then read the sentences and choose True, False, or Doesn’t say.

Hi – from India!
Hi – from India! Well, after all the preparation and planning, we’ve finally made it to India. And it has been a real culture shock! Chris and I are currently sitting in a little Internet café in Agra. We’re about five minutes from the Taj Mahal, and we’re both really looking forward to visiting it later today. I’ve read so much about it and seen so many photos. I think it’s going to be amazing. It’s very hot so it’s a relief to be inside somewhere nice and cool.
We arrived in Delhi on Sunday, and we spent the next couple of days visiting a few sights. We went to a beautiful mosque, and we walked around some very old ruins. It was very hot and crowded, and the roads were so busy with cars, trucks, and buses everywhere! I’ve never seen so much traffic in my life. But the people are so friendly, and the food is amazing. We’ve eaten in a few of the street restaurants. The food is fantastic – and it’s so cheap! We had some vegetarian food in a café near our hotel yesterday. The food was great and the people were so nice. I think if you only eat in western restaurants and stay in western hotels, you won’t experience the real India.
We’ve seen lots of rickshaws, the little bicycle taxis – but we haven’t ridden in one yet. I don’t know how the poor rickshaw drivers have the energy to cycle across the city all day. We usually take a taxi or try and get on a bus, but that isn’t so easy. They’re so crowded, it’s hard to squeeze yourself in.
I’m enjoying every minute of being here. I think India is the most interesting country I’ve ever been to. I’ve only been here for five days but it feels like longer. We’re taking the train tomorrow, so I won’t be able to update my blog for a day or two.
Take care!
Lisa x

1 Lisa is writing in an Internet café.
True / False / Doesn’t say

2 Lisa and Chris have been to the Taj Mahal.
True / False / Doesn’t say

3 They’ve been in India since Sunday morning.
True / False / Doesn’t say

4 They haven’t done any sightseeing yet.
True / False / Doesn’t say

5 They’ve eaten some exotic fruit.
True / False / Doesn’t say
6 Lisa thinks you won’t experience India if you go to western hotels and restaurants.
True / False / Doesn’t say

7 They usually travel around by taxi or bus. True / False / Doesn’t say

8 They’ve ridden in lots of rickshaws.
True / False / Doesn’t say

9 Lisa thinks that India is one of the most unusual countries she has ever visited.
True / False / Doesn’t say

10 They are going on a train trip tomorrow.
True / False / Doesn’t say

2. ____________
3 points
Read the text. Then read the sentences and choose True, False, or Doesn’t say.

Hi – from India!
Hi – from India! Well, after all the preparation and planning, we’ve finally made it to India. And it has been a real culture shock! Chris and I are currently sitting in a little Internet café in Agra. We’re about five minutes from the Taj Mahal, and we’re both really looking forward to visiting it later today. I’ve read so much about it and seen so many photos. I think it’s going to be amazing. It’s very hot so it’s a relief to be inside somewhere nice and cool.
We arrived in Delhi on Sunday, and we spent the next couple of days visiting a few sights. We went to a beautiful mosque, and we walked around some very old ruins. It was very hot and crowded, and the roads were so busy with cars, trucks, and buses everywhere! I’ve never seen so much traffic in my life. But the people are so friendly, and the food is amazing. We’ve eaten in a few of the street restaurants. The food is fantastic – and it’s so cheap! We had some vegetarian food in a café near our hotel yesterday. The food was great and the people were so nice. I think if you only eat in western restaurants and stay in western hotels, you won’t experience the real India.
We’ve seen lots of rickshaws, the little bicycle taxis – but we haven’t ridden in one yet. I don’t know how the poor rickshaw drivers have the energy to cycle across the city all day. We usually take a taxi or try and get on a bus, but that isn’t so easy. They’re so crowded, it’s hard to squeeze yourself in.
I’m enjoying every minute of being here. I think India is the most interesting country I’ve ever been to. I’ve only been here for five days but it feels like longer. We’re taking the train tomorrow, so I won’t be able to update my blog for a day or two.
Take care!
Lisa x

1 Lisa is writing in an Internet café.
True / False / Doesn’t say

2 Lisa and Chris have been to the Taj Mahal.
True / False / Doesn’t say

3 They’ve been in India since Sunday morning.
True / False / Doesn’t say

4 They haven’t done any sightseeing yet.
True / False / Doesn’t say

5 They’ve eaten some exotic fruit.
True / False / Doesn’t say
6 Lisa thinks you won’t experience India if you go to western hotels and restaurants.
True / False / Doesn’t say

7 They usually travel around by taxi or bus. True / False / Doesn’t say

8 They’ve ridden in lots of rickshaws.
True / False / Doesn’t say

9 Lisa thinks that India is one of the most unusual countries she has ever visited.
True / False / Doesn’t say

10 They are going on a train trip tomorrow.
True / False / Doesn’t say

3. ____________
2 points
Read the text. Then read the sentences and choose True, False, or Doesn’t say.

Hi – from India!
Hi – from India! Well, after all the preparation and planning, we’ve finally made it to India. And it has been a real culture shock! Chris and I are currently sitting in a little Internet café in Agra. We’re about five minutes from the Taj Mahal, and we’re both really looking forward to visiting it later today. I’ve read so much about it and seen so many photos. I think it’s going to be amazing. It’s very hot so it’s a relief to be inside somewhere nice and cool.
We arrived in Delhi on Sunday, and we spent the next couple of days visiting a few sights. We went to a beautiful mosque, and we walked around some very old ruins. It was very hot and crowded, and the roads were so busy with cars, trucks, and buses everywhere! I’ve never seen so much traffic in my life. But the people are so friendly, and the food is amazing. We’ve eaten in a few of the street restaurants. The food is fantastic – and it’s so cheap! We had some vegetarian food in a café near our hotel yesterday. The food was great and the people were so nice. I think if you only eat in western restaurants and stay in western hotels, you won’t experience the real India.
We’ve seen lots of rickshaws, the little bicycle taxis – but we haven’t ridden in one yet. I don’t know how the poor rickshaw drivers have the energy to cycle across the city all day. We usually take a taxi or try and get on a bus, but that isn’t so easy. They’re so crowded, it’s hard to squeeze yourself in.
I’m enjoying every minute of being here. I think India is the most interesting country I’ve ever been to. I’ve only been here for five days but it feels like longer. We’re taking the train tomorrow, so I won’t be able to update my blog for a day or two.
Take care!
Lisa x

1 Lisa is writing in an Internet café.
True / False / Doesn’t say

2 Lisa and Chris have been to the Taj Mahal.
True / False / Doesn’t say

3 They’ve been in India since Sunday morning.
True / False / Doesn’t say

4 They haven’t done any sightseeing yet.
True / False / Doesn’t say

5 They’ve eaten some exotic fruit.
True / False / Doesn’t say
6 Lisa thinks you won’t experience India if you go to western hotels and restaurants.
True / False / Doesn’t say

7 They usually travel around by taxi or bus. True / False / Doesn’t say

8 They’ve ridden in lots of rickshaws.
True / False / Doesn’t say

9 Lisa thinks that India is one of the most unusual countries she has ever visited.
True / False / Doesn’t say

10 They are going on a train trip tomorrow.
True / False / Doesn’t say

4. ____________
2 points
Read the text. Then read the sentences and choose True, False, or Doesn’t say.

Hi – from India!
Hi – from India! Well, after all the preparation and planning, we’ve finally made it to India. And it has been a real culture shock! Chris and I are currently sitting in a little Internet café in Agra. We’re about five minutes from the Taj Mahal, and we’re both really looking forward to visiting it later today. I’ve read so much about it and seen so many photos. I think it’s going to be amazing. It’s very hot so it’s a relief to be inside somewhere nice and cool.
We arrived in Delhi on Sunday, and we spent the next couple of days visiting a few sights. We went to a beautiful mosque, and we walked around some very old ruins. It was very hot and crowded, and the roads were so busy with cars, trucks, and buses everywhere! I’ve never seen so much traffic in my life. But the people are so friendly, and the food is amazing. We’ve eaten in a few of the street restaurants. The food is fantastic – and it’s so cheap! We had some vegetarian food in a café near our hotel yesterday. The food was great and the people were so nice. I think if you only eat in western restaurants and stay in western hotels, you won’t experience the real India.
We’ve seen lots of rickshaws, the little bicycle taxis – but we haven’t ridden in one yet. I don’t know how the poor rickshaw drivers have the energy to cycle across the city all day. We usually take a taxi or try and get on a bus, but that isn’t so easy. They’re so crowded, it’s hard to squeeze yourself in.
I’m enjoying every minute of being here. I think India is the most interesting country I’ve ever been to. I’ve only been here for five days but it feels like longer. We’re taking the train tomorrow, so I won’t be able to update my blog for a day or two.
Take care!
Lisa x

1 Lisa is writing in an Internet café.
True / False / Doesn’t say

2 Lisa and Chris have been to the Taj Mahal.
True / False / Doesn’t say

3 They’ve been in India since Sunday morning.
True / False / Doesn’t say

4 They haven’t done any sightseeing yet.
True / False / Doesn’t say

5 They’ve eaten some exotic fruit.
True / False / Doesn’t say
6 Lisa thinks you won’t experience India if you go to western hotels and restaurants.
True / False / Doesn’t say

7 They usually travel around by taxi or bus. True / False / Doesn’t say

8 They’ve ridden in lots of rickshaws.
True / False / Doesn’t say

9 Lisa thinks that India is one of the most unusual countries she has ever visited.
True / False / Doesn’t say

10 They are going on a train trip tomorrow.
True / False / Doesn’t say

5. ____________
2 points
Read the text. Then read the sentences and choose True, False, or Doesn’t say.

Hi – from India!
Hi – from India! Well, after all the preparation and planning, we’ve finally made it to India. And it has been a real culture shock! Chris and I are currently sitting in a little Internet café in Agra. We’re about five minutes from the Taj Mahal, and we’re both really looking forward to visiting it later today. I’ve read so much about it and seen so many photos. I think it’s going to be amazing. It’s very hot so it’s a relief to be inside somewhere nice and cool.
We arrived in Delhi on Sunday, and we spent the next couple of days visiting a few sights. We went to a beautiful mosque, and we walked around some very old ruins. It was very hot and crowded, and the roads were so busy with cars, trucks, and buses everywhere! I’ve never seen so much traffic in my life. But the people are so friendly, and the food is amazing. We’ve eaten in a few of the street restaurants. The food is fantastic – and it’s so cheap! We had some vegetarian food in a café near our hotel yesterday. The food was great and the people were so nice. I think if you only eat in western restaurants and stay in western hotels, you won’t experience the real India.
We’ve seen lots of rickshaws, the little bicycle taxis – but we haven’t ridden in one yet. I don’t know how the poor rickshaw drivers have the energy to cycle across the city all day. We usually take a taxi or try and get on a bus, but that isn’t so easy. They’re so crowded, it’s hard to squeeze yourself in.
I’m enjoying every minute of being here. I think India is the most interesting country I’ve ever been to. I’ve only been here for five days but it feels like longer. We’re taking the train tomorrow, so I won’t be able to update my blog for a day or two.
Take care!
Lisa x

1 Lisa is writing in an Internet café.
True / False / Doesn’t say

2 Lisa and Chris have been to the Taj Mahal.
True / False / Doesn’t say

3 They’ve been in India since Sunday morning.
True / False / Doesn’t say

4 They haven’t done any sightseeing yet.
True / False / Doesn’t say

5 They’ve eaten some exotic fruit.
True / False / Doesn’t say
6 Lisa thinks you won’t experience India if you go to western hotels and restaurants.
True / False / Doesn’t say

7 They usually travel around by taxi or bus. True / False / Doesn’t say

8 They’ve ridden in lots of rickshaws.
True / False / Doesn’t say

9 Lisa thinks that India is one of the most unusual countries she has ever visited.
True / False / Doesn’t say

10 They are going on a train trip tomorrow.
True / False / Doesn’t say

6. ____________
2 points
Read the text. Then read the sentences and choose True, False, or Doesn’t say.

Hi – from India!
Hi – from India! Well, after all the preparation and planning, we’ve finally made it to India. And it has been a real culture shock! Chris and I are currently sitting in a little Internet café in Agra. We’re about five minutes from the Taj Mahal, and we’re both really looking forward to visiting it later today. I’ve read so much about it and seen so many photos. I think it’s going to be amazing. It’s very hot so it’s a relief to be inside somewhere nice and cool.
We arrived in Delhi on Sunday, and we spent the next couple of days visiting a few sights. We went to a beautiful mosque, and we walked around some very old ruins. It was very hot and crowded, and the roads were so busy with cars, trucks, and buses everywhere! I’ve never seen so much traffic in my life. But the people are so friendly, and the food is amazing. We’ve eaten in a few of the street restaurants. The food is fantastic – and it’s so cheap! We had some vegetarian food in a café near our hotel yesterday. The food was great and the people were so nice. I think if you only eat in western restaurants and stay in western hotels, you won’t experience the real India.
We’ve seen lots of rickshaws, the little bicycle taxis – but we haven’t ridden in one yet. I don’t know how the poor rickshaw drivers have the energy to cycle across the city all day. We usually take a taxi or try and get on a bus, but that isn’t so easy. They’re so crowded, it’s hard to squeeze yourself in.
I’m enjoying every minute of being here. I think India is the most interesting country I’ve ever been to. I’ve only been here for five days but it feels like longer. We’re taking the train tomorrow, so I won’t be able to update my blog for a day or two.
Take care!
Lisa x

1 Lisa is writing in an Internet café.
True / False / Doesn’t say

2 Lisa and Chris have been to the Taj Mahal.
True / False / Doesn’t say

3 They’ve been in India since Sunday morning.
True / False / Doesn’t say

4 They haven’t done any sightseeing yet.
True / False / Doesn’t say

5 They’ve eaten some exotic fruit.
True / False / Doesn’t say
6 Lisa thinks you won’t experience India if you go to western hotels and restaurants.
True / False / Doesn’t say

7 They usually travel around by taxi or bus. True / False / Doesn’t say

8 They’ve ridden in lots of rickshaws.
True / False / Doesn’t say

9 Lisa thinks that India is one of the most unusual countries she has ever visited.
True / False / Doesn’t say

10 They are going on a train trip tomorrow.
True / False / Doesn’t say

7. ____________
2 points
Read the text. Then read the sentences and choose True, False, or Doesn’t say.

Hi – from India!
Hi – from India! Well, after all the preparation and planning, we’ve finally made it to India. And it has been a real culture shock! Chris and I are currently sitting in a little Internet café in Agra. We’re about five minutes from the Taj Mahal, and we’re both really looking forward to visiting it later today. I’ve read so much about it and seen so many photos. I think it’s going to be amazing. It’s very hot so it’s a relief to be inside somewhere nice and cool.
We arrived in Delhi on Sunday, and we spent the next couple of days visiting a few sights. We went to a beautiful mosque, and we walked around some very old ruins. It was very hot and crowded, and the roads were so busy with cars, trucks, and buses everywhere! I’ve never seen so much traffic in my life. But the people are so friendly, and the food is amazing. We’ve eaten in a few of the street restaurants. The food is fantastic – and it’s so cheap! We had some vegetarian food in a café near our hotel yesterday. The food was great and the people were so nice. I think if you only eat in western restaurants and stay in western hotels, you won’t experience the real India.
We’ve seen lots of rickshaws, the little bicycle taxis – but we haven’t ridden in one yet. I don’t know how the poor rickshaw drivers have the energy to cycle across the city all day. We usually take a taxi or try and get on a bus, but that isn’t so easy. They’re so crowded, it’s hard to squeeze yourself in.
I’m enjoying every minute of being here. I think India is the most interesting country I’ve ever been to. I’ve only been here for five days but it feels like longer. We’re taking the train tomorrow, so I won’t be able to update my blog for a day or two.
Take care!
Lisa x

1 Lisa is writing in an Internet café.
True / False / Doesn’t say

2 Lisa and Chris have been to the Taj Mahal.
True / False / Doesn’t say

3 They’ve been in India since Sunday morning.
True / False / Doesn’t say

4 They haven’t done any sightseeing yet.
True / False / Doesn’t say

5 They’ve eaten some exotic fruit.
True / False / Doesn’t say
6 Lisa thinks you won’t experience India if you go to western hotels and restaurants.
True / False / Doesn’t say

7 They usually travel around by taxi or bus. True / False / Doesn’t say

8 They’ve ridden in lots of rickshaws.
True / False / Doesn’t say

9 Lisa thinks that India is one of the most unusual countries she has ever visited.
True / False / Doesn’t say

10 They are going on a train trip tomorrow.
True / False / Doesn’t say

8. ____________
2 points
Read the text. Then read the sentences and choose True, False, or Doesn’t say.

Hi – from India!
Hi – from India! Well, after all the preparation and planning, we’ve finally made it to India. And it has been a real culture shock! Chris and I are currently sitting in a little Internet café in Agra. We’re about five minutes from the Taj Mahal, and we’re both really looking forward to visiting it later today. I’ve read so much about it and seen so many photos. I think it’s going to be amazing. It’s very hot so it’s a relief to be inside somewhere nice and cool.
We arrived in Delhi on Sunday, and we spent the next couple of days visiting a few sights. We went to a beautiful mosque, and we walked around some very old ruins. It was very hot and crowded, and the roads were so busy with cars, trucks, and buses everywhere! I’ve never seen so much traffic in my life. But the people are so friendly, and the food is amazing. We’ve eaten in a few of the street restaurants. The food is fantastic – and it’s so cheap! We had some vegetarian food in a café near our hotel yesterday. The food was great and the people were so nice. I think if you only eat in western restaurants and stay in western hotels, you won’t experience the real India.
We’ve seen lots of rickshaws, the little bicycle taxis – but we haven’t ridden in one yet. I don’t know how the poor rickshaw drivers have the energy to cycle across the city all day. We usually take a taxi or try and get on a bus, but that isn’t so easy. They’re so crowded, it’s hard to squeeze yourself in.
I’m enjoying every minute of being here. I think India is the most interesting country I’ve ever been to. I’ve only been here for five days but it feels like longer. We’re taking the train tomorrow, so I won’t be able to update my blog for a day or two.
Take care!
Lisa x

1 Lisa is writing in an Internet café.
True / False / Doesn’t say

2 Lisa and Chris have been to the Taj Mahal.
True / False / Doesn’t say

3 They’ve been in India since Sunday morning.
True / False / Doesn’t say

4 They haven’t done any sightseeing yet.
True / False / Doesn’t say

5 They’ve eaten some exotic fruit.
True / False / Doesn’t say
6 Lisa thinks you won’t experience India if you go to western hotels and restaurants.
True / False / Doesn’t say

7 They usually travel around by taxi or bus. True / False / Doesn’t say

8 They’ve ridden in lots of rickshaws.
True / False / Doesn’t say

9 Lisa thinks that India is one of the most unusual countries she has ever visited.
True / False / Doesn’t say

10 They are going on a train trip tomorrow.
True / False / Doesn’t say

9. ____________
2 points
Read the text. Then read the sentences and choose True, False, or Doesn’t say.

Hi – from India!
Hi – from India! Well, after all the preparation and planning, we’ve finally made it to India. And it has been a real culture shock! Chris and I are currently sitting in a little Internet café in Agra. We’re about five minutes from the Taj Mahal, and we’re both really looking forward to visiting it later today. I’ve read so much about it and seen so many photos. I think it’s going to be amazing. It’s very hot so it’s a relief to be inside somewhere nice and cool.
We arrived in Delhi on Sunday, and we spent the next couple of days visiting a few sights. We went to a beautiful mosque, and we walked around some very old ruins. It was very hot and crowded, and the roads were so busy with cars, trucks, and buses everywhere! I’ve never seen so much traffic in my life. But the people are so friendly, and the food is amazing. We’ve eaten in a few of the street restaurants. The food is fantastic – and it’s so cheap! We had some vegetarian food in a café near our hotel yesterday. The food was great and the people were so nice. I think if you only eat in western restaurants and stay in western hotels, you won’t experience the real India.
We’ve seen lots of rickshaws, the little bicycle taxis – but we haven’t ridden in one yet. I don’t know how the poor rickshaw drivers have the energy to cycle across the city all day. We usually take a taxi or try and get on a bus, but that isn’t so easy. They’re so crowded, it’s hard to squeeze yourself in.
I’m enjoying every minute of being here. I think India is the most interesting country I’ve ever been to. I’ve only been here for five days but it feels like longer. We’re taking the train tomorrow, so I won’t be able to update my blog for a day or two.
Take care!
Lisa x

1 Lisa is writing in an Internet café.
True / False / Doesn’t say

2 Lisa and Chris have been to the Taj Mahal.
True / False / Doesn’t say

3 They’ve been in India since Sunday morning.
True / False / Doesn’t say

4 They haven’t done any sightseeing yet.
True / False / Doesn’t say

5 They’ve eaten some exotic fruit.
True / False / Doesn’t say
6 Lisa thinks you won’t experience India if you go to western hotels and restaurants.
True / False / Doesn’t say

7 They usually travel around by taxi or bus. True / False / Doesn’t say

8 They’ve ridden in lots of rickshaws.
True / False / Doesn’t say

9 Lisa thinks that India is one of the most unusual countries she has ever visited.
True / False / Doesn’t say

10 They are going on a train trip tomorrow.
True / False / Doesn’t say

10. ____________
20 points
10 Write a letter to a friend talking about a personal experience that you have been in. Choose one of these things:
• your first week at school, college, or
summer camp
• your first trip with friends, camping,
or in another country
• your first trip in a plane or on a train

Use present perfect and the key vocbulary for ti such as already, yet, ever, never.