9b Progress Test

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2 points
Complete the following sentences based on the comcepts studied in class. Verbs will not be given.

If I had studied harder, the exam result
2 points
Once I got out of the ship there was a huge fire in it. I wish it
2 points
If I were in the bermuda triangle i would never know what I to do. If only all that lost people
2 points
Leonardo Di Capprio worked in the movie the Titanic. If he hadn´t worked in this film I think
2 points
The ship hadn´t sunk if
2 points

Write the appropriate meaning to each of the definitions given.

a group of people working for the same objective in this lesson:
2 points
To continue alive nomatter the high danger in a specific situation:
2 points
To be one of those who continued alived nomatter what.
2 points
A very plane area in a ship, a place where people gather and watch the sea:
2 points
A huge amount of ice in a splendid mother's nature construction
20 points

Complete the following summary from the novel THE SECRET AGENT. Write missing information in order to complete the events until the moment described there....

Be precise, talk about many details and finish when the final sentence of the summary tell you to do so.

"The novel begins in Verloc's home, as he and his wife discuss the trivialities of everyday life, which introduces the reader to Verloc's family. Soon after, Verloc leaves to meet Mr. Vladimir, _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ hears the conversation, which greatly disturbs him".

2 points

Complete the text with these appropriate word from the Titanic lesson. DONT USE CAPITAL LETTER

The Titanic was the largest (1) _____________ in the world, when it was built, but no one could have predicted that it would hit a / an
(2) _____________ and sink in the icy waters of the north Atlantic. Many (3) _____________ died in the disaster, as there weren’t enough (4) _____________ to carry everyone to safety. The (5) _____________ hadn’t even had a lifeboat drill.

1. _________________
2 points

Complete the text with these appropriate word from the Titanic lesson. DONT USE CAPITAL LETTER

The Titanic was the largest (1) _____________ in the world, when it was built, but no one could have predicted that it would hit a / an
(2) _____________ and sink in the icy waters of the north Atlantic. Many (3) _____________ died in the disaster, as there weren’t enough (4) _____________ to carry everyone to safety. The (5) _____________ hadn’t even had a lifeboat drill.

2. _________________
2 points

Complete the text with these appropriate word from the Titanic lesson. DONT USE CAPITAL LETTER

The Titanic was the largest (1) _____________ in the world, when it was built, but no one could have predicted that it would hit a / an
(2) _____________ and sink in the icy waters of the north Atlantic. Many (3) _____________ died in the disaster, as there weren’t enough (4) _____________ to carry everyone to safety. The (5) _____________ hadn’t even had a lifeboat drill.

3. _________________
2 points

Complete the text with these appropriate word from the Titanic lesson. DONT USE CAPITAL LETTER

The Titanic was the largest (1) _____________ in the world, when it was built, but no one could have predicted that it would hit a / an
(2) _____________ and sink in the icy waters of the north Atlantic. Many (3) _____________ died in the disaster, as there weren’t enough (4) _____________ to carry everyone to safety. The (5) _____________ hadn’t even had a lifeboat drill.

4. _________________
2 points

Complete the text with these appropriate word from the Titanic lesson. DONT USE CAPITAL LETTER

The Titanic was the largest (1) _____________ in the world, when it was built, but no one could have predicted that it would hit a / an
(2) _____________ and sink in the icy waters of the north Atlantic. Many (3) _____________ died in the disaster, as there weren’t enough (4) _____________ to carry everyone to safety. The (5) _____________ hadn’t even had a lifeboat drill.

5. _________________
2 points

Read the sentences and match these phrasal verbs with the words in CAPITAL. DONT use capital letter when writing the answer.

blow up end up grow up look up
make up sum up take up use up wake up

1 Can you PUT THE MAIN POINTS OF YOUR ARGUMENT in three or four sentences?

2 Mr. Walker wanted to STARTED DOING golf when he retired. He had never played before.

3 Do you sometimes feel scared if you STOP SLEEPING in the middle of the night?

4 Did Amelia Earhart’s plane EXPLODE in mid-air?

5 Did you FINISH all the coffee? It’s all gone.

1. ________________
2 points

Read the sentences and match these phrasal verbs with the words in CAPITAL. DONT use capital letter when writing the answer.

blow up end up grow up look up
make up sum up take up use up wake up

1 Can you PUT THE MAIN POINTS OF YOUR ARGUMENT in three or four sentences?

2 Mr. Walker wanted to STARTED DOING golf when he retired. He had never played before.

3 Do you sometimes feel scared if you STOP SLEEPING in the middle of the night?

4 Did Amelia Earhart’s plane EXPLODE in mid-air?

5 Did you FINISH all the coffee? It’s all gone.

2. ________________
2 points

Read the sentences and match these phrasal verbs with the words in CAPITAL. DONT use capital letter when writing the answer.

blow up end up grow up look up
make up sum up take up use up wake up

1 Can you PUT THE MAIN POINTS OF YOUR ARGUMENT in three or four sentences?

2 Mr. Walker wanted to STARTED DOING golf when he retired. He had never played before.

3 Do you sometimes feel scared if you STOP SLEEPING in the middle of the night?

4 Did Amelia Earhart’s plane EXPLODE in mid-air?

5 Did you FINISH all the coffee? It’s all gone.

3. ________________
2 points

Read the sentences and match these phrasal verbs with the words in CAPITAL. DONT use capital letter when writing the answer.

blow up end up grow up look up
make up sum up take up use up wake up

1 Can you PUT THE MAIN POINTS OF YOUR ARGUMENT in three or four sentences?

2 Mr. Walker wanted to STARTED DOING golf when he retired. He had never played before.

3 Do you sometimes feel scared if you STOP SLEEPING in the middle of the night?

4 Did Amelia Earhart’s plane EXPLODE in mid-air?

5 Did you FINISH all the coffee? It’s all gone.

4. ________________
2 points

Read the sentences and match these phrasal verbs with the words in CAPITAL. DONT use capital letter when writing the answer.

blow up end up grow up look up
make up sum up take up use up wake up

1 Can you PUT THE MAIN POINTS OF YOUR ARGUMENT in three or four sentences?

2 Mr. Walker wanted to STARTED DOING golf when he retired. He had never played before.

3 Do you sometimes feel scared if you STOP SLEEPING in the middle of the night?

4 Did Amelia Earhart’s plane EXPLODE in mid-air?

5 Did you FINISH all the coffee? It’s all gone.

5. ________________
2 points

Read the text. Then read the sentences and choose the appropriate answer. Use CAPITAL letter to write the answer. Only write the corresponding letter: A, B, C, or D for each asnwer..

And the Chinese invented …

Many things which are part of our everyday lives were invented by the Chinese, including fireworks, kites, clocks, acupuncture, silk, paper, books, printing, and ink. The ideas were brought to the West by adventurers and explorers like Marco Polo, where they were adapted and copied. You don’t have to think for long to realize that the world’s history would have been very different without many of these things.
Most people associate spaghetti with Italy, but some experts think that spaghetti originated in China, in the form of noodles. Spaghetti has formed an essential part of Italian life for hundreds of years, and its eastern equivalent, noodles, has fed many millions of people. While the world could probably have survived without spaghetti, some of China’s other inventions have shaped and influenced empires.
Without paper or printing, for example, humans wouldn’t have been able to communicate our ideas or our politics as easily or conveniently as we have done. Reading would have remained the occupation of the rich and elite, and would not have reached ordinary people in the way it did. Education would have been just for the privileged few. And it wouldn’t have been only the novels and works of fiction like the works of Shakespeare that the world would have missed. What about the educational books, the information manuals, instruction booklets, travel guides, and recipe books that help inform and teach us? Our lives are influenced by reading today in ways that no one from 500 years ago could possibly have anticipated.
Without the compass, another great Chinese invention, adventurers, sailors and explorers probably wouldn’t have been able to travel around the world with such success, and wouldn’t have visited so many new and exciting countries. As a result, the empires of European countries wouldn’t have grown as rapidly as they did, and the history of North and South America would have had very different outcomes.
Yes, the world’s history would have been very different without Chinese inventions.

1 A lot of Chinese ___ reached the West.
A ideas and inventions B adventurers

2 Chinese inventions influenced history ___.
A all over the globe B only in a small area

3 Some experts think spaghetti came from ___.
A Italy B China

4 Spaghetti ___ and influenced empires.
A shaped B didn’t shape

5 Printing was an important invention; ___.
A it allowed us to communicate more easily
B it allowed rich people to read books

2 points

Read the text. Then read the sentences and choose the appropriate answer. Use CAPITAL letter to write the answer. Only write the corresponding letter: A, B, C, or D for each asnwer..

And the Chinese invented …

Many things which are part of our everyday lives were invented by the Chinese, including fireworks, kites, clocks, acupuncture, silk, paper, books, printing, and ink. The ideas were brought to the West by adventurers and explorers like Marco Polo, where they were adapted and copied. You don’t have to think for long to realize that the world’s history would have been very different without many of these things.
Most people associate spaghetti with Italy, but some experts think that spaghetti originated in China, in the form of noodles. Spaghetti has formed an essential part of Italian life for hundreds of years, and its eastern equivalent, noodles, has fed many millions of people. While the world could probably have survived without spaghetti, some of China’s other inventions have shaped and influenced empires.
Without paper or printing, for example, humans wouldn’t have been able to communicate our ideas or our politics as easily or conveniently as we have done. Reading would have remained the occupation of the rich and elite, and would not have reached ordinary people in the way it did. Education would have been just for the privileged few. And it wouldn’t have been only the novels and works of fiction like the works of Shakespeare that the world would have missed. What about the educational books, the information manuals, instruction booklets, travel guides, and recipe books that help inform and teach us? Our lives are influenced by reading today in ways that no one from 500 years ago could possibly have anticipated.
Without the compass, another great Chinese invention, adventurers, sailors and explorers probably wouldn’t have been able to travel around the world with such success, and wouldn’t have visited so many new and exciting countries. As a result, the empires of European countries wouldn’t have grown as rapidly as they did, and the history of North and South America would have had very different outcomes.
Yes, the world’s history would have been very different without Chinese inventions.

1 A lot of Chinese ___ reached the West.
A ideas and inventions B adventurers

2 Chinese inventions influenced history ___.
A all over the globe B only in a small area

3 Some experts think spaghetti came from ___.
A Italy B China

4 Spaghetti ___ and influenced empires.
A shaped B didn’t shape

5 Printing was an important invention; ___.
A it allowed us to communicate more easily
B it allowed rich people to read books

2 points

Read the text. Then read the sentences and choose the appropriate answer. Use CAPITAL letter to write the answer. Only write the corresponding letter: A, B, C, or D for each asnwer..

And the Chinese invented …

Many things which are part of our everyday lives were invented by the Chinese, including fireworks, kites, clocks, acupuncture, silk, paper, books, printing, and ink. The ideas were brought to the West by adventurers and explorers like Marco Polo, where they were adapted and copied. You don’t have to think for long to realize that the world’s history would have been very different without many of these things.
Most people associate spaghetti with Italy, but some experts think that spaghetti originated in China, in the form of noodles. Spaghetti has formed an essential part of Italian life for hundreds of years, and its eastern equivalent, noodles, has fed many millions of people. While the world could probably have survived without spaghetti, some of China’s other inventions have shaped and influenced empires.
Without paper or printing, for example, humans wouldn’t have been able to communicate our ideas or our politics as easily or conveniently as we have done. Reading would have remained the occupation of the rich and elite, and would not have reached ordinary people in the way it did. Education would have been just for the privileged few. And it wouldn’t have been only the novels and works of fiction like the works of Shakespeare that the world would have missed. What about the educational books, the information manuals, instruction booklets, travel guides, and recipe books that help inform and teach us? Our lives are influenced by reading today in ways that no one from 500 years ago could possibly have anticipated.
Without the compass, another great Chinese invention, adventurers, sailors and explorers probably wouldn’t have been able to travel around the world with such success, and wouldn’t have visited so many new and exciting countries. As a result, the empires of European countries wouldn’t have grown as rapidly as they did, and the history of North and South America would have had very different outcomes.
Yes, the world’s history would have been very different without Chinese inventions.

1 A lot of Chinese ___ reached the West.
A ideas and inventions B adventurers

2 Chinese inventions influenced history ___.
A all over the globe B only in a small area

3 Some experts think spaghetti came from ___.
A Italy B China

4 Spaghetti ___ and influenced empires.
A shaped B didn’t shape

5 Printing was an important invention; ___.
A it allowed us to communicate more easily
B it allowed rich people to read books

2 points

Read the text. Then read the sentences and choose the appropriate answer. Use CAPITAL letter to write the answer. Only write the corresponding letter: A, B, C, or D for each asnwer..

And the Chinese invented …

Many things which are part of our everyday lives were invented by the Chinese, including fireworks, kites, clocks, acupuncture, silk, paper, books, printing, and ink. The ideas were brought to the West by adventurers and explorers like Marco Polo, where they were adapted and copied. You don’t have to think for long to realize that the world’s history would have been very different without many of these things.
Most people associate spaghetti with Italy, but some experts think that spaghetti originated in China, in the form of noodles. Spaghetti has formed an essential part of Italian life for hundreds of years, and its eastern equivalent, noodles, has fed many millions of people. While the world could probably have survived without spaghetti, some of China’s other inventions have shaped and influenced empires.
Without paper or printing, for example, humans wouldn’t have been able to communicate our ideas or our politics as easily or conveniently as we have done. Reading would have remained the occupation of the rich and elite, and would not have reached ordinary people in the way it did. Education would have been just for the privileged few. And it wouldn’t have been only the novels and works of fiction like the works of Shakespeare that the world would have missed. What about the educational books, the information manuals, instruction booklets, travel guides, and recipe books that help inform and teach us? Our lives are influenced by reading today in ways that no one from 500 years ago could possibly have anticipated.
Without the compass, another great Chinese invention, adventurers, sailors and explorers probably wouldn’t have been able to travel around the world with such success, and wouldn’t have visited so many new and exciting countries. As a result, the empires of European countries wouldn’t have grown as rapidly as they did, and the history of North and South America would have had very different outcomes.
Yes, the world’s history would have been very different without Chinese inventions.

1 A lot of Chinese ___ reached the West.
A ideas and inventions B adventurers

2 Chinese inventions influenced history ___.
A all over the globe B only in a small area

3 Some experts think spaghetti came from ___.
A Italy B China

4 Spaghetti ___ and influenced empires.
A shaped B didn’t shape

5 Printing was an important invention; ___.
A it allowed us to communicate more easily
B it allowed rich people to read books

2 points

Read the text. Then read the sentences and choose the appropriate answer. Use CAPITAL letter to write the answer. Only write the corresponding letter: A, B, C, or D for each asnwer..

And the Chinese invented …

Many things which are part of our everyday lives were invented by the Chinese, including fireworks, kites, clocks, acupuncture, silk, paper, books, printing, and ink. The ideas were brought to the West by adventurers and explorers like Marco Polo, where they were adapted and copied. You don’t have to think for long to realize that the world’s history would have been very different without many of these things.
Most people associate spaghetti with Italy, but some experts think that spaghetti originated in China, in the form of noodles. Spaghetti has formed an essential part of Italian life for hundreds of years, and its eastern equivalent, noodles, has fed many millions of people. While the world could probably have survived without spaghetti, some of China’s other inventions have shaped and influenced empires.
Without paper or printing, for example, humans wouldn’t have been able to communicate our ideas or our politics as easily or conveniently as we have done. Reading would have remained the occupation of the rich and elite, and would not have reached ordinary people in the way it did. Education would have been just for the privileged few. And it wouldn’t have been only the novels and works of fiction like the works of Shakespeare that the world would have missed. What about the educational books, the information manuals, instruction booklets, travel guides, and recipe books that help inform and teach us? Our lives are influenced by reading today in ways that no one from 500 years ago could possibly have anticipated.
Without the compass, another great Chinese invention, adventurers, sailors and explorers probably wouldn’t have been able to travel around the world with such success, and wouldn’t have visited so many new and exciting countries. As a result, the empires of European countries wouldn’t have grown as rapidly as they did, and the history of North and South America would have had very different outcomes.
Yes, the world’s history would have been very different without Chinese inventions.

1 A lot of Chinese ___ reached the West.
A ideas and inventions B adventurers

2 Chinese inventions influenced history ___.
A all over the globe B only in a small area

3 Some experts think spaghetti came from ___.
A Italy B China

4 Spaghetti ___ and influenced empires.
A shaped B didn’t shape

5 Printing was an important invention; ___.
A it allowed us to communicate more easily
B it allowed rich people to read books

20 points

Follow the teacher instructions. Based on page 66 - 67
2 points
Listen to the radio show about Tutankhamun and choose True or False. Please write True or False only. Use initial capital letter.

1 Tutankhamum’s tomb was discovered in 1922 by an English archeologist.
True / False

2 Archeologists have learned a lot from the objects that they found in the tomb.
True / False

3 Archeologists think he might have been 80 or 90 years old when he became a pharaoh.
True / False

4 We know that he did lots of hunting and swimming.
True / False

5 He must have played lots of board games as a child because they were found in his tomb
True / False

1. ___________
2 points
Listen to the radio show about Tutankhamun and choose True or False. Please write True or False only. Use initial capital letter.

1 Tutankhamum’s tomb was discovered in 1922 by an English archeologist.
True / False

2 Archeologists have learned a lot from the objects that they found in the tomb.
True / False

3 Archeologists think he might have been 80 or 90 years old when he became a pharaoh.
True / False

4 We know that he did lots of hunting and swimming.
True / False

5 He must have played lots of board games as a child because they were found in his tomb
True / False

2. ___________
2 points
Listen to the radio show about Tutankhamun and choose True or False. Please write True or False only. Use initial capital letter.

1 Tutankhamum’s tomb was discovered in 1922 by an English archeologist.
True / False

2 Archeologists have learned a lot from the objects that they found in the tomb.
True / False

3 Archeologists think he might have been 80 or 90 years old when he became a pharaoh.
True / False

4 We know that he did lots of hunting and swimming.
True / False

5 He must have played lots of board games as a child because they were found in his tomb
True / False

3. ___________
2 points
Listen to the radio show about Tutankhamun and choose True or False. Please write True or False only. Use initial capital letter.

1 Tutankhamum’s tomb was discovered in 1922 by an English archeologist.
True / False

2 Archeologists have learned a lot from the objects that they found in the tomb.
True / False

3 Archeologists think he might have been 80 or 90 years old when he became a pharaoh.
True / False

4 We know that he did lots of hunting and swimming.
True / False

5 He must have played lots of board games as a child because they were found in his tomb
True / False

4. ___________
2 points
Listen to the radio show about Tutankhamun and choose True or False. Please write True or False only. Use initial capital letter.

1 Tutankhamum’s tomb was discovered in 1922 by an English archeologist.
True / False

2 Archeologists have learned a lot from the objects that they found in the tomb.
True / False

3 Archeologists think he might have been 80 or 90 years old when he became a pharaoh.
True / False

4 We know that he did lots of hunting and swimming.
True / False

5 He must have played lots of board games as a child because they were found in his tomb
True / False

5. ___________