Reading and writing - goal 1 - seventh grade - third term

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1 point

A. Complete the sentences with the words and present progressive form of the verbs in parentheses. (Use lowercase)

1 Where _________________ on Saturday? (they, go)
2 points
2 _________________ outside the museum at 10:00. (we, meet)
2 points
3 What time _________________ lunch? (they, have)
1 point
4 _________________ a boat trip with us? (she, take)
2 points
5 _________________ for a bus tour around the city. (they, not go)
2 points
6 When _________________ for the show? (they, leave)
2 points
7 ______________ lunch together tomorrow? (you, have)
2 points
D. Read and complete the conversation. For each number 1–8 choose the right option.

Jan: Can you make spaghetti? I’m hungry.
Pedro: Yes, it’s easy. I need (1) ____ cheese,
(2) ____ tomatoes, ham, and (3) ____ olive.
Jan: Just one olive?
Pedro: Yes, I don’t like them. It’s for you.
Jan: Oh, thanks.
Pedro: Right, (4) ____ tomatoes are there?
Jan: Four. Is that enough? And (5) ____ cheese do you want?
Pedro: Yes, and give me all the cheese.
Jan: Right, now is there (6) ____ garlic?
Pedro: Oh no, not garlic. I hate garlic.
Jan: It’s OK. I don’t have (7) ____ garlic. I’ll buy (8) ____ more tomorrow.

1. ____________
2 points
Jan: Can you make spaghetti? I’m hungry.
Pedro: Yes, it’s easy. I need (1) ____ cheese,
(2) ____ tomatoes, ham, and (3) ____ olive.
Jan: Just one olive?
Pedro: Yes, I don’t like them. It’s for you.
Jan: Oh, thanks.
Pedro: Right, (4) ____ tomatoes are there?
Jan: Four. Is that enough? And (5) ____ cheese do you want?
Pedro: Yes, and give me all the cheese.
Jan: Right, now is there (6) ____ garlic?
Pedro: Oh no, not garlic. I hate garlic.
Jan: It’s OK. I don’t have (7) ____ garlic. I’ll buy (8) ____ more tomorrow.

2. ____________
2 points
Jan: Can you make spaghetti? I’m hungry.
Pedro: Yes, it’s easy. I need (1) ____ cheese,
(2) ____ tomatoes, ham, and (3) ____ olive.
Jan: Just one olive?
Pedro: Yes, I don’t like them. It’s for you.
Jan: Oh, thanks.
Pedro: Right, (4) ____ tomatoes are there?
Jan: Four. Is that enough? And (5) ____ cheese do you want?
Pedro: Yes, and give me all the cheese.
Jan: Right, now is there (6) ____ garlic?
Pedro: Oh no, not garlic. I hate garlic.
Jan: It’s OK. I don’t have (7) ____ garlic. I’ll buy (8) ____ more tomorrow.

3. _______________
2 points
Jan: Can you make spaghetti? I’m hungry.
Pedro: Yes, it’s easy. I need (1) ____ cheese,
(2) ____ tomatoes, ham, and (3) ____ olive.
Jan: Just one olive?
Pedro: Yes, I don’t like them. It’s for you.
Jan: Oh, thanks.
Pedro: Right, (4) ____ tomatoes are there?
Jan: Four. Is that enough? And (5) ____ cheese do you want?
Pedro: Yes, and give me all the cheese.
Jan: Right, now is there (6) ____ garlic?
Pedro: Oh no, not garlic. I hate garlic.
Jan: It’s OK. I don’t have (7) ____ garlic. I’ll buy (8) ____ more tomorrow.

4. _________________
2 points
Jan: Can you make spaghetti? I’m hungry.
Pedro: Yes, it’s easy. I need (1) ____ cheese,
(2) ____ tomatoes, ham, and (3) ____ olive.
Jan: Just one olive?
Pedro: Yes, I don’t like them. It’s for you.
Jan: Oh, thanks.
Pedro: Right, (4) ____ tomatoes are there?
Jan: Four. Is that enough? And (5) ____ cheese do you want?
Pedro: Yes, and give me all the cheese.
Jan: Right, now is there (6) ____ garlic?
Pedro: Oh no, not garlic. I hate garlic.
Jan: It’s OK. I don’t have (7) ____ garlic. I’ll buy (8) ____ more tomorrow.

5. ______________
2 points
Jan: Can you make spaghetti? I’m hungry.
Pedro: Yes, it’s easy. I need (1) ____ cheese,
(2) ____ tomatoes, ham, and (3) ____ olive.
Jan: Just one olive?
Pedro: Yes, I don’t like them. It’s for you.
Jan: Oh, thanks.
Pedro: Right, (4) ____ tomatoes are there?
Jan: Four. Is that enough? And (5) ____ cheese do you want?
Pedro: Yes, and give me all the cheese.
Jan: Right, now is there (6) ____ garlic?
Pedro: Oh no, not garlic. I hate garlic.
Jan: It’s OK. I don’t have (7) ____ garlic. I’ll buy (8) ____ more tomorrow.

6. _____________________
2 points
Jan: Can you make spaghetti? I’m hungry.
Pedro: Yes, it’s easy. I need (1) ____ cheese,
(2) ____ tomatoes, ham, and (3) ____ olive.
Jan: Just one olive?
Pedro: Yes, I don’t like them. It’s for you.
Jan: Oh, thanks.
Pedro: Right, (4) ____ tomatoes are there?
Jan: Four. Is that enough? And (5) ____ cheese do you want?
Pedro: Yes, and give me all the cheese.
Jan: Right, now is there (6) ____ garlic?
Pedro: Oh no, not garlic. I hate garlic.
Jan: It’s OK. I don’t have (7) ____ garlic. I’ll buy (8) ____ more tomorrow.

7. _____________
2 points
Jan: Can you make spaghetti? I’m hungry.
Pedro: Yes, it’s easy. I need (1) ____ cheese,
(2) ____ tomatoes, ham, and (3) ____ olive.
Jan: Just one olive?
Pedro: Yes, I don’t like them. It’s for you.
Jan: Oh, thanks.
Pedro: Right, (4) ____ tomatoes are there?
Jan: Four. Is that enough? And (5) ____ cheese do you want?
Pedro: Yes, and give me all the cheese.
Jan: Right, now is there (6) ____ garlic?
Pedro: Oh no, not garlic. I hate garlic.
Jan: It’s OK. I don’t have (7) ____ garlic. I’ll buy (8) ____ more tomorrow.

8. _____________
2 points
Choose the correct words.

1. Try not to make too ___________ noise.
1 point
2. I don’t like it here. There are too ___________________ tourists
1 point

Complete the sentences with the correct words.

D __ __ __ __ foods include milk, cheese and butter.
1 point

Complete the sentences with the correct words.

My doctor says I should drink two liters of w __ __ __ __ a day.
1 point

Complete the sentences with the correct words.

You can get red, green, and yellow p __ __ __ __ __ __. They are good on pizza or with pasta in a tomato sauce.
1 point

Complete the sentences with the correct words.

I love the garlic b __ __ __ __ in Pizza Paradise.
1 point

Complete the sentences with the correct words.

You should eat five portions of fruit and v __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ a day.
2 points

Read the text. Choose the correct option (yes, no, or don’t know).

About Ambledown Farm

AMBLEDOWN FARM offers the best visitor facilities in the area:
* Good prices with longer stay discount
* 5 minutes from bus
* 20 minutes walk to train station
* 72 beds in a large old-fashioned farmhouse
* Clean, comfortable, and warm
* Children welcome
* Manager on site
* Mountain and valley walks from the doorstep
* Central heating
* Laundry facilities
* Clean, comfortable, and secure
* No smoking
* Delicious dairy products in the small shop
About Deepdene Farm

Escape to this wonderfully relaxed place in the heart of Deepdene. 19 rooms with radiant heating and private bathrooms. Breakfast included. Washing machines, tourist information, restaurant serving fresh farm produce. Sitting room with satellite TV.
No smoking.

Things to do: There are two restaurants in the town, a sailing school, and a watersports center.

How to get there: Opposite the church, next to Deepdene garage and the post office. The bus from the train station stops outside the farm.

1. Ambledown Farm is near a bus stop
2 points
2. Deepdeene Farm is in the mountains.
2 points
You can wash your clothes in Ambledown Farm.
2 points
Ambledown Farm has a TV.
2 points
Ambledown Farm is a good place for sailing.
2 points
Deepdeene Farm is in a town.
2 points
This farm is good for someone with a family.
2 points

Listen to the following conversation about food and choose the correct answer.

1. What time of day does this conversation take place?

2 points

Listen to the following conversation about food and choose the correct answer.

2. Why doesn't the father give his son something to eat?

2 points

Listen to the following conversation about food and choose the correct answer.

3. What snack does the boy want at the beginning of the conversation?

2 points

4. Which one food does the father NOT offer to his son for a snack?

2 points
5. What does the father ask the boy to do while he is preparing the snack?

20 points
WRITING: Write a summary of 70 - 90 words of chapters 1 and 2 of the reading plan book. Give your opinion ABOUT THE STORY.
20 points

Look for a classmate and create a two-minute conversation in a restaurant. One of you is the waiter and the other one is the waitress. Bring materials, etc.